
  1. Hoelzinger DB, Quinton SJ, Walters DK, Vardam-Kaur T, Tschumper RC, Borges da Silva H, Jelinek DF. Extracellular vesicle proteomic analysis leads to the discovery of HDGF as a new factor in multiple myeloma biology. Blood Adv. 2022 Jun 14; 6 (11):3458-3471
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  2. Tschumper RC, Hoelzinger DB, Walters DK, Davila JI, Osborne CA, Jelinek DF. Stage-Specific Non-Coding RNA Expression Patterns during In Vitro Human B Cell Differentiation into Antibody Secreting Plasma Cells. Noncoding RNA. 2022 Feb 05; 8(1).
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  3. Myers CE, Hoelzinger DB, Truong TN, Chew LA, Myles A, Chaudhuri L, Egan JB, Liu J, Gendler SJ, Cohen PA. Chemotherapy can induce weight normalization of morbidly obese mice despite undiminished ingestion of high fat diet. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 17; 8 (3):5426-5438
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  4. Lakshminarayanan V, Supekar NT, Wei J, McCurry DB, Dueck AC, Kosiorek HE, Trivedi PP, Bradley JM, Madsen CS, Pathangey LB, Hoelzinger DB, Wolfert MA, Boons GJ, Cohen PA, Gendler SJ. MUC1 Vaccines, Comprised of Glycosylated or Non-Glycosylated Peptides or Tumor-Derived MUC1, Can Circumvent Immunoediting to Control Tumor Growth in MUC1 Transgenic Mice. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (1):e0145920 Epub 2016 Jan 20
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  5. Hoelzinger DB, Dominguez AL, Cohen PA, Gendler SJ. Inhibition of adaptive immunity by IL9 can be disrupted to achieve rapid T-cell sensitization and rejection of progressive tumor challenges. Cancer Res. 2014 Dec 1; 74 (23):6845-55 Epub 2014 Oct 08
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  6. Smith SE, Hoelzinger DB, Dominguez AL, Van Snick J, Lustgarten J. Signals through 4-1BB inhibit T regulatory cells by blocking IL-9 production enhancing antitumor responses. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2011 Dec; 60 (12):1775-87 Epub 2011 July 26
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  7. Mirza N, Pollock K, Hoelzinger DB, Dominguez AL, Lustgarten J. Comparative kinetic analyses of gene profiles of naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from young and old animals reveal novel age-related alterations. Aging Cell. 2011 Oct; 10 (5):853-67 Epub 2011 Aug 07
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  8. Hoelzinger DB, Smith SE, Mirza N, Dominguez AL, Manrique SZ, Lustgarten J. Blockade of CCL1 inhibits T regulatory cell suppressive function enhancing tumor immunity without affecting T effector responses. J Immunol. 2010 Jun 15; 184 (12):6833-42 Epub 2010 May 07
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  9. Nakada M, Anderson EM, Demuth T, Nakada S, Reavie LB, Drake KL, Hoelzinger DB, Berens ME. The phosphorylation of ephrin-B2 ligand promotes glioma cell migration and invasion. Int J Cancer. 2010 Mar 1; 126(5):1155-65.
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  10. Manrique SZ, Correa MAD, Hoelzinger DB, Dominguez AL, Mirza N, Smith SE, Lin HH, Stein-Streilein J, Gordon S, Lustgarten J. FoxP3-positive macrophage regulatory cells (MacRegs) display immunosuppressive properties and promote tumor growth. J Exper Med. 2010; 28(7):1485-99.
  11. Sharma S, Dominguez AL, Hoelzinger DB, Lustgarten J. CpG-ODN but not other TLR-ligands restore the antitumor responses in old mice: the implications for vaccinations in the aged. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008 Apr; 57 (4):549-61 Epub 2007 Sept 08
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  12. Hoelzinger DB, Nakada M, Demuth T, Rosensteel T, Reavie LB, Berens ME. Autotaxin: a secreted autocrine/paracrine factor that promotes glioma invasion. J Neurooncol. 2008 Feb; 86(3):297-309. Epub 2007 Oct 11.
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  13. Demuth T, Rennert JL, Hoelzinger DB, Reavie LB, Nakada M, Beaudry C, Nakada S, Anderson EM, Henrichs AN, McDonough WS, Holz D, Joy A, Lin R, Pan KH, Lih CJ, Cohen SN, Berens ME. Glioma cells on the run - the migratory transcriptome of 10 human glioma cell lines. BMC Genomics. 2008; 9:54. Epub 2008 Jan 29.
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  14. Hoelzinger DB, Demuth T, Berens ME. Autocrine factors that sustain glioma invasion and paracrine biology in the brain microenvironment. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 Nov 7; 99(21):1583-93. Epub 2007 Oct 30.
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  15. Demuth T, Reavie LB, Rennert JL, Nakada M, Nakada S, Hoelzinger DB, Beaudry CE, Henrichs AN, Anderson EM, Berens ME. MAP-ing glioma invasion: mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 and p38 drive glioma invasion and progression and predict patient survival. Mol Cancer Ther. 2007 Apr; 6(4):1212-22. Epub 2007 Apr 03.
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  16. Nakada M, Nakada S, Demuth T, Tran NL, Hoelzinger DB, Berens ME. Molecular targets of glioma invasion. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2007 Feb; 64(4):458-78.
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  17. Tran NL, McDonough WS, Savitch BA, Fortin SP, Winkles JA, Symons M, Nakada M, Cunliffe HE, Hostetter G, Hoelzinger DB, Rennert JL, Michaelson JS, Burkly LC, Lipinski CA, Loftus JC, Mariani L, Berens ME. Increased fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 expression levels promote glioma cell invasion via Rac1 and nuclear factor-kappaB and correlate with poor patient outcome. Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 01; 66: (19)9535-42.
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  18. Hoelzinger DB, Mariani L, Weis J, Woyke T, Berens TJ, McDonough WS, Sloan A, Coons SW, Berens ME. Gene expression profile of glioblastoma multiforme invasive phenotype points to new therapeutic targets. Neoplasia. 2005 Jan; 7(1):7-16.
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  19. Woyke T, Berens ME, Hoelzinger DB, Pettit GR, Winkelmann G, Pettit RK. Differential gene expression in auristatin PHE-treated Cryptococcus neoformans. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2004 Feb; 48(2):561-7.
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  20. Tran NL, McDonough WS, Donohue PJ, Winkles JA, Berens TJ, Ross KR, Hoelzinger DB, Beaudry C, Coons SW, Berens ME. The human Fn14 receptor gene is up-regulated in migrating glioma cells in vitro and overexpressed in advanced glial tumors. Am J Pathol. 2003 Apr; 162: (4)1313-21.
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  21. Mariani L, Beaudry C, McDonough WS, Hoelzinger DB, Kaczmarek E, Ponce F, Coons SW, Giese A, Seiler RW, Berens ME. Death-associated protein 3 (Dap-3) is overexpressed in invasive glioblastoma cells in vivo and in glioma cell lines with induced motility phenotype in vitro. Clin Cancer Res. 2001 Aug; 7(8):2480-9.
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  22. Mariani L, Beaudry C, McDonough WS, Hoelzinger DB, Demuth T, Ross KR, Berens T, Coons SW, Watts G, Trent JM, Wei JS, Giese A, Berens ME. Glioma cell motility is associated with reduced transcription of proapoptotic and proliferation genes: a cDNA microarray analysis. J Neurooncol. 2001 Jun; 53(2):161-76.
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  23. Mariani L, McDonough WS, Hoelzinger DB, Beaudry C, Kaczmarek E, Coons SW, Giese A, Moghaddam M, Seiler RW, Berens ME. Identification and validation of P311 as a glioblastoma invasion gene using laser capture microdissection. Cancer Res. 2001 May 15; 61(10):4190-6.
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  24. Norman SA, Rhodes SN, Treasurywala S, Hoelzinger DB, Rankin Shapiro J, Scheck AC. Identification of transforming growth factor-beta1-binding protein overexpression in carmustine-resistant glioma cells by MRNA differential display. Cancer. 2000 Aug 15; 89(4):850-62.
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