Student Profiles

Laboratory-based research

Students conducting research on the underlying pathophysiology of diseases; markers of disease presence, severity or improvement; the development of drugs or devices used to treat disease or improve health; or a combination thereof:

  • Danielle J. Beetler

    Danielle J. Beetler

    • Regenerative capabilities of extracellular vesicles in myocarditis
  • Damian N. Di Florio

    Damian N. Di Florio

    • Sex differences in mitochondria during coxsackievirus-induced myocarditis
  • Ethan W. Law

    Ethan W. Law

    • Subcutaneous combination biodevice for the treatment of type 1 diabetes

  • Yuhao Min

    Yuhao Min

    • Pathway discovery in neurodegenerative diseases by integration of multi-omics data

Patient-based research

Students conducting research with human subjects or on material of human origin, such as tissues, specimens and cognitive phenomena, including clinical trials:

  • Harvey Huang

    Harvey Huang

    • Electrical stimulation of hippocampus and amygdala modulates human ventral temporal cortex in distinct ways
  • Linsey E. Jackson

    Linsey E. Jackson

    • Machine learning-aided biomarker discovery and precision genomics for gallbladder cancer

Population-based research

Students conducting research in epidemiology, behavioral health, outcomes and health services:

  • Karen N. DSouza

    Karen N. DSouza

    • Natural language processing-aided discovery of adverse symptoms during fertility procedures
  • Kit G. Knier

    Kit G. Knier

    • Understanding and promoting student well-being through social-emotional behavioral programming

Other Ph.D. Program students

  • Mohamed A. Addani

    Mohamed A. Addani

    • Developing strategies to address health disparities for first-generation regenerative medicine treatments
  • Matthew A. Cooley

    Matthew A. Cooley

    • Utility of methylated DNA markers for the diagnosis of malignant pancreatobiliary strictures
  • Vagisha Kulshreshtha

    Vagisha Kulshreshtha

    • Senolytics and anti-fibrotic treatment for chronic spinal cord injury
  • Aunay F. Miller

    Aunay F. Miller

    • HDAC1/OLIG2/STAT5 transcriptional complex facilitates GSC-mediated invasion and tumorigenesis
  • Adriana M. Morales-Gomez

    Adriana M. Morales-Gomez

    • Harnessing genetic compensation for novel patient with rare ALS
  • Hannah E. Stumpf

    Hannah E. Stumpf

    • Single-cell landscape of infiltrating immune cells in cholangiocarcinoma
  • Stephanie K. Zawada

    Stephanie K. Zawada

    • Developing a value-based hybrid care model for stroke patients