Consulting Services

The Mayo Clinic CCaTS BERD Resource offers an "open door" to Mayo Clinic investigators seeking guidance and advice on general biostatistical, epidemiological and research design considerations.

Highly trained and experienced master-level biostatisticians serve as the primary consultants, with doctoral-level biostatisticians, epidemiologists and qualitative research methodologists available as needed.

Consultants provide investigators with direction and support, but do not provide data analysis services. However, consultants may discuss analysis methods appropriate for an investigator's data and illustrate how analysis may be done using BlueSky Statistics software or qualitative analysis software. The Department of Quantitative Health Sciences (QHS) is available as a resource for Mayo Clinic investigators needing more extensive analysis support. (Must be logged in to the Mayo network to view these pages.)

Consultations may include:

  • Review of protocols, including assistance refining aims and hypotheses
  • Discussion of optimal study design, and considerations related to power and sample size
  • Advice on data management strategies
  • Instruction on choosing and implementing appropriate analysis methods
  • Assistance interpreting analysis results
  • Review of manuscripts, including discussion of reviewer comments
  • General overview of statistical methods and "how-to" information on statistical practice

All investigators, regardless of experience level, may schedule a consultation. However, preference is given to new and developing investigators — experienced, grant-funded investigators would be expected to have an established relationship with a biostatistician, epidemiologist or qualitative research methodologist outside of CCaTS, such as in QHS.

In addition to straightforward cases, the BERD Resource welcomes unusual and unique cases. These cases may stimulate novel methodological tools, which are encouraged by the national Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program.

See Scheduling a Consultation and Cost for information about making an appointment with a BERD consultant.