Funding Opportunities

CCaTS offers several programs that provide intramural funding for clinical research at Mayo Clinic.

  • Benefactor-Funded Research Early-Career Development Awards — These awards support junior faculty members in their efforts to become independent clinical and translational investigators or established investigators interested in a new career path. Each year, opportunities are available in several specialty areas. These awards are made possible through benefactor gifts.
  • Benefactor-Funded Research Mid-Career Development Awards — This awards program provides support and opportunities for faculty members who are already established in their careers and are seeking to advance their research pursuits. The awards assist mid-career researchers in obtaining grant funding for their research projects and fostering their transition toward independence. These awards are made possible through benefactor gifts.
  • CCaTS-CBD Pilot Awards for Team Science — CCaTS and the Center for Biomedical Discovery (CBD) support pilot awards to help develop clinical-basic partnerships in translational projects that have the potential to impact clinical practice and enhance team science at Mayo Clinic. CCaTS-CBD awards up to six grants of $75,000 in direct costs for one year.
  • CCaTS-CIM Precision Medicine Award — CCaTS and the Center for Individualized Medicine (CIM) offer funds to support research on rare diseases at Mayo Clinic. The CCaTS-CIM Precision Medicine Award provides up to two grants of as much as $50,000 for one year, which includes direct and indirect costs.
  • Community Health: Assessment and Improvement Measures Program (CHAMP) — This program seeks to improve and promote the health of the community by disseminating and implementing new tools and programs of proven efficacy, addressing barriers to implementation of effective therapies, or developing new and sustainable community health interventions.
  • Innovation in Aging Award — CCaTS and the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging offer funds to support early-stage investigators pursuing novel aging research that has the potential to impact geriatric patient care. Funds include as many as four awards of up to $50,000 per year for direct costs. The award also provides up to $15,000 per year for indirect study-related costs. With this 30% indirect rate, the annual award totals $65,000.
  • Innovation in Clinical Trial Design Award — CCaTS offers funds to support investigators in the development and evaluation of new clinical trial designs. Award funds total $50,000 a year for direct and indirect costs.
  • Small Grants Program — This program provides funding to departments and divisions for clinical and translational research projects that require only limited resources from $5,000 to $10,000. Allocations are made directly to each clinical department or division based on the number of staff employed. Departments and divisions use their own research committees to provide peer review and to grant individual awards.
  • Translational Product Development Fund — This program aims to improve the lives of Minnesota citizens by translating research discoveries into new therapies and treatment approaches for patients.
