
  1. Jeang WJ, Bochenek MA, Bose S, Zhao Y, Wong BM, Yang J, Jiang AL, Langer R, Anderson DG. Silicone cryogel skeletons enhance the survival and mechanical integrity of hydrogel-encapsulated cell therapies. Sci Adv. 2024 Apr 5; 10 (14):eadk5949 Epub 2024 Apr 05
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  2. Chu C, Joseph A, Limjoco M, Yang J, Bose S, Thapa LS, Langer R, Anderson DG. Pultrusion-Based Fiber Production from Aqueous Dynamic Covalent Networks. Journal of American Chemical Society (In press). 2023.
  3. Bose S, Volpatti LR, Thiono D, Yesilyurt V, McGladrigan C, Tang Y, Facklam A, Wang A, Jhunjhunwala S, Veiseh O, Hollister-Lock J, Bhattacharya C, Weir GC, Greiner DL, Langer R, Anderson DG. A retrievable implant for the long-term encapsulation and survival of therapeutic xenogeneic cells. Nat Biomed Eng. 2020 Aug; 4 (8):814-826 Epub 2020 Mar 30
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  4. Patel A, Kaczmarek J, Bose S, Kauffman K, Mir F, Heartlein M, DeRosa F, Langer R, Anderson DG. Inhaled nanoformulated mRNA polyplexes for protein production in lung epithelium. Advanced Materials. 2019; 31(8).
  5. Qasaimeh MA, Wu YC, Bose S, Menachery A, Talluri S, Gonzalez G, Fulciniti M, Karp JM, Prabhala RH, Karnik R. Isolation of Circulating Plasma Cells in Multiple Myeloma Using CD138 Antibody-Based Capture in a Microfluidic Device. Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 4; 7:45681 Epub 2017 Apr 04
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  6. Xie X, Zhang W, Abbaspourrad A, Ahn J, Bader A, Bose S, Vegas A, Lin J, Tao J, Hang T, Lee H, Iverson N, Bisker G, Li L, Strano MS, Weitz DA, Anderson DG. Microfluidic Fabrication of Colloidal Nanomaterials-Encapsulated Microcapsules for Biomolecular Sensing. Nano Lett. 2017 Mar 8; 17 (3):2015-2020 Epub 2017 Feb 06
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  7. Yesilyurt V, Veiseh O, Doloff JC, Li J, Bose S, Xie X, Bader AR, Chen M, Webber MJ, Vegas AJ, Langer R, Anderson DG. A Facile and Versatile Method to Endow Biomaterial Devices with Zwitterionic Surface Coatings. Adv Healthc Mater. 2017 Feb; 6 (4) Epub 2016 Dec 15
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  8. O'Hern SC, Jang D, Bose S, Idrobo JC, Song Y, Laoui T, Kong J, Karnik R. Nanofiltration across Defect-Sealed Nanoporous Monolayer Graphene. Nano Lett. 2015 May 13; 15 (5):3254-60 Epub 2015 Apr 27
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  10. Bose S, Singh R, Hanewich-Hollatz M, Shen C, Lee CH, Dorfman DM, Karp JM, Karnik R. Affinity flow fractionation of cells via transient interactions with asymmetric molecular patterns. Sci Rep. 2013; 3:2329
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  11. Zhao W, Cui CH, Bose S, Guo D, Shen C, Wong WP, Halvorsen K, Farokhzad OC, Teo GS, Phillips JA, Dorfman DM, Karnik R, Karp JM. Bioinspired multivalent DNA network for capture and release of cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Nov 27; 109 (48):19626-31 Epub 2012 Nov 12
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  12. Zhao W, Schafer S, Choi J, Yamanaka YJ, Lombardi ML, Bose S, Carlson AL, Phillips JA, Teo W, Droujinine IA, Cui CH, Jain RK, Lammerding J, Love JC, Lin CP, Sarkar D, Karnik R, Karp JM. Cell-surface sensors for real-time probing of cellular environments. Nat Nanotechnol. 2011 Jul 17; 6 (8):524-31 Epub 2011 July 17
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  13. Lee CH, Bose S, Van Vliet KJ, Karp JM, Karnik R. Studying cell rolling trajectories on asymmetric receptor patterns. J Vis Exp. 2011 Feb 13; (48)
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