
  1. Pradhan GN, Galvan-Garza RC, Perez AM, Stepanek J, Cevette MJ. Visual Vestibular Conflict Mitigation in Virtual Reality Using Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2022 May 1; 93 (5):406-414
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  2. Pradhan GN, Hagen KM, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Oculo-cognitive addition test: quantifying cognitive performance during variable cognitive workload through eye movement features. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2022. 2022; 422-30
  3. Pradhan GN, Galvan-Garza R, Perez AM, Bogle J, Cevette MJ. Generating Flight Illusions Using Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in Virtual Reality Flight Simulations. Front Neuroergon. 2022; 3:883962 Epub 2022 Apr 26
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  4. Pradhan GN, Ottestad W, Meland A, Kasin JI, Hoiseth LO, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Oculometric Feature Changes During Acute Hypoxia in a Simulated High-Altitude Airdrop Scenario. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2021 Dec 1; 92 (12):928-936
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  5. Stepanek J, Dunn RA, Pradhan GN, Cevette MJ. Supplemental CO(2) improves oxygen saturation, oxygen tension(,) and cerebral oxygenation in acutely hypoxic healthy subjects. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8 (14):e14513
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  6. Pradhan GN, Bogle JM, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Discovering Oculometric Patterns to Detect Cognitive Performance Changes in Healthy Youth Football Athletes. J Healthc Inform Res. 2019 Dec; 3(4):371-392. Epub 2019 Feb 08.
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  7. Cevette MJ, Stepanek J, Pradhan G. Letter to the Editor re: The Persistent Issue of Simulator Sickness in Naval Aviation Training: Letter. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018 Oct 1; 89 (10):931
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  8. Pradhan GN, Bogle J, Kleindienst S, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Correlating Multi-dimensional Oculometrics with Cognitive Performance in Healthy Youth Athletes. J Healthc Inform Res. 2018 Jun; 2(1-2):132-151. Epub 2017 Nov 27.
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  9. Bogle JM, Barrs D, Wester M, Davis L, Cevette MJ. Labyrinthine concussion following gunshot injury: a case report International Journal Of Audiology. 2016; 55: (7)425-8.
  10. Bogle JM, Barrs D, Wester M, Davis L, Cevette MJ. Labyrinthine concussion following gunshot injury: A case report. Int J Audiol. 2015 Jul; 55 (7):425-8 Epub 2016 Apr 19
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  11. Zaleski A, Bogle J, Starling A, Zapala DA, Davis L, Wester M, Cevette M. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in patients with vestibular migraine. Otol Neurotol. 2015 Feb; 36 (2):295-302
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  12. Stepanek J, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Smith BE, Bartlett J, Studer M, Kuhn F, Cevette MJ. Acute hypoxic hypoxia and isocapnic hypoxia effects on oculometric features. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2014; 85(7):700-7.
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  13. Cevette MJ, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Crowell MD, Galea AM, Bartlett J, Stepanek J. Electrogastrographic and autonomic responses during oculovestibular recoupling in flight simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2014 Jan; 85 (1):15-24
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  14. Stepanek J, Cocco D, Pradhan GN, Smith BE, Bartlett J, Studer M, Kuhn F, Cevette MJ. Early detection of hypoxia-lnduced cognitive impairment using the King-Devick test. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Oct; 84 (10):1017-22
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  15. Cevette MJ, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Crowell MD, Galea AM, Bartlett J, Stepanek J. Electrogastrographic and autonomic responses during oculovestibular recoupling in flight simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013; 84:1-10.
  16. Zapala DA, Criter RE, Bogle JM, Lundy LB, Cevette MJ, Bauch CD. Pure-tone hearing asymmetry: a logistic approach modeling age, sex, and noise exposure history. J Am Acad Audiol. 2012 Jul-Aug; 23 (7):553-70
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  17. Wagner L, Cevette MJ. Hearing loss: Prevention and treatment. Flight Physician. 2012 Jun:5-12.
  18. Cevette MJ, Stepanek J, Cocco D, Galea AM, Pradhan GN, Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Smith BE, Zapala DA, Brookler KH. Oculo-vestibular recoupling using galvanic vestibular stimulation to mitigate simulator sickness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2012 Jun; 83 (6):549-55
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  19. Cevette MJ, Cocco D, Pradhan GN, Galea AM, Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Smith BE, Zapala DA, Brookler KH, Stepanek J. The effect of galvanic vestibular stimulation on distortion product otoacoustic emissions. J Vestib Res. 2012; 22(1):17-25.
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  20. Sydlowski SA, Cevette MJ, Shallop J. Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system: phenotype and implications for audiology and otology. Otol Neurotol. 2011 Aug; 32 (6):900-8
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  21. Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Vang P, Noble BN, Cevette MJ, Stepanek JP. Hypoxia-induced changes in standing balance. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2011 May; 82 (5):518-22
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  22. Cevette MJ, Barrs DM, Patel A, Conroy KP, Sydlowski S, Noble BN, Nelson GA, Stepanek J. Phase 2 study examining magnesium-dependent tinnitus. Int Tinnitus J. 2011; 16 (2):168-73
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  23. Sydlowski SA, Oakley SR, Borton SA, Barrs DM, Cevette MJ. Negative effect of deep cochlear implant electrode insertion on speech perception. Cochlear Implants Int. 2010 Dec; 11 (4):233-40
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  24. Nelson MR, Stepanek J, Cevette M, Covalciuc M, Hurst RT, Tajik AJ. Noninvasive measurement of central vascular pressures with arterial tonometry: clinical revival of the pulse pressure waveform? Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 May; 85 (5):460-72
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  25. Sydlowski SA, Cevette MJ, Shallop J, Barrs DM. Cochlear implant patients with superficial siderosis. J Am Acad Audiol. 2009 Jun; 20 (6):348-52
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  26. Compton-Conley C, Cevette MJ. Facilitating excellence in the fourth-year externship: A systems engineering approach. Audiology Today. 2008 Mar/Apr; 20(2):36-40.
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  29. Robinette MS, Bauch CD, Olsen WO, Cevette MJ. Auditory brainstem response and magnetic resonance imaging for acoustic neuromas: costs by prevalence. Archives of Otolaryngology -- Head & Neck Surgery. 2000 Aug; 126(8):963-6.
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  30. Cevette MJ, Drew D, Webb TM, Marion MS. Cisplatin ototoxicity, increased DPOAE amplitudes, and magnesium deficiency. Distortion product otoacoustic emissions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2000 Jun; 11 (6):323-9
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  31. Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Timmann D, Stelmach GE, Lawson MA, Osborne D, Moore SB, Cevette MJ. Progressive apraxia in clinically discordant monozygotic twins. Arch Neurol. 1995 Oct; 52 (10):1004-10
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  32. Cevette MJ, Puetz B, Marion MS, Wertz ML, Muenter MD. Aphysiologic performance on dynamic posturography. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1995 Jun; 112 (6):676-88
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  33. Cevette MJ, Robinette MS, Carter J, Knops JL. Otoacoustic emissions in sudden unilateral hearing loss associated with multiple sclerosis. J Am Acad Audiol. 1995 May; 6 (3):197-202
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  34. Cevette MJ, Bielek D. Transient evoked and distortion product otoacoustic emissions in traumatic brain injury. J Am Acad Audiol. 1995 May; 6 (3):225-9
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  35. Facer GW, Peterson A, Brey RH, Marion M, Cevette M, Balko K, Green JD, Rose D, Pool A. The Mayo Clinic experience with the cochlear implant. Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal. 1994 Mar; 73(3):149-52, 154-5.
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  36. Facer GW, Peterson AM, Brey RH, Marion MS, Cevette MJ, et al. The Mayo Clinic experience with the cochlear implant. Laryngoscope. 1994 Mar; 73:115-119.
  37. Marion MS, Cevette MJ. Tinnitus. Mayo Clin Proc. 1991 Jun; 66 (6):614-20
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  38. Cevette MJ, Franz KB, Brey RH, Robinette MS. Influence of dietary magnesium on the amplitude of wave V of the auditory brainstem response. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1989 Nov; 101: (5)537-41.
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  39. Walker ML, Cevette MJ, Newberg N, Moss SD, Storrs BB. Auditory brain stem responses in neonatal hydrocephalus. Concepts Pediatr Neurosurg. 1987; 7:142-152.
  40. Cevette MJ. Auditory brainstem testing in the intensive care unit. Semin Hear. 1984 Feb; 5:57-69.
  41. Balthazor RJ, Cevette MJ. An objective predictor of cochlear function in the speech clinic. Aust J Hum Commun Disord. 1978; 6:1.
  42. Balthazor RJ, Cevette MJ. Precautions in parental counseling for identification audiometry. Aust J Hum Commun Disord. 1977; 5:1.
  43. Cevette MJ, Balthazor RJ. Measuring middle ear function in the speech clinic. Aust J Hum Commun Disord. 1977; 5:2.