Facilities and Equipment

The Biomedical Imaging Resource Core is built around a cutting-edge, secure server room, which houses imaging data and provides the computational power necessary to process client data. The room includes a fully redundant power infrastructure and is connected to the Mayo Clinic campuses and internet. Data are seamlessly transmitted between client sites and Biomedical Imaging Resource Core servers.

Server technology includes:

  • Redundant virtual machine infrastructure for project-specific server implementations
  • Several computational servers designed for process automation
  • Fully redundant disk arrays to efficiently and securely store up to 150 terabytes of imaging data and results
  • A backup system to ensure data are safe
  • Optical media technology for archiving projects

Outside of the server room, Biomedical Imaging Resource Core staff works in an environment optimized for image software development and image analysis. Staff members each have their own high-powered workstations for data processing.

The Biomedical Imaging Resource Core also features radiology review space, a multimedia production center, shared high-performance computational workstations and a model construction lab.

Available technologies and equipment include:

  • High-performance radiology review workstations with dual 24-inch monitors
  • 3D printer for constructing patient-specific anatomical models
  • Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and platinum silicone model construction workspace
  • Computational graphics processing unit (GPU) workstations
  • State-of-the-art poster printing technology with new synthetic, foldable poster paper