
Mayo Clinic's Biomedical Imaging Resource Core in Rochester, Minnesota, focuses on supporting and advancing research in biomedical imaging and visualization sciences.

Study teams at Mayo and around the world utilize the core to facilitate their research through reproducible image analysis and robust data management. The core provides guidance on protocol design, routine image analysis, and custom software and hardware solutions. Additionally, media and model production resources are available to investigators for the creation of high-quality visualizations and physical models of research data.

Core staff includes scientific and technical experts with more than seven decades of combined imaging experience.

As a trusted and reliable resource for clinical investigators, the Biomedical Imaging Resource Core allows investigators to stay focused on their own research — rather than having to become imaging experts themselves. By enabling efficient and high-quality imaging research, the core helps speed the movement of promising therapies from the lab to the patient.

The Biomedical Imaging Resource Core provides services to all Mayo Clinic faculty and staff engaged in research. Additionally, services may be available on a limited basis to investigators and research collaborators outside Mayo Clinic. Before scheduling, contact the core to design optimal settings for the specified imaging task.