
  1. Stepanek J, Farina JM, Mahmoud AK, Chao CJ, Alsidawi S, Ayoub C, Barry T, Pereyra M, Scalia IG, Abbas MT, Wraith RE, Brown LS, Radavich MS, Curtisi PJ, Hartzendorf PC, Lasota EM, Umetsu KN, Peterson JM, Karlson KE, Breznak K, Fortuin DF, Lester SJ, Arsanjani R. Identifying the Causes of Unexplained Dyspnea at High Altitude Using Normobaric Hypoxia with Echocardiography. J Imaging. 2024 Jan 31; 10 (2)
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  2. Stepanek J, Blue RS, Connolly D. Pulmonary Function in Human Spaceflight. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Oct; 44 (5):696-704 Epub 2023 July 17
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  3. Pradhan GN, Galvan-Garza RC, Perez AM, Stepanek J, Cevette MJ. Visual Vestibular Conflict Mitigation in Virtual Reality Using Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2022 May 1; 93 (5):406-414
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  4. Pradhan GN, Hagen KM, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Oculo-cognitive addition test: quantifying cognitive performance during variable cognitive workload through eye movement features. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2022. 2022; 422-30
  5. Pradhan GN, Ottestad W, Meland A, Kasin JI, Hoiseth LO, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Oculometric Feature Changes During Acute Hypoxia in a Simulated High-Altitude Airdrop Scenario. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2021 Dec 1; 92 (12):928-936
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  6. Sides MB, Johnston SL 3rd, Sirek A, Lee PH, Blue RS, Antonsen EL, Basner M, Douglas GL, Epstein A, Flynn-Evans EE, Gallagher MB, Hayes J, Lee SMC, Lockley SW, Monseur B, Nelson NG, Sargsyan A, Smith SM, Stenger MB, Stepanek J, Zwart SR. Bellagio II Report: Terrestrial Applications of Space Medicine Research. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2021 Aug 1; 92 (8):650-669
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  7. Stepanek J, Dunn RA, Pradhan GN, Cevette MJ. Supplemental CO(2) improves oxygen saturation, oxygen tension(,) and cerebral oxygenation in acutely hypoxic healthy subjects. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8 (14):e14513
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  8. Stewart GM, Wheatley-Guy CM, Morris NR, Coffman KE, Stepanek J, Carlson AR, Issa A, Schmidt MA, Johnson BD. Myocardial adaptability in young and older-aged sea-level habitants sojourning at Mt Kilimanjaro: are cardiac compensatory limits reached in older trekkers? Eur J Appl Physiol. 2020 Apr; 120 (4):799-809 Epub 2020 Feb 19
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  9. Pradhan GN, Bogle JM, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Discovering Oculometric Patterns to Detect Cognitive Performance Changes in Healthy Youth Football Athletes. J Healthc Inform Res. 2019 Dec; 3(4):371-392. Epub 2019 Feb 08.
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  10. Stepanek J, Blue RS, Parazynski S. Space Medicine in the Era of Civilian Spaceflight. N Engl J Med. 2019 Mar 14; 380 (11):1053-1060
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  11. Cevette MJ, Stepanek J, Pradhan G. Letter to the Editor re: The Persistent Issue of Simulator Sickness in Naval Aviation Training: Letter. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018 Oct 1; 89 (10):931
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  12. Pradhan GN, Bogle J, Kleindienst S, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Correlating Multi-dimensional Oculometrics with Cognitive Performance in Healthy Youth Athletes. J Healthc Inform Res. 2018 Jun; 2(1-2):132-151. Epub 2017 Nov 27.
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  13. Cross TJ, Wheatley C, Stewart GM, Coffman K, Carlson A, Stepanek J, Morris NR, Johnson BD. The influence of thoracic gas compression and airflow density dependence on the assessment of pulmonary function at high altitude. Physiol Rep. 2018 Mar; 6 (6):e13576
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  14. Ottestad W, Hansen TA, Pradhan G, Stepanek J, Hoiseth LO, Kasin JI. Acute hypoxia in a simulated high-altitude airdrop scenario due to oxygen system failure. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2017 Dec 1; 123 (6):1443-1450 Epub 2017 Aug 24
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  15. Will KK, Stepanek J, Brewer KK, Colquist JA, Cruz JE, Donald CB, Hartsell ZC, Hust SJ, Lowell AA, Markiewicz KA, Panchmatia B, Shelton AT, Novais BS, Wilson R. Interprofessional orientation for health professionals utilising simulated learning: Findings from a pilot study. J Interprof Care. 2016; 30(2):254-6. Epub 2016 Mar 01.
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  16. Townsend RR, Black HR, Chirinos JA, Feig PU, Ferdinand KC, Germain M, Rosendorff C, Steigerwalt SP, Stepanek JA. Clinical Use of Pulse Wave Analysis: Proceedings From a Symposium Sponsored by North American Artery. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 Jul; 17 (7):503-13 Epub 2015 May 23
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  17. Stepanek J, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Smith BE, Bartlett J, Studer M, Kuhn F, Cevette MJ. Acute hypoxic hypoxia and isocapnic hypoxia effects on oculometric features. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2014; 85(7):700-7.
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  18. Cevette MJ, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Crowell MD, Galea AM, Bartlett J, Stepanek J. Electrogastrographic and autonomic responses during oculovestibular recoupling in flight simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2014 Jan; 85 (1):15-24
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  19. Wilson RD, Bailey M, Boyle ME, Seifert KM, Cortez KY, Baker LJ, Hovan MJ, Hovan MJ, Stepanek J, Cook CB. Description and preliminary evaluation of a diabetes technology simulation course. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2013 Nov 1; 7 (6):1561-6 Epub 2013 Nov 01
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  20. Stepanek J, Cocco D, Pradhan GN, Smith BE, Bartlett J, Studer M, Kuhn F, Cevette MJ. Early detection of hypoxia-lnduced cognitive impairment using the King-Devick test. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Oct; 84 (10):1017-22
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  21. Cevette MJ, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Crowell MD, Galea AM, Bartlett J, Stepanek J. Electrogastrographic and autonomic responses during oculovestibular recoupling in flight simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013; 84:1-10.
  22. Cevette MJ, Stepanek J, Cocco D, Galea AM, Pradhan GN, Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Smith BE, Zapala DA, Brookler KH. Oculo-vestibular recoupling using galvanic vestibular stimulation to mitigate simulator sickness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2012 Jun; 83 (6):549-55
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  23. Cevette MJ, Cocco D, Pradhan GN, Galea AM, Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Smith BE, Zapala DA, Brookler KH, Stepanek J. The effect of galvanic vestibular stimulation on distortion product otoacoustic emissions. J Vestib Res. 2012; 22(1):17-25.
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  24. Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Vang P, Noble BN, Cevette MJ, Stepanek JP. Hypoxia-induced changes in standing balance. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2011 May; 82 (5):518-22
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  25. Stepanek J, Aerospace Medical Association Commercial Spaceflight Working Group. Suborbital commercial spaceflight crewmember medical issues. Position paper and review. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2011 Apr; 82(4):475-85.
  26. Vanderploeg J, Campbell M, Antunano M, Bagian J, Bopp E, Carminati G, Charles J, Clague R, Clark J, Gedmark J, Jennings R, Masten D, McCormick M, McDonald V, McGinnis P, Michaud V, Murray M, Myers KJ, Parazynski S, Richard E, Scheuring R, Searfoss R, Snyder Q, Stepanek J, Stern A, Virre E, Wagner E. Suborbital commercial spaceflight crewmember medical issues. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2011 Apr; 82(4):475-84.
  27. Nelson MR, Mookadam F, Thota V, Emani U, Al Harthi M, Lester SJ, Cha S, Stepanek J, Hurst RT. Epicardial fat: an additional measurement for subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk stratification? J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2011 Mar; 24 (3):339-45 Epub 2010 Dec 24
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  28. Cevette MJ, Barrs DM, Patel A, Conroy KP, Sydlowski S, Noble BN, Nelson GA, Stepanek J. Phase 2 study examining magnesium-dependent tinnitus. Int Tinnitus J. 2011; 16 (2):168-73
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  29. Jennings RT, Stepanek JP, Scott LR, Voronkov YI. Frequent premature ventricular contractions in an orbital spaceflight participant. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2010 Jun; 81(6):597-601.
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  30. Nelson MR, Stepanek J, Cevette M, Covalciuc M, Hurst RT, Tajik AJ. Noninvasive measurement of central vascular pressures with arterial tonometry: clinical revival of the pulse pressure waveform? Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 May; 85 (5):460-72
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  31. Stepanek J, Gilbert B, Day P. Pioneer of the G-Suit, Earl H. Wood, has died. Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine. 2009 May; 80(5):509-10.
  32. Baisden DL, Beven GE, Campbell MR, Charles JB, Dervay JP, Foster E, Gray GW, Hamilton DR, Holland DA, Jennings RT, Johnston SL, Jones JA, Kerwin JP, Locke J, Polk JD, Scarpa PJ, Sipes W, Stepanek J, Webb JT, Ad Hoc Committee of Members of the Space Medicine Association, Society of NASA Flight Surgeons. Human health and performance for long-duration spaceflight. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008 Jun; 79(6):629-35.
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  33. Stepanek J, Aerospace Medicine Association Aviation Safety Committee Civil Aviation Subcommittee. Cabin cruising altitudes for regular transport aircraft. Position paper. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine.. 2008 Apr; 79: (4)433-39.
  34. Executive Committee of the Space Medicine Association. International Space Station life science research funding. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008 Apr; 79 (4):440-1
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  35. Snyder EM, Stepanek J, Bishop SL, Johnson BD. Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and high altitude during sleep in Aconcagua climbers. Wilderness Environ Med. 2007 Summer; 18: (2)138-45.
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  36. Sides MB, Vernikos J, Convertino VA, Stepanek J, Tripp LD, Draeger J, Hargens AR, Kourtidou-Papadeli C, Pavy-LeTraon A, Russomano T, Wong JY, Buccello RR, Lee PH, Nangalia V, Saary MJ. The Bellagio Report: Cardiovascular risks of spaceflight: implications for the future of space travel. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Sep; 76(9):877-95.
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  37. Frigg C, Stepanek J, Gmur A. Severe vertigo after a scuba-dive to 29 meters. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 2004 Apr; 93(18):775-7.
  38. Stepanek J. Aviation medicine at Mayo. Minn Med. 2003 Sep; 86 (9):44-6
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  39. Frei R, Echarren R, Stepanek J, Schnuriger H. Unklares Exanthem und rezidivierende Diarrhoe bei einem Linienpiloten. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax German. 2003 Jan 29; 92(5):193-6.
  40. Stepanek J, Habermann TM, Ziemer RE, Lantz JC. Images and reflections from Mayo Clinic heritage. Mayo Clin Proc. 2002 Jul; 77 (7):613
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  41. Frigg C, Stepanek J, Gmuer A, Suter J. Differential Diagnosis Decompression Sickness. Schweiz Med Forum, German. 2002 Apr 10th(15):356-8.
  42. Frigg C, Stepanek J, Gmuer A, Suter J, Huber S. Decompression Sickness in Aviation. Schweiz Med Forum , German. 2002 Apr 10th(15):343-7.
  43. Frigg C, Stepanek J, Suter J. Acute febrile state. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax German. 1999 Nov 18; 88(47):1954-7.
  44. Klocke DL, Decker WW, Stepanek J. Altitude-related illnesses. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 Oct; 73(10):988-92; quiz 992-3.
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  45. Stepanek J, Capizzi S, Edell E. Case in point. Hosp Pract. 1998 Jan 15; 33(1):70.
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  47. Stepanek J, Klocke D, Malvin G, Parisi J, Parisi J, Tazelaar H. The piglet as an animal model for hypobaric hypoxia. Wilderness Environ Med. 1998; 9 (1):8-13
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  48. Stepanek J, Greene MH. Case presentation - metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma. Hosp Pract. 1997 May 15; 32(5):10.
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  50. Stepanek J, Claypool DW. GPS signal reception under snow cover: a pilot study establishing the potential usefulness of GPS in avalanche search and rescue operations. Wilderness Environ Med. 1997 May; 8 (2):101-4
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  51. Nkomo VT, Stepanek J, Rumberger JA. 71-year-old man with syncope and chronic leg edema. Mayo Clin Proc. 1996 Nov; 71 (11):1097-100
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  52. Stepanek J, Utz JP. 50-year-old man with fever and rhinorrhea. Mayo Clin Proc. 1995 May; 70 (5):489-92
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  53. Stepanek J. Telemedizin und sanitaetsdienst-entwicklungen in den us-streitkraeften. Schweiz Z Mil Katastrophenmed. 1995; 75(3):73-6.