Allyson K. Palmer

Why did you choose research as a career?

I'm interested in basic science research as an avenue to increase our understanding of human disease and improve the standard of care for patients.

What attracted you to Mayo Graduate School?

A supportive environment is vital for success in Ph.D. training, and the faculty of Mayo Graduate School has a strong interest in the success of its students. I was also impressed by the breadth of research that goes on at Mayo Clinic and the vast opportunities for translational research that come along with completing your graduate training at a large, top-tier medical institution.

Why did you choose the clinical and translational science track?

The clinical and translational science track provides a solid basis in epidemiology, statistics and clinical study design that will be useful for a career in translational research, while providing flexibility for me to pursue my interests in basic science.

What do you like about Rochester, Minn.?

I like the ease of living in Rochester. I don't have to deal with rush hour, the cost of living is relatively low and everything I need day-to-day is within a 10-minute drive. It is easy to focus on my training while living in Rochester.

What are your plans for the future?

I hope to become a clinical geriatrician with expertise in the basic biology of aging and regenerative biology. I want to help translate some of the great advances that have been made in regenerative biology to the aging and elderly population.