Medical Scientist Training Program


Kaufmann, Scott H. M.D., Ph.D.
Schimmenti, Lisa A. M.D.


Award number — T32 GM65481

The Medical Scientist Training Program at Mayo Clinic is designed to mentor a diverse group of trainees through an integrated series of research and clinical activities as they acquire the knowledge and skills required to become future leaders in biomedical research and academic medicine. In addition to providing strong education in medicine and intensive training in scientific inquiry, the program:

  • Trains students to seek medical implications in even the most basic scientific discoveries
  • Fosters students' innate curiosity, so they are keen to take clinical questions back to the laboratory to look for new fundamental knowledge
  • Develops trainees' leadership and collaborative skills, so they are prepared to bridge basic and clinical research efforts as they pave the way for innovative solutions to medical problems

Mayo Clinic's exceptionally strong integration between basic science and clinical and translational research fosters the environment necessary to achieve the program's educational mission.

This challenging program requires trainees to develop the probing analytical skills of basic scientists and the broad knowledge base and diagnostic tools of physicians. Through the Medical Scientist Training Program, students become highly skilled physician-scientists who lead advances in science and clinical practice.

Position availability

There are nine predoctoral positions awarded to the Medical Scientist Training Program a year. The number of open positions varies.


Appointees must be enrolled in the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Medical Scientist Training Program.

Appointees must also be citizens or noncitizen nationals of the United States or must have been legally admitted as permanent residents.

How to apply

For more information on the program and how to apply, visit Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Medical Scientist Training Program website.

Trainee roster

Review the focus areas, mentors and publications of current and former trainees in the Medical Scientist Training Program.


  1. Ackerman, Michael J. M.D., Ph.D.
  2. Anastasiadis, Panagiotis Z. Ph.D.
  3. Badley, Andrew D. M.D.
  4. Baker, Darren J. Ph.D., M.S.
  5. Barry, Michael A. Ph.D.
  6. Behfar, Atta M.D., Ph.D.
  7. Beyder, Arthur M.D., Ph.D.
  8. Billadeau, Daniel D. Ph.D.
  9. Cattaneo, Roberto Ph.D.
  10. Chini, Eduardo N. M.D., Ph.D.
  11. Choi, Doo-Sup Ph.D.
  12. Couch, Fergus J. Ph.D.
  13. Daniels, David J. M.D., Ph.D.
  14. Dong, Haidong M.D., Ph.D.
  15. Ehman, Richard L. M.D.
  16. Enders, Felicity T. Ph.D.
  17. Erickson, Bradley J. M.D., Ph.D.
  18. Evans, Christopher H. Ph.D.
  19. Fernandez Zapico, Martin E. M.D.
  20. Gaspar Maia, Alexandre Ph.D.
  21. Griffiths, Leigh G. Ph.D., MRCVS
  22. Harris, Peter C. Ph.D.
  23. Hermes Miller, Dora Ph.D.
  24. Horazdovsky, Bruce F. Ph.D.
  25. Howe, Charles L. Ph.D.
  26. Johnson, Aaron J. Ph.D.
  27. Joyner, Michael J. M.D.
  28. Kalari, Krishna R. Ph.D.
  29. Kantarci, Kejal M.D.
  30. Kaufman, Kenton R. Ph.D.
  31. Kaufmann, Scott H. M.D., Ph.D.
  32. Kirkland, James L. M.D., Ph.D.
  33. Knoop, Kathryn A. Ph.D.
  34. Lee, Kendall H. M.D., Ph.D.
  35. Li, Hu Ph.D.
  36. Lin, Yi M.D., Ph.D.
  37. Ling, Kun Ph.D.
  38. Lou, Zhenkun Ph.D.
  39. Lucchinetti, Claudia F. M.D.
  40. Lujan, Luis L. Ph.D., M.S.
  41. Machida, Yuichi
  42. Maher, Jim III Ph.D.
  43. Malhi, Harmeet M.B.B.S.
  44. Markovic, Svetomir N. M.D., Ph.D.
  45. Matveyenko, Aleksey Ph.D.
  46. McNiven, Mark A. Ph.D.
  47. Mer, Georges Ph.D.
  48. Moyer, Ann M. M.D., Ph.D.
  49. Nelson, Timothy J. M.D., Ph.D.
  50. Ordog, Tamas M.D.
  51. Pandey, Akhilesh M.D., Ph.D.
  52. Patel, Robin M.D.
  53. Peng, Kah Whye Ph.D.
  54. Prakash, Y S M.D., Ph.D.
  55. Ramirez Alvarado, Marina Ph.D.
  56. Razidlo, Gina Ph.D.
  57. Revzin, Alexander Ph.D.
  58. Roberts, Lewis R. M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D.
  59. Robertson, Keith D. Ph.D.
  60. Rogers, Laura M. Ph.D.
  61. Romero, Michael F. Ph.D.
  62. Scarisbrick, Isobel A. Ph.D.
  63. Schafer, Marissa J. Ph.D.
  64. Schimmenti, Lisa A. M.D.
  65. Shapiro, Virginia M. Ph.D.
  66. Sine, Steven M. Ph.D.
  67. Terzic, Andre M.D., Ph.D.
  68. Tran, Nhan L. Ph.D.
  69. Trushina, Eugenia Ph.D.
  70. Vile, Richard G. Ph.D.
  71. Walther-Antonio, Marina R. Ph.D.
  72. Wang, Liewei M.D., Ph.D.
  73. Weinshilboum, Richard M.D.
  74. Weroha, John J. M.D., Ph.D.
  75. Westendorf, Jennifer J. Ph.D.
  76. Windebank, Anthony J. M.D.
  77. Worrell, Gregory A. M.D., Ph.D.
  78. Xu, Xiaolei Ph.D.
  79. Zhao, Kristin D. Ph.D., M.S.
  80. Zhu, Jane M.D., Ph.D.