Rural Health Research Core

Why rural health?

Federal agencies estimate that approximately 15% to 19% of U.S. residents, about 56 million people in 2020, live in rural areas. People living away from major population centers are less likely to have access to quality health care, including primary care, emergency care, mental health treatment and public health services. This can have a significant impact on diagnosing and treating illness, and on overall well-being. This is why the Rural Health Research Core was formed.

Overview of the Rural Health Research Core

The goal of the Rural Health Research Core is to nurture research that cultivates the unique strengths of people in rural communities while working to overcome geographical digital barriers to health improvement.

Rural Health Research Core services and resources

The Rural Health Research Core provides services and resources to Mayo Clinic investigators at all campuses and to community members and organizations interested in improving the health of rural communities in the Midwest — Olmsted and Mayo Clinic Health System counties in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa.

These services include: