Translational Product Development Fund (TPDF)

Mayo Clinic's CCaTS Office of Translation to Practice (OTP) leveraged support from the state of Minnesota to establish the Translational Product Development Fund (TPDF) with the University of Minnesota Clinical and Translational Science Institute, in conjunction with the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics. This program provides support to University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic investigators.

TPDF provides:

  • State funds for individual awards of varying amounts are available to researchers in Minnesota
  • Access to an Office of Translation to Practice technology development team

All funded projects have clearly established milestones. Investigators monitor milestone progression in collaboration with a technology development team. Funds do not cover principal investigator effort.

The award supports the advancement of projects that have the potential to be commercialized, such as projects to form a startup company or create a license agreement with an established commercial entity. Selected projects may advance clinical practice through product development. TPDF at Mayo Clinic is administered by the Office of Translation to Practice through the OTP Innovation Accelerator Awards.


Roberto Zayas Nazario, Ph.D., J.D.