Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the CCaTS Ph.D. program.

Are there CTSC courses offered only at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota?

No, clinical and translational science courses (CTSC) are available to students located on all campuses, including each of Mayo Clinic's tri-site campuses as well as those working within the Mayo Clinic Health System.

Where can I find the schedule of when a course will be offered in a particular quarter?

The CCaTS Education Programs and Courses webpage provides current and future course schedules (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access).

Where can I find the schedules for non-CTSC courses?

CCaTS Education Resources manages courses in the CTSC track. Please contact the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (MCGSBS) for information on courses in other tracks. The graduate school course catalog can be found on the Courses and Catalog intranet page (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access).

I am interested in enrolling in two courses with conflicting schedules. How do I proceed?

Although CCaTS works hard to ensure CTSC courses do not overlap, this cannot always be prevented due to the considerable number of course offerings each quarter. In order to meet required attendance expectations, it may be necessary for you to take the courses in different years. Please reach out to your CCaTS program advisor for assistance with mapping courses toward graduation.

Can I audit a course without officially enrolling?

No. CTSC courses do not allow auditing. All scholars attending a course must be enrolled.

When do I register for courses and what is the process?

Course registration opens approximately one month before the start of each quarter. You can view specific dates for each registration period on the MCGSBS Academic Calendar (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access).

If this is your first time registering for an MCGSBS course, complete the First-Time Registration Form (PDF) and email it to the clinical and translational sciences education inbox at Returning students register online through Self-Service Banner (SSB).

Some courses allow for late registrants, typically up until the first day of class. To enroll after the registration period has closed, complete the Late Registration/Course Withdrawal e-form (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access). Note: First-time registrants must complete the paper form.

You can view the status of your enrollment in a course at any time through Self-Service Banner (SSB) in the EdLink Portal.

I'm having trouble registering for a course in Banner. Why can't I register?

You may be having trouble registering for a course through Self-Service Banner (SSB) for any of the following reasons:

  • First time registrant. If this is your first time registering for an MCGSBS course, you will need to complete the appropriate paper registration form (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access) and submit it to to enroll.
  • Hold. If there is a hold on your record, you will not be able to register for courses until it is resolved. Please email the MCGSBS registrar at
  • Waitlist. You may need to add yourself to the waitlist for a course in Banner. Because students enrolled in CCaTS programs receive priority seating into CTSC courses, registration into most CTSC courses is set to waitlist-only and the CCaTS Curriculum team manually enrolls students into each course. At the close of the registration period, CCaTS Curriculum staff will notify those who are enrolled in each CTSC course via email. Scholars can also check back on the status of their enrollment at any time through Self-Service Banner (SSB).

When and how will I receive confirmation that I'm registered?

Scholars can check on the status of their enrollment at any time through Self-Service Banner (SSB). From the Registration menu, click on "Student Detail Schedule."

Additionally, at the close of the open registration period, CCaTS staff sends welcome letters for each CTSC course via email to enrolled scholars.

Once I am admitted into a CCaTS program, will I have priority registration in the courses?

Enrollment during the open registration period is prioritized, with those enrolled in CCaTS programs receiving priority seating into CTSC courses. It is important that you register during the open registration period to receive this prioritization.

I have one additional required course for my program. How can I be sure to get enrolled in the course?

Please consult with your CCaTS program advisor, who will work with the CCaTS curriculum team.

If a class I had wanted to enroll in is full, can I still attend the first day in case of openings?

No, CTSC courses do not allow auditing. All scholars attending a course must be enrolled.

What is the course withdrawal policy?

The last day to withdraw (LDW) varies by course. Locate the LDW specific to a particular CTSC course on the first page of the course syllabus.

To withdraw from a course, complete the Late Registration/Course Withdrawal e-form (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access) by the end of the day of the withdrawal deadline. If completed before the LDW, the registration will be deleted from your transcript. If it is past the LDW, include a statement of petition on the e-form. However, note that if approved, the withdrawal will show a "W" on your transcript.

What is the course attendance policy?

Attendance and participation are expected of all students enrolled in a CTSC course. Most CTSC courses have absence limits with instructors requiring advanced notice of absences. Please refer to the applicable syllabus for each course-specific attendance policy.

How can I attend a class remotely if I can't be there in person?

All CTSC courses are being offered in a virtual classroom. Most CTSC courses remain synchronous, requiring scholars to attend sessions at the dates and times listed on the course schedule.

Where do I find the link to join my course in the virtual classroom?

Each course has its own link to a unique virtual classroom, and the link remains the same throughout the duration of the course run. This direct link can be found in multiple locations. The link is included in the Welcome Letter emailed to enrolled scholars at the close of registration, emailed again via an automatic announcement from Blackboard in the week prior to the first day of class, and appears on the course homepage in Blackboard as well as within the course schedule in the syllabus. Scholars can also access the virtual classroom by joining through the "Students — Virtual Classroom" link listed on the left menu of each course's page in Blackboard.

I am having trouble joining the virtual classroom. Where can I get support for Blackboard Collaborate?

Contact Mayo Clinic's Education Technology Center at or by calling 507-266-9087 for support with technical issues.

What is the policy for make-up exams?

Make-up exam policies vary by course.

To inquire, notify the course instructor and the CCaTS curriculum team at at least two weeks before a scheduled exam date. Many instructors require that make-up exams be completed within one week before or one week after the original exam date. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the instructor and the CCaTS curriculum team in a timely manner and to come to the make-up exam prepared with any necessary items, such as writing materials, a laptop or a calculator.

Why don't I see my course in Blackboard?

You may not be able to find your course in Blackboard for two reasons:

  1. The course has not opened yet. For most courses, this occurs one week before the first day of class.
  2. You have not been enrolled in the course. If you believe this is an error, please email the clinical and translational sciences education inbox at

How can I access course content in Blackboard when I'm not on a Mayo Clinic campus?

Blackboard can be accessed off campus and does not require VPN access; however, some individual course content may be behind Mayo Clinic's firewall. To access these materials, log in to Mayo Clinic's virtual private network (VPN). Mayo Clinic's IT Connect provides step-by-step instructions to begin use of Mayo's remote access VPN (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to enroll).

Where can I get help with Blackboard issues?

Contact Mayo Clinic's Education Technology Center at or by calling 507-266-9087 for support with technical issues.

How long will I have access to a completed course in Blackboard?

Access will remain until the next run of the course. In most cases, this is around one year; however, some courses are offered multiple times throughout the academic year. Once the course is closed in Blackboard, it will not be reopened for you to obtain materials. You are responsible to print or save any helpful materials ahead of time.

How do I transfer in credits taken elsewhere? Can I waive required coursework if I've already taken similar courses?

Please refer to the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science's Credit Transfer Policy (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access), and work with your CCaTS program advisor for additional assistance.

How do I request a copy of my transcript?

Transcripts are managed by the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science's registrar's office. Please email the registrar at to request. Additional instruction is provided on the Admissions and Tuition webpage.

What is the policy on academic dishonesty?

The policy on academic dishonesty, along with other applicable policies, can be found within the MCGSBS Policies and Procedures library (must be logged in to the Mayo Clinic network to access).