Research Resources

In community-engaged research, research teams are broadly defined and include researchers and their study staff as well as community members and patients. The Community-Engaged Research Program offers access to resources that support active participation by all members of a research team.


The Community-Engaged Research Program offers consultative services to researchers and to community members and organizations interested in improving the health of the community through community-engaged research. Our program staff has expertise in:

  • Community engagement and outreach strategies.
  • Community-engaged research design and methods.
  • Working with diverse communities.
  • Accessing and using community-based data.
  • Identifying and applying for funding opportunities.
  • Matching community partners with Mayo Clinic researchers for potential collaborations.
  • Engaging with one of Mayo's community advisory boards.

For community members: Do you have an idea for a program or an initiative to improve the health of your community through research? Contact us to share your idea and request a consultation.

For researchers: To discuss your research study at any point in the research process prior to publication, log in to the Mayo Clinic network and contact our team. Our experts can answer questions, direct you to available resources and more.