Photograph of principal investigators, left to right, Sarah E. Kingsbury, Au.D., Jan Stepanek, M.D., M.P.H., Michael J. Cevette, Ph.D., and Gaurav N. Pradhan, Ph.D. Studying extremes

From left to right, Drs. Kingsbury, Stepanek, Cevette and Pradhan bring together their expertise to study spatial disorientation, G-force blackout, acceleration and the effects of extreme altitudes.


The Aerospace Medicine and Vestibular Research Laboratory investigates human exposure to high and extreme altitudes, acceleration, and spatial disorientation.

Our lab also studies the ability to influence and enhance spatial orientation with galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS). Our research also encompasses the mitigation of motion and simulator sickness, which has broad relevance in flight simulation.

The lab is led by Michael J. Cevette, Ph.D., and Jan Stepanek, M.D., M.P.H. Working with Drs. Cevette and Stepanek are Gaurav N. Pradhan, Ph.D., and Sarah E. Kingsbury, Au.D.

Our research team uses a variety of tools to study the hearing and vestibular system, including:

  • Rotary chair to record involuntary eye movements (nystagmus).
  • Computerized dynamic posturography to assess influences on standing balance.
  • Multiaxis rotation in a dynamic computer-driven chair system to assess integration of vision and vestibular inputs during head movement.
  • A novel computerized recording tool to perceive movement.
  • High-definition video camera systems with infrared capability and eye-tracking system.
  • Novel neurocognitive testing to assess cognitive impairment and performance.
  • Immersive audio system to play generative soundscapes.

Tools for investigating parameters of relevance for acceleration tolerance in a centrifuge environment include:

  • Noninvasive central blood pressure recording via applanation tonometry.
  • Noninvasive peripheral blood pressure recording via photoplethysmographic methods, including relevant hemodynamic parameters, such as cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance.

Our lab also uses these tools to enhance the efficiency of the anti-G straining maneuver (M-1, L-1) and to assess the impact of a G-suit on relevant hemodynamic parameters.

Methods we use to investigate the high-altitude environment include:

  • Oximetry.
  • Cerebral near infrared spectroscopy.
  • Sidestream capnometry.
  • Mixed gas high-altitude simulation systems.

Novel services offered include:

  • Capnic challenge testing.
  • Hypoxic echocardiography.
  • Hypocapnic echocardiography.

About the principal investigators

The Aerospace Medicine and Vestibular Research Lab is based at Mayo Clinic's campus in Arizona under the leadership of Drs. Cevette and Stepanek.

Dr. Cevette is an audiologist at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, and a professor of audiology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Read more about Dr. Cevette.

Dr. Stepanek is an aerospace medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix and Scottsdale and an associate professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Read more about Dr. Stepanek.

Dr. Pradhan is a research scientist with expertise in computer and mathematical models and simulations and an associate professor of biomedical informatics at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Dr. Pradhan also is director of the Sensory Integration Laboratory at Mayo Clinic. Read more about Dr. Pradhan.

Dr. Kingsbury is an audiologist with research experience in tinnitus and clinical expertise in amplification, cochlear implants and vestibular assessment. She also is an assistant professor of audiology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Read more about Dr. Kingsbury.