
The Mayo Clinic Program on Physician Well-Being was established to conduct and promote innovative research focused on physician well-being. Research led by the team has established that physician burnout threatens the quality of patient care, patient satisfaction, access to care and physicians' lives.

For patients to receive excellent care from compassionate, collaborative and competent physicians, strategies are needed to reduce burnout and mitigate it when it does occur. To ensure the health of patients, physicians and the organization, a vigorous discovery science program is necessary to facilitate physician well-being through research, education, and development of individual and organizational approaches to optimize physician satisfaction and performance.

Initially, four platforms of excellence are focusing scientific activities on physician well-being spanning the career cycle. The program establishes new collaborations and teams of investigators to maximize results, disseminate findings and promote translation into practice.

The Mayo Clinic Program on Physician Well-Being research activities are essential to promoting the health of the population and organization. The body of knowledge generated is translated into meaningful and substantive changes within the organization and for the profession.


Program researchers are widely published in the areas of identifying, preventing, treating and reducing physician burnout and promoting physician well-being.

See a list of publications authored by Colin P. West, M.D., Ph.D. on PubMed. These publications help share the program's discoveries on physician, resident and fellow, and medical student burnout.

Here are publications on specific topics authored by Mayo Clinic experts: