Clinical Epidemiology

Understanding how building a strong study design benefits a research project is most advantageous at the beginning of the project. CCaTS offers online modules on clinical epidemiology to assist learners in determining the best design for their research.

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'Overview of Study Designs' (502E00CMS090015)

Did you choose the strongest study design based on your research? There's usually more than one approach. It's best to consider several approaches so that the selected design reflects an ideal balance of advantages and disadvantages. This module reviews some of these approaches.

Presenter: James R. Cerhan, M.D., Ph.D.

'Subject Selection' (502E00CMD090009)

To whom will your study results apply? The answer to this question depends in large part on whom you enroll in the study. This module discusses how to make these difficult decisions.

Presenter: James R. Cerhan, M.D., Ph.D.

'Study Design and the Hierarchy of Scientific Evidence' (502E00CMD090011)

Strong study designs yield answers that permit strong statements. Some designs come at a price in terms of feasibility and application to other real-life settings. This module helps learners navigate the trade-offs.

Presenter: James R. Cerhan, M.D., Ph.D.