Research-Related Media Production Services

The Biomedical Imaging Resource Core provides unique tools and expertise to assist clients in the creation, editing, printing and publishing of data.

Large-format poster printing

Core services include poster layout, graphic design of poster elements and final printing on a large-format poster printer.

  • Large-format 42-inch Canon inkjet printer that generates high-quality posters for presentation
  • Multiple paper options, including semigloss photo paper, coated bond paper and others
  • Routine printing of unique durable and foldable posters that transport easily
  • Rapid response, including same-day delivery when possible

3D model printing

The core can design and produce patient-specific models for presurgical simulation, prototyping, patient education and more.

  • Ability to generate large working volume phantoms (10"x14"x8")
  • Full 24-bit color and text overlays available
  • Support for accurate phantoms of humans, animals, biological tissue (cells) or custom prosthetics
  • Additional materials, including polyvinyl alcohol and platinum silicone, available for model construction

Animation and video production

The core can create, animate, edit and record video or visualization sequences from image data or modeling software.

  • Videos and animations generated directly from research data
  • Additional post-processing can highlight key features of data or results
  • Both industry-standard and custom software tools available for highly customized visualization
  • Ability to generate multiple animation and video products for publication, presentation and collaboration