Enteric Physiology and Imaging Facility


The Enteric Physiology and Imaging Facility (EPIF) provides investigators with services related to gastrointestinal physiology, which includes intestinal motility, intestinal permeability, hormonal responses to meals, and others related services.

Current users include research gastroenterologists and endocrinologists investigating the causes and effects of experimental treatments for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); the role of gastrointestinal transit and nutrient absorption in relation to diabetes; and collaborative investigation in the role of gastrointestinal transit and metabolism in obesity.

Also provided is technical support for research gastroenterologists who need to perform upper or lower endoscopy to obtain visual or surface tissue sampling of the intestinal tract. For example, endoscopy is used for malignancy surveillance of Barrett's esophagus and assessment of experimental treatments for eosinophilic esophagitis. It's also used to facilitate the placement of physiologic test catheters and to obtain tissue for current and future genetic testing.

The Enteric Physiology and Imaging Facility is directed by Michael Camilleri, M.D. The laboratory is located in the Charlton Building Clinical Research and Trails Unit (CRTU). Services in this facility are not available to investigators outside Mayo Clinic.

Services and equipment

The facility is staffed by four technicians/technologists with the knowledge to perform and support a wide variety of physiologic and diagnostic testing, including:

  • Gastric, small bowel and colonic transit studies
  • Gastric accommodation measurements
  • Sensory and mechanical motility studies
  • Endoscopy of the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract

Available equipment includes:

  • Three gamma cameras
    • Used for static acquisition of intestinal images to measure stomach emptying rates, along with small bowel and colonic transit measurements
    • Two cameras are ECT-capable and is used to measure stomach volume in fasting and fed states
  • Olympus video imaging system (equipped with upper and lower GI endoscopes)
    • Used for diagnostic purposes with tissue sampling
  • Siemens portable C-arm fluoroscope
    • Used to place test catheters into the intestinal tract

Accessing the facility

Use of the EPIF must be requested in the CRTU section of the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board (IRB) application (IRBe). Requests are reviewed by the EPIF supervisor or manager. Upon approval, users schedule specific blocks of time in the facility.

Investigators interested in using the facility should plan ahead. During the protocol development process, contact Duane Burton or Irene Busciglio to discuss project scope and obtain a cost estimate. They can also guide you through completing the CRTU section on the IRBe application, assist with flow sheet development, and advise you on the required involvement of the investigative team during study execution.

During the study, facility personnel work with the study team to coordinate and schedule subjects. Data acquired during testing is communicated to the team. At study completion, end-of-study information is given to the study team and data is archived by the facility.


Initial cost estimates for Enteric Physiology and Imaging Facility services can be obtained from Duane Burton or Irene Busciglio. Official estimates for services will be communicated via a proposed CRTU budget from CCaTS.

Location and hours

The facility is located on Charlton 7 within the Charlton CRTU and is open during Charlton CRTU operating hours (6 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday).
