Clinical Trialist Training Program

The Clinical Trialist Training Program (CTTP) aims to develop clinical trialists specifically equipped to design and conduct prospective clinical trials. The program engages new investigators who will aim to develop a clinical trial portfolio, including multisite clinical trials.

A clinical trialist is responsible for all aspects of a clinical trial including:

  • Concept and protocol development.
  • IRB approval.
  • Recruitment of participants.
  • Informed consent.
  • Data collection and analysis.
  • Financial management.
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance and ethical conduct of all trial activities.

The program includes didactic and mentored experiential components to assist trainees in the development of skills essential to leading clinical trials. All activities are guided by an individualized development plan, which is agreed upon by the trainee, mentors and program leadership prior to matriculation.


  • Effort commitment of 40% protected time is expected.
  • Trainees will receive 20% effort support from CCaTS for two years.
  • Trainee's division or department will provide an additional 20% effort support for two years.


  • Mayo Clinic senior associate consultant or consultant within seven years of initial appointment. Exceptions to this time frame may be considered with appropriate justification and should be explained in your personal statement.
  • Doctoral degree in a relevant clinical discipline.
  • Identified primary mentor in area of clinical trial expertise.
  • NOTE: Individuals are not eligible for K-award and CTTP support concurrently.

Program components

  • Didactic clinical and translational science courses through Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (log in to the Mayo Clinic network to view).
  • Experiential rotations in various institutional clinical trial support offices.
  • Design and development of a pilot clinical trial.

Application information

  • Application request. Application forms and information can be found on our intranet site. Log in to the Mayo Clinic network to access.
  • Letter of intent. Submission of a letter of intent is not required but encouraged.
  • Letters of intent should be submitted to: CCaTS Education Programs by Nov. 15.
  • Full application. Your application packet is due by Jan. 1.
    • Applicants will be notified by March 31.
    • Trainees selected will begin on July 1.


The CCaTS Education Contacts page contains a list of team members who can assist you with questions.