Trial Innovation Network

The Trial Innovation Network was started by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2017 to help researchers carry out multicenter clinical trials better, faster and more cost-efficiently, and to create a national laboratory to study, understand and innovate the process of conducting clinical trials.

The Trial Innovation Network leverages the expertise and resources of the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program to focus on operational innovation, operational excellence and collaboration. It brings together CTSA centers, Trial Innovation Centers and the NIH Recruitment Innovation Center to advance how researchers across the country envision and carry out clinical trials. Learn more on the Trial Innovation Network website.

Resources for investigators

As a CTSA center, Mayo Clinic is by extension a hub of the Trial Innovation Network. The network offers Mayo Clinic investigators access to a broad range of services and consultations to improve the way they create and conduct clinical trials and studies. These resources complement those available through CCaTS and include:

  • Help with trial planning
  • Recruitment feasibility assessment and recruitment tools
  • Cohort discovery by electronic health record
  • Assistance with site selection
  • Single IRB review for all sites
  • Standardized agreement


The Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCaTS) serves as Mayo Clinic's liaison for the Trial Innovation Network.

For more information about submitting a proposal or to arrange for an appointment by phone or web meeting for your group, contact Laura M. Meiners, M.B.A., Mayo Clinic liaison team to the Trial Innovation Network.