
  1. Pawar AS, Thorsteinsdottir B, Whitman S, Pine K, Lee A, Espinoza Suarez NR, Organick Lee P, Thota A, Lorenz E, Beck A, Albright R, Feely M, Williams A, Behnken E, Boehmer KR. Decisional Regret Surrounding Dialysis Initiation: A Comparative Analysis. Kidney Med. 2024 Mar; 6 (3):100785 Epub 2023 Dec 20
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  2. Yilmaz S, LeClaire M, Begnaud A, McKinney W, Boehmer KR, Schaffhausen C, Linzer M. Developing LHS scholars' competency around reducing burnout and moral injury. Learn Health Syst. 2024 Jan; 8 (1):e10378 Epub 2023 June 18
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  3. Boehmer KR, Alvarez-Villalobos NA, Barakat S, de Leon-Gutierrez H, Ruiz-Hernandez FG, Elizondo-Omana GG, Vaquera-Alfaro H, Ahn S, Spencer-Bonilla G, Gionfriddo MR, Millan-Alanis JM, Abdelrahim M, Prokop LJ, Murad MH, Wang Z. The impact of health and wellness coaching on patient-important outcomes in chronic illness care: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Patient Educ Couns. 2023 Dec; 117:107975 Epub 2023 Sept 15
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  4. Boehmer KR, Kennedy CC, Hargraves IG, Griffin JM, Garcia-Bautista AE, Sanchez BB, Chokkalingam A, Finnie DM, Miller AR, Moran SL, Smither FC, Amer H, Jowsey-Gregoire S. A Single-Center Retrospective Evaluation of Decision-Making and Factors Motivating Hand Transplant Candidates. Prog Transplant. 2023 Sep; 33 (3):216-222 Epub 2023 Aug 02
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  5. Barreto EF, Chitre PN, Pine KH, Shepel KK, Rule AD, Alshaer MH, Abdul Aziz MH, Roberts JA, Scheetz MH, Ausman SE, Moreland-Head LN, Rivera CG, Jannetto PJ, Mara KC, Boehmer KR. Why is the Implementation of Beta-Lactam Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for the Critically Ill Falling Short? A Multicenter Mixed-Methods Study. Ther Drug Monit. 2023 Aug 1; 45 (4):508-518 Epub 2023 Mar 21
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  6. Jachim SK, Bowles BS, Panicker AJ, Yousaf I, Brown AD, Zoroufy AJ, Boehmer KR, Stonnington CM, Vadeboncoeur TF, Lujan JL, Ehlers SL, Schulze AJ. A single-center assessment of mental health and well-being in a biomedical sciences graduate program. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 May; 41 (5):728-733
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  7. Steiger KG, Boehmer KR, Klanderman MC, Mookadam A, Koneru SS, Montori VM, Mookadam M. Who Is Most Burdened in Health Care? An Analysis of Responses to the ICAN Discussion Aid. J Am Board Fam Med. 2023 Apr 3; 36 (2):277-288 Epub 2023 Mar 22
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  8. Espinoza Suarez NR, LaVecchia CM, Morrow AS, Fischer KM, Kamath C, Boehmer KR, Brito JP. ABLE to support patient financial capacity: A qualitative analysis of cost conversations in clinical encounters. Patient Educ Couns. 2022 Nov; 105 (11):3249-3258 Epub 2022 July 25
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  9. Leon-Garcia M, Humphries B, Maraboto A, Rabassa M, Boehmer KR, Perestelo-Perez L, Xie F, Pelayo I, Eckman M, Bates S, Selva A, Alonso-Coello P. Women's values and preferences on low-molecular-weight heparin and pregnancy: a mixed-methods systematic review. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Oct 5; 22 (1):747 Epub 2022 Oct 05
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  10. Patten C, Brockman T, Kelpin S, Sinicrope P, Boehmer K, St Sauver J, Lampman M, Sharma P, Reinicke N, Huang M, McCoy R, Allen S, Pritchett J, Esterov D, Kamath C, Decker P, Petersen C, Cheville A. Interventions for Increasing Digital Equity and Access (IDEA) among rural patients who smoke: Study protocol for a pragmatic randomized pilot trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 Aug; 119:106838 Epub 2022 June 25
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  11. El Halabi J, Minteer W, Boehmer KR. Identifying and Managing Treatment Nonadherence. Med Clin North Am. 2022 Jul; 106 (4):615-626 Epub 2022 May 28
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  12. Golembiewski EH, Gravholt DL, Torres Roldan VD, Lincango Naranjo EP, Vallejo S, Bautista AG, LaVecchia CM, Patten CA, Allen SV, Jaladi S, Boehmer KR. Rural Patient Experiences of Accessing Care for Chronic Conditions: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies. Ann Fam Med. 2022 May-Jun; 20 (3):266-272
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  13. Thorsteinsdottir B, Espinoza Suarez NR, Curtis S, Beck AT, Hargraves I, Shaw K, Wong SPY, Hickson LJ, Boehmer KR, Amberg B, Dahlen E, Wirtz C, Albright RC, Kumbamu A, Tilburt JC, Sutton EJ. Older Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease and Their Perspectives on Prognostic Information: a Qualitative Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Apr; 37 (5):1031-1037 Epub 2022 Jan 26
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  14. Boehmer KR, Gallacher KI, Lippiett KA, Mair FS, May CR, Montori VM. Minimally Disruptive Medicine: Progress 10 Years Later. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Feb; 97 (2):210-220
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  15. Finnie D, Griffin JM, Kennedy CC, Schaepe K, Boehmer K, Hargraves I, Amer H, Jowsey-Gregoire S. Education for patients with limb loss or absence: Aging, overuse concerns, and patient treatment knowledge gaps. Front Psychol. 2022; 13:953113 Epub 2022 Sept 27
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  16. Griffin JM, Kennedy CC, Boehmer KR, Hargraves IG, Amer H, Jowsey-Gregoire SG. Using team science in vascularized composite allotransplantation to improve team and patient outcomes. Front Psychol. 2022; 13:935507. Epub 2022 Sep 06.
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  17. Clark JE, Boehmer KR, Breslin M, Haider S, Pasciak W, Gravholt D, Sanchez BB, Hartasanchez SA, El Kawkgi OM, Montori V, Lipska KJ. Quality of life, burden of treatment, safety, and avoidance of future events (QBSAfe) protocol: a pilot study testing an intervention to shift the paradigm of diabetes care. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2021 Nov 8; 7 (1):196 Epub 2021 Nov 08
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  18. Gao CC, Espinoza Suarez NR, Toloza FJK, Malaga Zuniga AS, McCarthy SR, Boehmer KR, Yao L, Fu S, Brito JP. Patients' Perspective About the Cost of Diabetes Management: An Analysis of Online Health Communities. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Oct; 5 (5):898-906 Epub 2021 Sept 17
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  19. Haider S, El Kawkgi O, Clark J, Breslin M, Boehmer KR, Montori V, Lipska K. Beyond hemoglobin A1c: a videographic analysis of conversations about quality of life and treatment burden during clinical encounters for diabetes care. Endocrine. 2021 Sep; 73 (3):573-579 Epub 2021 June 29
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  20. Linnander E, McNatt Z, Boehmer K, Cherlin E, Bradley E, Curry L. Changing hospital organisational culture for improved patient outcomes: developing and implementing the leadership saves lives intervention. BMJ Qual Saf. 2021 Jun; 30 (6):475-483 Epub 2020 July 16
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  21. Suarez NRE, Urtecho M, Jubran S, Yeow ME, Wilson ME, Boehmer KR, Barwise AK. The Roles of medical interpreters in intensive care unit communication: A qualitative study. Patient Educ Couns. 2021 May; 104 (5):1100-1108 Epub 2020 Oct 25
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  22. Spencer-Bonilla G, Serrano V, Gao C, Sanchez M, Carroll K, Gionfriddo MR, Behnken EM, Hargraves I, Boehmer K, May C, Montori VM. Patient Work and Treatment Burden in Type 2 Diabetes: A Mixed-Methods Study. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Apr; 5 (2):359-367 Epub 2021 Apr 08
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  23. Barreto EF, Rule AD, Alshaer MH, Roberts JA, Abdul Aziz MH, Scheetz MH, Mara KC, Jannetto PJ, Gajic O, O'Horo JC, Boehmer KR. Provider perspectives on beta-lactam therapeutic drug monitoring programs in the critically ill: a protocol for a multicenter mixed-methods study. Implement Sci Commun. 2021 Mar 24; 2 (1):34
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  24. Abu Dabrh AM, Boehmer KR, Shippee N, Rizza SA, Perlman AI, Dick SR, Behnken EM, Montori VM. Minimally disruptive medicine (MDM) in clinical practice: a qualitative case study of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) clinic care model. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Jan 6; 21 (1):24 Epub 2021 Jan 06
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  25. Hanlon P, Bryson I, Morrison H, Rafiq Q, Boehmer K, Gionfriddo MR, Gallacher K, May C, Montori V, Lewsey J, McAllister DA, Mair FS. Self-management interventions for Type 2 Diabetes: systematic review protocol focusing on patient workload and capacity support. Wellcome Open Res. 2021; 6:257. Epub 2021 Oct 11.
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  26. Horn J, Allen SV, Boehmer KR, Pecina JL. Patient Voice and Mission: Why Do Patients Choose Family Medicine and What Do They Value? J Patient Exp. 2021; 8:23743735211034037 Epub 2021 July 26
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  27. Barreto EF, McCoy RG, Larson JJ, Warsame RM, Kennedy CC, Baker AE, Hart ES, Pagel SM, Whitman SA, Boehmer KR, Enders FT. Evaluation of the academic achievements of clinician health services research scientists involved in "pre-K" career development award programs. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021; 5 (1):e122 Epub 2021 Apr 16
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  28. Boehmer KR, Pine KH, Whitman S, Organick P, Thota A, Espinoza Suarez NR, LaVecchia CM, Lee A, Behnken E, Thorsteinsdottir B, Pawar AS, Beck A, Lorenz EC, Albright RC. Do patients with high versus low treatment and illness burden have different needs? A mixed-methods study of patients living on dialysis. PLoS One. 2021; 16 (12):e0260914 Epub 2021 Dec 28
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  29. Boehmer KR, De Souza SLB, Doles JD, Lachman N, Mays D, Hedin KE, Dornink CA, Maher LJ, Lujan JL. Motivating Self-Efficacy in Diverse Biomedical Science Post-baccalaureate and Graduate Students Through Scientific Conference Implementation. Front Educ (Lausanne). 2021; 6 Epub 2021 Dec 07
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  30. Boehmer KR, Thota A, Organick P, Havens K, Shah ND. Capacity Coaching: A Focused Ethnographic Evaluation in Clinical Practice. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Apr; 4 (2):190-202 Epub 2020 Feb 17
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  31. Wieringa TH, Sanchez-Herrera MF, Espinoza NR, Tran VT, Boehmer K. Crafting Care That Fits: Workload and Capacity Assessments Complementing Decision Aids in Implementing Shared Decision Making. J Particip Med. 2020 Mar 25; 12 (1):e13763
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  32. Espinoza P, Varela CA, Vargas IE, Ortega G, Silva PA, Boehmer KB, Montori VM. The burden of treatment in people living with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study of patients and their primary care clinicians. PLoS One. 2020; 15 (10):e0241485 Epub 2020 Oct 30
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  33. Boehmer KR, Holland DE, Vanderboom CE. Identifying and addressing gaps in the implementation of a community care team for care of Patients with multiple chronic conditions. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Nov 15; 19 (1):843
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  34. Boehmer KR, Dobler CC, Thota A, Branda M, Giblon R, Behnken E, Organick P, Allen SV, Shaw K, Montori VM. Changing conversations in primary care for patients living with chronic conditions: pilot and feasibility study of the ICAN Discussion Aid. BMJ Open. 2019 Sep 3; 9 (9):e029105 Epub 2019 Sept 03
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  35. Huang RC, Song XT, Zhang DF, Xu JY, Boehmer KR, Leppin AA, Gionfriddo MR, Ting HH, Montori VM. Preferences and attitudes of young Chinese clinicians about using a shared decision making tools for communicating cardiovascular risk. Chronic Dis Transl Med. 2019 Jun; 5 (2):105-112 Epub 2019 June 17
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  36. Leppin AL, Boehmer KR, Branda ME, Shah ND, Hargraves I, Dick S, Elwyn G, Ting HH, Ye S, Gilles R, Abbas M, Alexander A, Montori VM. Developing a toolkit to implement the Statin Choice Conversation Aid at scale: application of a work reduction model. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Apr 24; 19(1):249.
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  37. Boehmer KR, Guerton NM, Soyring J, Hargraves I, Dick S, Montori VM. Capacity Coaching: A New Strategy for Coaching Patients Living With Multimorbidity and Organizing Their Care. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 Feb; 94(2):278-286.
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  38. Boehmer KR, Kyriacou M, Behnken E, Branda M, Montori VM. Patient capacity for self-care in the medical record of patients with chronic conditions: a mixed-methods retrospective study. BMC Fam Pract. 2018 Oct 2; 19 (1):164 Epub 2018 Oct 02
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  39. Barakat S, Boehmer K, Abdelrahim M, Ahn S, Al-Khateeb AA, Villalobos NA, Prokop L, Erwin PJ, Fleming K, Serrano V, Spencer-Bonilla G, Murad MH. Does Health Coaching Grow Capacity in Cancer Survivors? A Systematic Review. Popul Health Manag. 2018 Feb; 21 (1):63-81 Epub 2017 June 21
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  40. Boehmer KR, Abu Dabrh AM, Gionfriddo MR, Erwin P, Montori VM. Does the chronic care model meet the emerging needs of people living with multimorbidity? A systematic review and thematic synthesis. PLoS One. 2018; 13 (2):e0190852 Epub 2018 Feb 08
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  41. Serrano V, Spencer-Bonilla G, Boehmer KR, Montori VM. Minimally Disruptive Medicine for Patients with Diabetes. Curr Diab Rep. 2017 Sep 23; 17 (11):104 Epub 2017 Sept 23
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  42. May CR, Cummings A, Myall M, Harvey J, Pope C, Griffiths P, Roderick P, Arber M, Boehmer K, Mair FS, Richardson A. Experiences of long-term life-limiting conditions among patients and carers: what can we learn from a meta-review of systematic reviews of qualitative studies of chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic kidney disease? BMJ Open. 2016 Oct 5; 6 (10):e011694 Epub 2016 Oct 05
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  43. Boehmer KR, Hargraves IG, Allen SV, Matthews MR, Maher C, Montori VM. Meaningful conversations in living with and treating chronic conditions: development of the ICAN discussion aid. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Sep 23; 16(1):514.
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  44. Boehmer KR, Gionfriddo MR, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Dabrh AM, Leppin AL, Hargraves I, May CR, Shippee ND, Castaneda-Guarderas A, Palacios CZ, Bora P, Erwin P, Montori VM. Patient capacity and constraints in the experience of chronic disease: a qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis. BMC Fam Pract. 2016 Sep 01; 17:127.
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  45. Boehmer KR, Barakat S, Ahn S, Prokop LJ, Erwin PJ, Murad MH. Health coaching interventions for persons with chronic conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Syst Rev. 2016 Sep 1; 5 (1):146 Epub 2016 Sept 01
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  46. Boehmer KR, Shippee ND, Beebe TJ, Montori VM. Pursuing minimally disruptive medicine: disruption from illness and health care-related demands is correlated with patient capacity. J Clin Epidemiol. 2016 Jun; 74:227-36 Epub 2016 Jan 11
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  47. Huang R, Song X, Wu J, Huang W, Leppin AL, Gionfriddo MR, Liu Y, Boehmer KR, Ting HH, Montori VM. Assessing the feasibility and quality of shared decision making in China: evaluating a clinical encounter intervention for Chinese patients. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2016; 10:2341-2350 Epub 2016 Nov 14
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  48. Shippee ND, Domecq Garces JP, Prutsky Lopez GJ, Wang Z, Elraiyah TA, Nabhan M, Brito JP, Boehmer K, Hasan R, Firwana B, Erwin PJ, Montori VM, Murad MH. Patient and service user engagement in research: a systematic review and synthesized framework. Health Expect. 2015 Oct; 18 (5):1151-66 Epub 2013 June 03
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  49. Leppin AL, Gionfriddo MR, Kessler M, Brito JP, Mair FS, Gallacher K, Wang Z, Erwin PJ, Sylvester T, Boehmer K, Ting HH, Murad MH, Shippee ND, Montori VM. Preventing 30-day hospital readmissions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Jul; 174 (7):1095-107
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  50. May CR, Eton DT, Boehmer K, Gallacher K, Hunt K, MacDonald S, Mair FS, May CM, Montori VM, Richardson A, Rogers AE, Shippee N. Rethinking the patient: using burden of treatment theory to understand the changing dynamics of illness. BMC Health Serv Res. 2014 Jun 26; 14:281.
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  51. Gionfriddo MR, Leppin AL, Brito JP, Leblanc A, Boehmer KR, Morris MA, Erwin PJ, Prokop LJ, Zeballos-Palacios CL, Malaga G, Miranda JJ, McLeod HM, Rodríguez-Gutiérrez R, Huang R, Morey-Vargas OL, Murad MH, Montori VM. A systematic review of shared decision making interventions in chronic conditions: a review protocol. Syst Rev. 2014 Apr 15; 3:38.
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  52. Brito JP, Gionfriddo MR, Al Nofal A, Boehmer KR, Leppin AL, Reading C, Callstrom M, Elraiyah TA, Prokop LJ, Stan MN, Murad MH, Morris JC, Montori VM. The accuracy of thyroid nodule ultrasound to predict thyroid cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Apr; 99 (4):1253-63 Epub 2013 Nov 25
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  53. Leppin AL, Gionfriddo MR, Sood A, Montori VM, Erwin PJ, Zeballos-Palacios C, Bora PR, Dulohery MM, Brito JP, Boehmer KR, Tilburt JC. The efficacy of resilience training programs: a systematic review protocol. Syst Rev. 2014 Mar 6; 3:20 Epub 2014 Mar 06
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  54. Domecq JP, Prutsky G, Elraiyah T, Wang Z, Nabhan M, Shippee N, Brito JP, Boehmer K, Hasan R, Firwana B, Erwin P, Eton D, Sloan J, Montori V, Asi N, Dabrh AM, Murad MH. Patient engagement in research: a systematic review. BMC Health Serv Res. 2014 Feb 26; 14:89
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  55. Leppin AL, Bora PR, Tilburt JC, Gionfriddo MR, Zeballos-Palacios C, Dulohery MM, Sood A, Erwin PJ, Brito JP, Boehmer KR, Montori VM. The efficacy of resiliency training programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (10):e111420 Epub 2014 Oct 27
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  56. LeBlanc A, Ruud KL, Branda ME, Tiedje K, Boehmer KR, Pencille LJ, Van Houten H, Matthews M, Shah ND, May CR, Yawn BP, Montori VM. The impact of decision aids to enhance shared decision making for diabetes (the DAD study): protocol of a cluster randomized trial. BMC Health Serv Res. 2012 May 28; 12:130
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