Muscle Performance and Physical Function Lab


The Muscle Performance and Physical Function Lab is one of several Special Phenotyping Facilities in the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCaTS). This facility provides valid and reliable measures of muscle performance, physical function and mobility to clinical researchers.

Specific aims of the facility include:

  • Objectively and reliably measure fundamental aspects of human performance in conditions of health, aging and disease
  • Provide a focal point for interdisciplinary collaboration in the development, evaluation and application of new and existing instruments to assess muscle impairments, functional limitations and disability in humans
  • Provide consulting services in the areas of muscle impairments (strength, power and fatigue), performance-based measures of physical functioning, and self-reported measures of physical functioning and disability

The facility serves to support Mayo investigators examining the impact of association of traits (e.g., genetic variation, clinical characteristics, diseases and behaviors) and/or interventions (e.g., drugs, devices, therapies, procedures and behavior modifications) on muscle performance and physical function.

Services and equipment

The facility is able to use a wide range of standardized state-of-the-art technologies to assess:

  • Muscle performance (strength, power and fatigue)
  • Physical function and mobility (gait speed, balance and activities of daily living)
  • Level of physical activity (accelerometry)

The facility also offers a mobile testing component as part its platform. Specifically, a subset of tests are available that can be administered within the hospital, outpatient clinic and the community.

Accessing the facility

Mayo Clinic and external investigators interested in using the facility should contact Director Nathan K. LeBrasseur, Ph.D., or Manager Brian R. Kotajarvi.

Facility staff members are available to assist investigators with study design and selection of appropriate measurement tools for their research.


Contact Manager Brian R. Kotajarvi at 507-266-7161 with questions about fees.

Location and hours

The facility is located in the Clinical Research and Trials Unit in the Charlton Building, Seventh Floor. Staff are generally available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


  • Brian R. Kotajarvi
  • Manager
  • 507-266-7161