Focus Areas

The Division of Nephrology and Hypertension Research carries out a broad scope of multidisciplinary investigations encompassing most areas in the field. Research includes studies and collaborations to improve understanding, diagnosis, prevention and treatment in multiple areas of kidney health and disease.

Acute kidney injury

Kianoush B. Kashani, M.D., M.S., develops methods to predict and prevent acute kidney injury, including early biomarkers and clinical and electronic models. He also studies the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to manage acute kidney injury. Dr. Kashani's research is aimed at finding appropriate paths to manage fluid and vasopressor therapy in people at high risk of acute kidney injury. He also aims to develop and validate clinical and automated models to assist clinicians in the management of nephrotoxins.

Aging kidney

Andrew D. Rule, M.D., leads the Aging Kidney Anatomy Study. This study uses kidney biopsies and CT scans to determine the microstructural and macrostructural changes that occur in the human kidney with aging and early disease. Distinguishing age-related and disease-related changes in the kidney helps better classify people at risk of progression to kidney failure. It also helps researchers better understand the aging process to develop novel therapies that prevent or delay aging in the kidney.

Calcium and phosphate homeostasis

Rajiv Kumar, M.D., leads our research on calcium and phosphate homeostasis, including projects on arteriovenous fistula, clinical bone mineral physiology in health and disease, and urinary stone disease, among others. Dr. Kumar's work is relevant to the pathogenesis and treatment of bone disease in people with renal failure, osteoporosis and hypophosphatemia.


John J. Dillon, M.D., leads our dialysis research, including investigation of end-stage renal failure and cellular mechanisms of chronic renal injury and the pathogenesis of renal fibrosis.

Epigenetics in polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Xiaogang Li, Ph.D., studies molecular mechanisms associated with cyst formation, with a focus on epigenetics, inflammation and cross talk between the two in PKD. Dr. Li's research is helping determine whether inherited PKD gene mutations favor the development of epigenetic and inflammatory changes. His findings also are increasing the understanding of PKD pathophysiology to identify novel epigenetic treatment targets.


Lilach O. Lerman, M.D., Ph.D., studies the pathophysiology of renovascular disease, high blood pressure (hypertension) and cardiac adaptation. Dr. Lerman focuses on finding better ways to treat the narrowing of arteries that carry blood to the kidneys (renal artery stenosis), which can cause hypertension.

Meckel-Gruber syndrome

Peter C. Harris, Ph.D., is pursuing genetic and cellular studies of Meckel-Gruber syndrome after identification of the MKS3 gene. Meckel-Gruber syndrome, also called Meckel syndrome, causes numerous and often fatal abnormalities, including fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys.

Hypertensive kidney disease

Sandra M. Herrmann, M.D., studies the use of mesenchymal cell therapy in preclinical models of hypertensive kidney disease. Her research is aimed at helping people with chronic kidney disease in the setting of hypertension, occlusive renovascular disease or both. Dr. Herrmann hopes to identify novel regenerative medicine therapies to help stabilize kidney function to avoid or postpone renal replacement therapies such as dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Diabetic nephropathy

LaTonya J. Hickson, M.D., studies the safety, feasibility and efficacy of mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in people with diabetic kidney disease. Dr. Hickson's proposed therapy involves taking a person's cells, processing them and then administering the cells directly to the kidney to allow immediate access to the injured organ. Dr. Hickson's regenerative nephrology research has the potential to minimize injury to the kidneys of people with diabetes and even promote repair. This novel therapy may help delay the progression of kidney failure.

Obesity and stem cell senescence

Lilach O. Lerman, M.D., Ph.D., is studying obesity-induced mesenchymal stem cell aging (senescence). Her research team uses novel model systems and techniques to study whether and how obesity evokes senescence in human mesenchymal stem cells, interfering with their capacity to repair injured kidneys. Dr. Lerman's team hopes to establish a novel strategy to prevent or reduce injurious cellular senescence, thereby boosting endogenous kidney repair capability.

Regeneration, metabolic syndrome and renovascular disease

Lilach O. Lerman, M.D., Ph.D., also studies mesenchymal stem cell-derived microvesicles in metabolic syndrome and renovascular disease. This research provides a unique opportunity to assess the feasibility of modifying renal outcomes in metabolic syndrome and renovascular disease, which will likely contribute to better treatment strategies.

Mitochondria, stem cell biology and renal repair

Alfonso Eirin Massat, M.D., works with Dr. Lerman's team to explore the fundamental role of mitochondria in modulating stem cell biology and function. The team is also studying the impact of mitochondrial damage in the overall renal repair capacity of stem cells and develops novel therapeutic interventions (mitoprotective drugs). Dr. Eirin's work helps develop novel therapeutic tools to preserve the regenerative potency of stem cells and their suitability for autologous transplantation.

Stem cells to improve dialysis

Sanjay Misra, M.D., studies stem cells to improve dialysis, including adipose-derived autologous mesenchymal stem cells to reduce the failure of arteriovenous fistulas in hemodialysis. He also studies a murine model to assess the safety and effectiveness of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in reducing renarrowing of blood vessels (restenosis) after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) treatment.

Mineral metabolism and stone disease

John C. Lieske, M.D., is working to identify factors that mediate adhesion of crystals to renal tubules and to understand how subsequent cellular processing of retained crystals results in renal stone formation. Dr. Lieske is also evaluating novel methods to treat enteric hyperoxaluria, including the use of probiotics and herbal therapy.

Monoclonal gammopathy

Nelson Leung, M.D., studies kidney diseases caused by monoclonal gammopathy, particularly immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis, a disease caused by the overproduction of immunoglobulin light chains that form amyloid fibrils. Dr. Leung focuses on improving current diagnostic techniques and redefining response criteria.

Oxidative stress and renal disease

Karl A. Nath, M.D., leads research on the mechanisms of oxidative stress and renal disease. Dr. Nath focuses on the inducible antioxidant enzyme heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) as an adaptive response that protects the kidney and vasculature from injury. He also uses approaches based on transgenic models of sickle cell disease to investigate the role of oxidative stress in damaging the kidney and vasculature in sickle cell disease.

Parenchymal and glomerular renal disease

Fernando C. Fervenza, M.D., Ph.D., leads interventional studies aimed at bringing new bench research discoveries to the bedside treatment of parenchymal and glomerular renal diseases. Dr. Fervenza's research to improve the understanding of pathogenic processes is aimed at developing novel agents for more effective treatment. Dr. Fervenza also leads the Mayo Nephrology Collaborative Group.

Pediatric nephrology

David J. Sas, D.O., studies idiopathic kidney stone disease and very rare disorders in children, such as primary hyperoxaluria, Dent disease and cystinuria. Dr. Sas also studies the impact of variations in urinary microbiome in different settings of health and disease. He also is associate director of the Rare Kidney Stone Consortium.

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Vicente E. Torres, M.D., Ph.D., and Peter C. Harris, Ph.D., work together to translate basic scientific findings into new and better treatments for people with PKD. Dr. Torres studies the epidemiology, phenotypic characterization, natural history and clinical management of PKD and related diseases. Dr. Harris uses genetic approaches to investigate molecular events associated with tubule formation.

Molecular mechanisms of PKD

Fouad T. Chebib, M.D., studies the underlying molecular mechanisms that lead to cyst formation in PKD and explores targeted treatment options. His clinical and translational research focuses on optimizing the clinical management of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD).

Rare Kidney Stone Consortium

John C. Lieske, M.D., is the director of the Rare Kidney Stone Consortium. The consortium is a collaborative group of physicians, scientists, patients, families and patient advocacy groups seeking better treatments for rare kidney conditions. David J. Sas, D.O., is associate director.


Mireille El Ters, M.D., and Carrie A. Schinstock, M.D., lead our transplant research. Dr. El Ters studies the prevention and management of recurrent post-transplantation glomerular diseases and the genetic basis for kidney transplantation, focusing on focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Dr. Schinstock studies therapy for chronic antibody-mediated rejection that leads to transplant failure.

Women's health

Vesna D. Garovic, M.D., Ph.D., leads our obstetric nephrology research. Dr. Garovic studies the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and the role that dysregulation of glomerular epithelial cells may play in renal injury and proteinuria in preeclampsia. She also studies the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of specific signaling pathways that may contribute to impaired immune responses and vascular injuries in preeclampsia, both at the time of delivery and postpartum.