Ronee E. Harvey

Why did you choose research as a career?

From a medical aspect, I desire to conduct research to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment of patients. As one who will be working in a clinical setting as a physician in the future, I find it important to contribute to the knowledge base of medicine to advance the care that clinicians deliver to others.

From a personal viewpoint, I find research to be intriguing and challenging. I enjoy the thought process that one must go through to design and conduct a study, interpret results, and apply findings to realistic settings.

Ultimately, I see research as a career through which I can be intellectually fulfilled while working toward the greater good of helping others.

What attracted you to Mayo Graduate School?

I came to Mayo initially as a student in the Mayo Medical School program. During my second year of medical school, I decided that I wanted to gain research experience beyond that which I would receive in the medical school.

Therefore, I interrupted my medical studies to enroll into the Center for Translational Science Activities' M.D.-M.S. Program. Through this program, I learned much about research design and methods and conducted an investigational project; however, I desired to have an extended training experience and decided to obtain my Ph.D. through Mayo Graduate School.

Based on my previous experiences, I knew that the additional training and opportunities that I had access to as a Mayo graduate student would be exceptional and incomparable to those at other schools; thus I chose to remain at Mayo.

Why did you choose the clinical and translational science track?

The clinical and translational science track seemed like the ideal path for me to follow, as I desire to integrate human research into my clinical work in the future. The track encourages its students to conduct their research with the focus of translating their work to a clinical setting.

What do you like about Rochester, Minn.?

Moving to Rochester was my first move away from home, so I have enjoyed the "small-town" feel of the city and getting to know the area easily.

What are your plans for the future?

Upon finishing the Ph.D. portion of my studies, I will return to medical school to complete my final two years of training. Then, I plan to complete a medical residency. While I am unsure of which field I will pursue, I plan to work at an academic medical institution and am certain that research will be a part of my future career.