
  1. Roche AI, Young A, Sabaque C, Kelpin SS, Sinicrope P, Pham C, Marsch LA, Campbell ANC, Venner K, Baker-DeKrey L, Wyatt T, WhiteHawk S, Nord T, Resnicow K, Young C, Brown A, Bart G, Patten C. Wiidookaage'win: Beta-test of a Facebook group intervention for Native women to support opioid use recovery. J Subst Use Addict Treat. 2024 Aug; 163:209396 Epub 2024 May 15
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  2. Sinicrope PS, Tranby BN, Young AM, Koller KR, King DK, Lee FR, Sabaque CV, Prochaska JJ, Borah BJ, Decker PA, McDonell MG, Stillwater B, Thomas TK, Patten CA. Adapting a Financial Incentives Intervention for Smoking Cessation with Alaska Native Families: Phase 1 Qualitative Research to Inform the Aniqsaaq (To Breathe) Study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2024 Apr 20 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Young A, Sinicrope P, Kelpin S, Roche AI, Sabaque C, Pham C, Marsch LA, Campbell ANC, Venner K, Bastian E, Nord T, Mason G, Baker L, Wyatt T, Fish A, Bart G, Patten CA. Wiidookaage'Win: A Community-Based Qualitative Approach to Developing a Facebook Group Intervention for Native Women to Support Recovery From Opioid Use. Am J Health Promot. 2024 Feb; 38 (2):205-218 Epub 2023 Nov 13
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  4. Sharma P, Kamath C, Brockman TA, Roche A, Sinicrope P, Jiang R, Decker PA, Pazdernik V, Patten C. Demographics and Social Factors Associated With Persistent Nonuse of Video Appointments at a Multisite Health Care Institution: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Form Res. 2024 Jan 24; 8:e50572
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  5. Sharma P, Tranby B, Kamath C, Brockman T, Roche A, Hammond C, Brewer LC, Sinicrope P, Lenhart N, Quade B, Abuan N, Halom M, Staples J, Patten C. A Christian Faith-Based Facebook Intervention for Smoking Cessation in Rural Communities (FAITH-CORE): Protocol for a Community Participatory Development Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2023 Dec 13; 12:e52398
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  6. Patten CA, Koller KR, King DK, Prochaska JJ, Sinicrope PS, McDonell MG, Decker PA, Lee FR, Fosi JK, Young AM, Sabaque CV, Brown AR, Borah BJ, Thomas TK. Aniqsaaq (To Breathe): Study protocol to develop and evaluate an Alaska Native family-based financial incentive intervention for smoking cessation. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2023 Jun; 33:101129 Epub 2023 Apr 03
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  7. Patten CA, Koller KR, Sinicrope PS, Prochaska JJ, Young C, Resnicow K, Decker PA, Hughes CA, Merritt ZT, McConnell CR, Huang M, Thomas TK. Facebook Intervention to Connect Alaska Native People With Resources and Support to Quit Smoking: CAN Quit Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Nicotine Tob Res. 2023 Mar 22; 25 (4):803-813
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  8. Maciejko LA, Fox JM, Steffens MT, Patten CA, Newman HR, Decker PA, Wheeler P, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Gorfine M, Brewer L, Sinicrope PS. Rural and urban residents' attitudes and preferences toward COVID-19 prevention behaviors in a midwestern community. PLoS One. 2023; 18(6):e0286953. Epub 2023 Jun 23.
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  9. Patten CA, Koller KR, Sinicrope PS, Merculieff ZT, Prochaska JJ, Hughes CA, McConnell CR, Decker PA, Resnicow K, Thomas TK. Exploring the perceived effectiveness and cultural acceptability of COVID-19 relevant social media intervention content among Alaska Native people who Smoke: The CAN Quit study. Prev Med Rep. 2022 Dec; 30:102042 Epub 2022 Nov 07
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  10. Patten C, Brockman T, Kelpin S, Sinicrope P, Boehmer K, St Sauver J, Lampman M, Sharma P, Reinicke N, Huang M, McCoy R, Allen S, Pritchett J, Esterov D, Kamath C, Decker P, Petersen C, Cheville A. Interventions for Increasing Digital Equity and Access (IDEA) among rural patients who smoke: Study protocol for a pragmatic randomized pilot trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 Aug; 119:106838 Epub 2022 June 25
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  11. Sharma P, Sinicrope AR, Sinicrope P, Brockman TA, Reinicke NM, West IW, Wiepert LM, Glasgow AE, Sangaralingham LR, Holland AL, Patten CA. Patient Telemedicine Perceptions During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within a Multi-State Medical Institution: Qualitative Study. JMIR Form Res. 2022 May 13; 6 (5):e37012
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  12. Sinicrope PS, Young CD, Resnicow K, Merritt ZT, McConnell CR, Hughes CA, Koller KR, Bock MJ, Decker PA, Flanagan CA, Meade CD, Thomas TK, Prochaska JJ, Patten CA. Lessons Learned From Beta-Testing a Facebook Group Prototype to Promote Treatment Use in the "Connecting Alaska Native People to Quit Smoking" (CAN Quit) Study. J Med Internet Res. 2022 Feb 17; 24 (2):e28704
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  13. O'Neill KD, Marks KE, Sinicrope PS, Crowson CS, Symons D, Myasoedova E, Davis JM 3rd. Importance of Shared Treatment Goal Discussions in Rheumatoid Arthritis-A Cross-Sectional Survey: Patients Report Providers Seldom Discuss Treatment Goals and Outcomes Improve When Goals Are Discussed. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2021 Dec; 3 (12):870-878 Epub 2021 Sept 18
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  14. Sinicrope PS, Maciejko LA, Fox JM, Steffens MT, Decker PA, Wheeler P, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Gorfine M, Patten CA. Factors associated with willingness to wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in a Midwestern Community. Prev Med Rep. 2021 Dec; 24:101543 Epub 2021 Sept 02
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  15. Merculieff ZT, Koller KR, Sinicrope PS, Hughes CA, Bock MJ, Decker PA, Resnicow K, Flanagan CA, Meade CD, McConnell CR, Prochaska JJ, Thomas TK, Patten CA. Developing a Social Media Intervention to Connect Alaska Native People Who Smoke with Resources and Support to Quit Smoking: The Connecting Alaska Native Quit Study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2021 May 24; 23 (6):1002-1009
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  16. Sinicrope PS, Bauer MC, Patten CA, Austin-Garrison M, Garcia L, Hughes CA, Bock MJ, Decker PA, Yost KJ, Petersen WO, Buki LP, Garrison ER. Development and Evaluation of a Cancer Literacy Intervention to Promote Mammography Screening Among Navajo Women: A Pilot Study. Am J Health Promot. 2020 Jul; 34 (6):681-685 Epub 2020 Jan 27
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  17. Sinicrope PS, Koller KR, Prochaska JJ, Hughes CA, Bock MJ, Decker PA, Flanagan CA, Merritt ZT, Meade CD, Willetto AL, Resnicow K, Thomas TK, Patten CA. Social Media Intervention to Promote Smoking Treatment Utilization and Cessation Among Alaska Native People Who Smoke: Protocol for the Connecting Alaska Native People to Quit Smoking (CAN Quit) Pilot Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2019 Nov 22; 8 (11):e15155
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  18. Balls-Berry J, Sinicrope P, Valdez Soto M, Brockman T, Bock M, Patten C. Linking Podcasts With Social Media to Promote Community Health and Medical Research: Feasibility Study. JMIR Form Res. 2018 Oct 24; 2 (2):e10025
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  19. Balls-Berry JE, Sinicrope PS, Valdez Soto MA, Albertie ML, Lafflam R, Major-Elechi BT, Juhn YJ, Brockman TA, Bock MJ, Patten CA. Using Garden Cafes to engage community stakeholders in health research. PLoS One. 2018; 13 (8):e0200483 Epub 2018 Aug 10
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  20. Patten C, Levine J, Pavlidis I, Balls-Berry J, Shah A, Hughes C, Brockman T, Valdez Soto M, Witt D, Koepp G, Sinicrope P, Richards J. Survey of potential receptivity to robotic-assisted exercise coaching in a diverse sample of smokers and nonsmokers. PLoS One. 2018; 13(5):e0197090. Epub 2018 May 10.
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  21. Howell LA, Brockman TA, Sinicrope PS, Patten CA, Decker PA, Busta A, Stoddard S, McNallan SR, Yang P. Receptivity and Preferences for Lifestyle Programs to Reduce Cancer Risk among Lung Cancer Family Members. Adv Cancer Prev. 2016 Sep; 1 (3) Epub 2016 June 20
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  22. Johnson KJ, Schahl KA, Sinicrope PS, McAllister TM, McCormick JB, Ruckman LE, Beaver MI, Lindor NM. The "Genomic Novel" and "Priority Mapping Tool": Using Empathic Design to Develop Innovative Patient-Centered Decision-Making Tools for the Genomic Testing Experience. J Genetic Disord & Genetic Reports.2015;4:3-7.
  23. Graves KD, Sinicrope PS, McCormick JB, Zhou Y, Vadaparampil ST, Lindor NM. Public perceptions of disease severity but not actionability correlate with interest in receiving genomic results: nonalignment with current trends in practice. Public Health Genomics. 2015; 18(3):173-83. Epub 2015 Mar 12.
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  24. Radecki Breitkopf C, Asiedu GB, Egginton J, Sinicrope P, Opyrchal SM, Howell LA, Patten C, Boardman L. An investigation of the colorectal cancer experience and receptivity to family-based cancer prevention programs. Support Care Cancer. 2014 Sep; 22 (9):2517-25 Epub 2014 Apr 13
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  25. Yang D, Hillman SL, Harris AM, Sinicrope PS, Devens ME, Ahlquist DA. Patient perceptions of stool DNA testing for pan-digestive cancer screening: a survey questionnaire. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 May 7; 20 (17):4972-9
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  26. Graves KD, Sinicrope PS, Esplen MJ, Peterson SK, Patten CA, Lowery JA, Sinicrope FA, Nigon SK, Borgen J, Sheinfeld-Gorin S, Keogh LA, Lindor NM. Evaluation of a Telephone Gene Disclosure Process to Enhance Communication Among Colon Cancer Family Registry Participants Genetics in Medicine. 2013.
  27. Howell LA, Sinicrope PS, Brockman TA, Patten CA, Decker PA, Ehlers SL, Nadeau A, Rabe KG, Breitkopf CR, Petersen GM. Receptivity and preferences of pancreatic cancer family members for participating in lifestyle programs to reduce cancer risk. Hered Cancer Clin Pract. 2013 May 31; 11 (1):3
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  28. Keogh LA, Fisher D, Sheinfeld Gorin SSchully SD, Lowery JT, Ahnen DJ, Maskiell JA, Lindor NM, Hopper JL, Burnett T, Holter S, Arnold JL, Gallinger S, Laurino M, Esplen M-j, Sinicrope PS, Colon Cancer Family Registry. How do researchers manage genetic results in Practice? The experience of the multinational colon cancer family registry. J Community Genet. 2013 May.
  29. Howell LA, Brockman TA, Sinicrope PS, Patten CA, Decker PA, Ehlers SL, Lindor NM, Nigon SK, Petersen GM. Receptivity and Preferences in Cancer Risk Reduction Lifestyle Programs: A Survey of Colorectal Cancer Family Members. J Behav Health. 2013; 2 (4):279-290
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  30. Patten CA, Fadahunsi O, Hanza M, Smith CM, Hughes CA, Brockman TA, Boyer R, Decker PA, Luger E, Sinicrope PS, Offord KP. Development of a tobacco cessation intervention for Alaska Native youth. Addict Res Theory. 2013; 21 (4):273-284
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  31. Breitkopf CR, Sinicrope PS, Rabe KG, Brockman TA, Patten CA, McWilliams RR, Ehlers S, Petersen GM. Factors influencing receptivity to future screening options for pancreatic cancer in those with and without pancreatic cancer family history. Hered Cancer Clin Pract. 2012 Jun 27; 10 (1):8 Epub 2012 June 27
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  32. Sinicrope PS, Goode EL, Limburg PJ, Vernon SW, Wick JB, Patten CA, Decker PA, Hanson AC, Smith CM, Beebe TJ, Sinicrope FA, Lindor NM, Brockman TA, Melton LJ 3rd, Petersen GM. A population-based study of prevalence and adherence trends in average risk colorectal cancer screening, 1997 to 2008. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2012 Feb; 21 (2):347-50 Epub 2011 Dec 05
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  33. Patten CA, Smith CM, Brockman TA, Decker PA, Sinicrope PS, Nadeau AM, Hughes CA, Offord KP. Efficacy of a Support Person Intervention to Promote Smoker Utilization of the Minnesota QUITPLAN helpline American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2011.
  34. James KM, Cowl CT, Tilburt JC, Sinicrope PS, Robinson ME, Frimannsdottir KR, Tiedje K, Koenig BA. Impact of direct-to-consumer predictive genomic testing on risk perception and worry among patients receiving routine care in a preventive health clinic. Mayo Clin Proc. 2011 Oct; 86 (10):933-40
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  35. Garces YI, Patten CA, Sinicrope PS, Decker PA, Offord KP, Brown PD, Clark MM, Rummans TA, Foote RL, Hurt RD. Willingness of cancer patients to help family members to quit smoking. Psychooncology. 2011 Jul; 20(7):724-9. Epub 2010 May 20.
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  36. Patten CA, Smith CM, Brockman TA, Decker PA, Hughes CA, Nadeau AM, Sinicrope PS, Offord KP, Lichtenstein E, Zhu SH. Support-person promotion of a smoking quitline: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Prev Med. 2011 Jul; 41 (1):17-23
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  37. Tilburt JC, James KM, Sinicrope PS, Eton DT, Costello BA, Carey J, Lane MA, Ehlers SL, Erwin PJ, Nowakowski KE, Murad MH. Factors influencing cancer risk perception in high risk populations: a systematic review. Hered Cancer Clin Pract. 2011 May 19; 9:2
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  38. Sinicrope PS, Rabe KG, Brockman TA, Patten CA, Petersen WO. Perceptions of the Accuracy of Spiral CT Screening for Lung Cancer Among High-Risk Families Academic Radiology. 2010; 17(8):1012-1025.
  39. Sinicrope PS, Rabe KG, Brockman TA, Patten CA, Petersen WO, Slusser J, Yang P, Swensen SJ, Edell ES, de Andrade M, Petersen GM. Perceptions of lung cancer risk and beliefs in screening accuracy of spiral computed tomography among high-risk lung cancer family members. Acad Radiol. 2010 Aug; 17 (8):1012-25
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  40. Sinicrope PS, Patten CA, Bonnema SM, Almquist JR, Smith CM, Beebe TJ, Jacobsen SJ, Vachon CM. Healthy women's motivators and barriers to participation in a breast cancer cohort study: a qualitative study. Ann Epidemiol. 2009 Jul; 19 (7):484-93 Epub 2009 Mar 09
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  41. Sinicrope PS, Patten CA, Clark LP, Brockman TA, Rock EE, Frost MH, Petersen LR, Vierkant RA, Vachon CM, Fredericksen ZS, Janney CA, Sellers TA, Cerhan JR. Adult daughters' reports of breast cancer risk reduction and early detection advice received from their mothers: an exploratory study. Psychooncology. 2009 Feb; 18 (2):169-78
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  42. Patten CA, Smith C, Brockman TA, Decker P, Anderson KJ, Hughes C, Sinicrope PS, Offord KP. Development and Feasibility of a Support Person Intervention to Promote Smoker Utilization of the Minnesota QUITPLAN® Helpline Am J Prev Med. 2008; 35(6 Suppl):S479-485.
  43. Patten CA, Smith CM, Brockman TA, Decker PA, Anderson KJ, Hughes CA, Sinicrope P, Offord KP, Lichtenstein E. Support person intervention to promote smoker utilization of the QUITPLAN Helpline. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Dec; 35 (6 Suppl):S479-85
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  44. Sinicrope PS, Brockman TA, Patten CA, Frost MH, Vierkant RA, Petersen LR, Rock E, Clark LP, Vachon CM, Fredericksen ZS, Sellers TA, Cerhan JR. Factors associated with breast cancer prevention communication between mothers and daughters. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2008 Jul-Aug; 17 (6):1017-23
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  45. Sinicrope PS, Vernon SW, Diamond PM, Patten CA, Kelder SH, Rabe KG, Petersen GM. Development and preliminary validation of the cancer family impact scale for colorectal cancer. Genet Test. 2008 Mar; 12 (1):161-9
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  46. Low BJ, Orpinas P, Fleschler M, Sinicrope PS. Prevalence of Hispanic Child Aggression and Victimization Journal of Intercultural Disciplines. 2005; 5:77-98.
  47. Sample D, Sinicrope PS, Wargovich M, Sinicrope F. Motivation for participation in a chemoprevention trial with aspirin for the prevention of colorectal cancer and impact on post-study aspirin intake Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 2002; 11(3):281-285.
  48. Reininger B, Martin DW, Ross M, Sinicrope PS. Advancing the Theory and Measurement of Collective Empowerment: A Qualitative Study International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 2001; 19(4):293-320.
  49. Reininger B, Dinh-Zarr T, Sinicrope PS, Martin DW. Dimensions of participation and leadership: Implications for community-based health promotion for youth Family & Community Health. 1999; 22(2):72-82. Epub 2019 Oct 07.