Program Evaluation

The Metrics and Evaluation Program supports the strategic management of CCaTS, generating timely data to show how CCaTS is meeting its goals and where process improvements are needed. Using a comprehensive evaluation plan, the program assesses each element of CCaTS performance to aid in short-term and long-term management and to measure the impact of the services CCaTS provides. Highlights of this work are listed at right.

The program is led by Katherine Cornelius, with oversight from the CCaTS Metrics & Evaluation Steering Committee. The Metrics and Evaluation Team uses both quantitative and qualitative methods and a range of evaluation theories to support their work.

Members of the Metrics and Evaluation Team are involved in numerous professional associations with ties to evaluation in translational science. These include:

  • American Evaluation Association
  • Association for Clinical and Translational Science

Common Metrics Initiative

The National Center for Advancing Translational Science Common Metrics Initiative created a shared set of metrics recommended for use by all Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) funded institutions. CCaTS has been involved with this initiative since its inception and reports annually on defined metrics. Members of the CCaTS leadership team have been involved with the creation and piloting of these metrics and have served on continuous improvement workgroups. These efforts have refined the metrics to make the more broadly applicable. This initiative has developed the following set of common metrics:

  • Careers in Clinical and Translational Science (TL1 and KL2)
  • Informatics

Multi-Hub Evaluation Projects

Members of the Metrics and Evaluation Team routinely partner with evaluators at other CTSA hubs to collaborate on common evaluation themes and to generate joint evaluations. Example collaborations include:

  • Evaluation of KL2 Scholar productivity using bibliometrics
  • Case Studies in Clinical and Translational Research
  • Bibliometric Workgroup