Other Requirements

Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Student Forum

This monthly forum provides you an opportunity to network, share program information and discuss your research project with other students.

CTS Journal Club

The CTS Journal Club meets monthly. At each meeting, one participant chooses — with input from his or her mentor — an original research article and leads a discussion about it. Articles can address any aspect of translational research from laboratory-based science to clinical trials.

Annual progress reports

Each year, you'll be asked to complete a progress report with your mentor, which will be reviewed by the CCaTS Predoctoral Programs Committee and submitted to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The progress report template will be provided in February each year by the CCaTS predoctoral programs education specialist and must be returned by March 1.

Grant citation

The NIH requires that the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) grant be cited by authors who received funding through CCaTS or used any CCaTS services to support their research. Read more about how to cite the grant.

Outcomes reporting

You'll be asked to submit a current curriculum vitae each year that documents your current publications, grant support and other accomplishments. After graduation, you'll be surveyed annually to update this information for purposes of outcome reporting to NIH.

Training grant funding

Some Ph.D. and M.D.-Ph.D. students in the clinical and translational science track receive stipend support from an NIH institutional training grant, which is part of the CTSA grant. If you are supported by this training grant, you must:

  • Complete a Statement of Appointment form (PHS 2271) each year
  • Acknowledge the training grant in all publications resulting from your doctoral studies
  • Complete a Termination Notice form (PHS 416-7) upon termination of training grant support