Well-Being Index

Mayo Clinic researchers invented and validated a Well-Being Index that is now used by 800 organizations. For a demo of this web-based self-assessment tool, go to mywellbeingindex.org.

The Well-Being Index allows individuals to calibrate their well-being relative to the well-being of professional peers nationally as well as to colleagues locally. The assessment takes less than one minute to complete. The tool is 100% anonymous — individual information and scores are private.

After answering the nine questions in the index, individuals immediately receive an individualized score along with information on how the level of well-being compares with others and whether the level of well-being places the individual at increased risk of potentially serious personal and professional consequences. Additionally, individuals are directed to a number of local and national resources that can help promote well-being. The Well-Being Index reminds individuals to assess their well-being periodically. Scores are tracked historically, enabling individuals to monitor their well-being over time so that individuals can make proactive adjustments in self-care, both inside and outside of work.

While individual results of the Well-Being Index are anonymous, Mayo Clinic receives aggregate reports, describing the well-being of staff members relative to national norms, by role: physician, resident-fellow, nurse, medical student or other health care worker. This data informs Mayo's ongoing work to support its staff.

Additional information can be found at the Well-Being Index website.