Custom Imaging Hardware and Software Solutions

For large imaging studies, efficiency and reproducibility are two key issues. The Biomedical Imaging Resource Core provides custom software, hardware and image-guidance solutions to ensure efficient processing and reproducible results.

Custom software development

Key features of custom software developed by the core include:

  • Efficient, automated processing pipelines
  • Interactive annotation and editing tools
  • Open-source and proprietary solutions
  • Support of many different technologies (including ITK, VTK, OpenGL, Inventor, Qt, Tcl/Tk, AVW, MATLAB and Python)

Custom workstation configurations

Custom workstations built and supported by the core may include:

  • Large arrays of disk and RAM
  • High-end GPU and CPU computation
  • Windows and Linux platforms
  • Custom add-on boards (including signal capture devices)

Custom image-guidance solutions

The core can support research in new image-guidance procedures by:

  • Developing hardware and software guidance systems
  • Constructing anthropomorphic phantoms for testing
  • Designing validation experiments
  • Providing in-depth training on existing or new procedures