Energy Balance Facility


The Energy Balance Facility's 745-square-foot exercise physiology laboratory is ideal for research related to physical fitness, cardiopulmonary performance, muscle function and metabolism. The facility serves investigators from across Mayo Clinic, including endocrinologists, cardiologists, oncologists, neurologists, anesthesiologists and pulmonologists.

Energy Balance Facility staff provide technical support for lab equipment, but the study team is responsible for providing properly qualified staff to monitor the research participants. Study teams must also provide any specialized equipment necessary for their specific protocol.

Services and equipment

Available procedures

  • Graded treadmill or cycle ergometer testing with or without respiratory gas exchange measured by commercial metabolic carts or via a hybrid system using a mass spectrometer (Saint Marys only)
  • Resting energy expenditure via indirect calorimetry (Saint Marys only)
  • Pulse oximetry
  • Muscle strength evaluation — hand grip or quadriceps (Charlton only)


  • GE Healthcare T-2100 Treadmill
  • GE Healthcare Case Cardiac Assessment System (electrocardiogram — ECG)
  • Medical Graphics CPX Ultima metabolic measurement system
  • Integrated Perkins Elmer MGA 1100 mass spectrometer
  • Lode Corival electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer — upright
  • Lode Corival electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer — recumbent
  • Ergoline Ergoselect 1200 EL cycle ergometer — supine
  • ParvoMedics 2400 TrueOne canopy system
  • Strength testing equipment
    • Isometric knee extension
    • Isometric hand grip
  • Sonosite M-Turbo Ultrasound
  • Datex-Ohmeda CardioCap 5 monitor

Accessing the facility

Before using the facility, investigators must receive both Institutional Review Board (IRB) and CCaTS approval via the Clinical Research and Trials Unit (CRTU) section in IRBe. Requests for use are initiated through completion of the CRTU section of the IRBe application.

During the protocol development process, Energy Balance Facility staff can assist with study design and advise which facility resources would best suit the needs of a particular study.


Call 507-255-5701 with questions about fees. Some facility services are available to non-Mayo investigators; email Alex R. Carlson or call 507-255-7125 for more information.

Location and hours

The Energy Balance Facility is located in the Saint Marys CRTU (Joseph 5-218). A strength chair is available in the Charlton CRTU.

Both locations operate from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
