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  2. Liu S, Wen A, Wang L, He H, Fu S, Miller R, Williams A, Harris D, Kavuluru R, Liu M, Abu-El-Rub N, Schutte D, Zhang R, Rouhizadeh M, Osborne JD, He Y, Topaloglu U, Hong SS, Saltz JH, Schaffter T, Pfaff E, Chute CG, Duong T, Haendel MA, Fuentes R, Szolovits P, Xu H, Liu H. An open natural language processing (NLP) framework for EHR-based clinical research: a case demonstration using the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023 Nov 17; 30 (12):2036-2040
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  3. Hill EL, Mehta HB, Sharma S, Mane K, Singh SK, Xie C, Singh SK, Xie C, Cathey E, Loomba J, Russell S, Spratt H, DeWitt PE, Ammar N, Madlock-Brown C, Brown D, McMurry JA, Chute CG, Haendel MA, Moffitt R, Pfaff ER, Bennett TD, N3C Consortium//and the RECOVER Consortium. Risk factors associated with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2: an N3C and NIH RECOVER study. BMC Public Health. 2023 Oct 25; 23 (1):2103
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  4. Pfaff ER, Girvin AT, Crosskey M, Gangireddy S, Master H, Wei WQ, Kerchberger VE, Weiner M, Harris PA, Basford M, Lunt C, Chute CG, Moffitt RA, Haendel M, N3C and RECOVER Consortia. De-black-boxing health AI: demonstrating reproducible machine learning computable phenotypes using the N3C-RECOVER Long COVID model in the All of Us data repository. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023 Jun 20; 30 (7):1305-1312
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  5. Leese P, Anand A, Girvin A, Manna A, Patel S, Yoo YJ, Wong R, Haendel M, Chute CG, Bennett T, Hajagos J, Bennett T, Pfaff E, Moffitt R. Clinical encounter heterogeneity and methods for resolving in networked EHR data: a study from N3C and RECOVER programs. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023 May 19; 30 (6):1125-1136
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  6. Fu S, Wang L, Moon S, Zong N, He H, Pejaver V, Relevo R, Walden A, Haendel M, Chute CG, Liu H. Recommended practices and ethical considerations for natural language processing-assisted observational research: A scoping review. Clin Transl Sci. 2023 Mar; 16 (3):398-411 Epub 2022 Dec 26
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  7. Brandt PS, Kho A, Luo Y, Pacheco JA, Walunas TL, Hakonarson H, Hripcsak G, Liu C, Shang N, Weng C, Walton N, Carrell DS, Crane PK, Larson EB, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, Carroll R, Denny J, Ramirez A, Wei WQ, Pathak J, Wiley LK, Richesson R, Starren JB, Rasmussen LV. Characterizing variability of electronic health record-driven phenotype definitions. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023 Feb 16; 30 (3):427-437
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  8. Pfaff ER, Madlock-Brown C, Baratta JM, Bhatia A, Davis H, Girvin A, Hill E, Kelly E, Kostka K, Loomba J, McMurry JA, Wong R, Bennett TD, Moffitt R, Chute CG, Haendel M, N3C Consortium//RECOVER Consortium. Coding long COVID: characterizing a new disease through an ICD-10 lens. BMC Med. 2023 Feb 16; 21 (1):58
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  9. Xiao G, Pfaff E, Prud'Hommeaux E, Booth D, Sharma DK, Huo N, Yu Y, Zong N, Ruddy KJ, Chute CG, Jiang G. FHIR-Ontop-OMOP: querying OMOP clinical databases as FHIR-compliant clinical knowledge graphs. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2023; 3415:165-6
  10. Xiao G, Pfaff E, Prud'hommeaux E, Booth D, Sharma DK, Huo N, Yu Y, Zong N, Ruddy KJ, Chute CG, Jiang G. FHIR-Ontop-OMOP: Building clinical knowledge graphs in FHIR RDF with the OMOP Common data Model. J Biomed Inform. 2022 Oct; 134:104201. Epub 2022 Sep 09.
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  11. Pfaff ER, Girvin AT, Bennett TD, Bhatia A, Brooks IM, Deer RR, Dekermanjian JP, Jolley SE, Kahn MG, Kostka K, McMurry JA, Moffitt R, Walden A, Chute CG, Haendel MA, N3C Consortium. Identifying who has long COVID in the USA: a machine learning approach using N3C data. Lancet Digit Health. 2022 Jul; 4 (7):e532-e541 Epub 2022 May 16
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  12. Bradwell KR, Wooldridge JT, Amor B, Bennett TD, Anand A, Bremer C, Yoo YJ, Qian Z, Johnson SG, Pfaff ER, Girvin AT, Manna A, Niehaus EA, Manna A, Hong SS, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Bissell M, Qureshi N, Saltz J, Haendel MA, Chute CG, Lehmann HP, Moffitt RA, N3C Consortium. Harmonizing units and values of quantitative data elements in a very large nationally pooled electronic health record (EHR) dataset. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022 Jun 14; 29 (7):1172-1182
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  13. Mabon K, Steinum O, Chute CG. Postcoordination of codes in ICD-11. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2022 May 17; 21 (Suppl 6):379
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  14. Reese JT, Coleman B, Chan L, Blau H, Chan L, Callahan TJ, Cappelletti L, Fontana T, Bradwell KR, Harris NL, Casiraghi E, Valentini G, Karlebach G, Deer R, McMurry JA, Haendel MA, Chute CG, Pfaff E, Moffitt R, Spratt H, Singh JA, Mungall CJ, Williams AE, Robinson PN. NSAID use and clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients: a 38-center retrospective cohort study. Virol J. 2022 May 15; 19 (1):84
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  15. Call JT, Lee AS, Haendel MA, Chute CG, Helgeson SA. The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pulmonary Diagnostic Procedures. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2022 Apr; 19 (4):695-697
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  16. Pfaff ER, Girvin AT, Gabriel DL, Kostka K, Morris M, Palchuk MB, Lehmann HP, Amor B, Bissell M, Bradwell KR, Gold S, Hong SS, Loomba J, Manna A, McMurry JA, Niehaus E, Qureshi N, Walden A, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Moffitt RA, Haendel MA, Chute CG, Adams WG, Al-Shukri S, Anzalone A, Baghal A, Bennett TD, Bernstam EV, Bernstam EV, Bissell MM, Bush B, Campion TR, Castro V, Chang J, Chaudhari DD, Chen W, Chu S, Cimino JJ, Crandall KA, Crooks M, Davies SJD, DiPalazzo J, Dorr D, Eckrich D, Eltinge SE, Fort DG, Golovko G, Gupta S, Haendel MA, Hajagos JG, Hanauer DA, Harnett BM, Horswell R, Huang N, Johnson SG, Kahn M, Khanipov K, Kieler C, Luzuriaga KR, Maidlow S, Martinez A, Mathew J, McClay JC, McMahan G, Melancon B, Meystre S, Miele L, Morizono H, Pablo R, Patel L, Phuong J, Popham DJ, Pulgarin C, Santos C, Sarkar IN, Sazo N, Setoguchi S, Soby S, Surampalli S, Suver C, Vangala UMR, Visweswaran S, Oehsen JV, Walters KM, Wiley L, Williams DA, Zai A, N3C Consortium. Synergies between centralized and federated approaches to data quality: a report from the national COVID cohort collaborative. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022 Mar 15; 29 (4):609-618
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  17. Yu Y, Zong N, Wen A, Liu S, Stone DJ, Knaack D, Chamberlain AM, Pfaff E, Gabriel D, Chute CG, Shah N, Jiang G. Developing an ETL tool for converting the PCORnet CDM into the OMOP CDM to facilitate the COVID-19 data integration. J Biomed Inform. 2022 Mar; 127:104002 Epub 2022 Jan 22
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  18. Martin B, DeWitt PE, Russell S, Anand A, Bradwell KR, Bremer C, Gabriel D, Girvin AT, Hajagos JG, McMurry JA, Neumann AJ, Pfaff ER, Walden A, Wooldridge JT, Yoo YJ, Saltz J, Gersing KR, Chute CG, Haendel MA, Moffitt R, Bennett TD. Characteristics, Outcomes, and Severity Risk Factors Associated With SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Children in the US National COVID Cohort Collaborative. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Feb 1; 5 (2):e2143151 Epub 2022 Feb 01
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  19. Deer RR, Rock MA, Vasilevsky N, Carmody L, Rando H, Anzalone AJ, Basson MD, Bennett TD, Bergquist T, Boudreau EA, Bramante CT, Byrd JB, Callahan TJ, Chan LE, Chu H, Chute CG, Coleman BD, Davis HE, Gagnier J, Greene CS, Hillegass WB, Kavuluru R, Kimble WD, Koraishy FM, Kohler S, Liang C, Liu F, Liu H, Madhira V, Madlock-Brown CR, Matentzoglu N, Mazzotti DR, McMurry JA, McNair DS, Moffitt RA, Monteith TS, Parker AM, Perry MA, Pfaff E, Reese JT, Saltz J, Schuff RA, Solomonides AE, Solway J, Spratt H, Stein GS, Sule AA, Topaloglu U, Vavougios GD, Wang L, Haendel MA, Robinson PN. Characterizing Long COVID: Deep Phenotype of a Complex Condition. EBioMedicine. 2021 Dec; 74:103722 Epub 2021 Nov 25
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  20. Drosler SE, Weber S, Chute CG. ICD-11 extension codes support detailed clinical abstraction and comprehensive classification. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Nov 9; 21 (Suppl 6):278 Epub 2021 Nov 09
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  21. Harrison JE, Weber S, Jakob R, Chute CG. ICD-11: an international classification of diseases for the twenty-first century. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Nov 9; 21 (Suppl 6):206 Epub 2021 Nov 09
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  22. Mehta HB, An H, Andersen KM, Mansour O, Madhira V, Rashidi ES, Bates B, Setoguchi S, Joseph C, Kocis PT, Moffitt R, Bennett TD, Chute CG, Garibaldi BT, Alexander GC, National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). Use of Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, and Dexamethasone Among Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the United States : A Retrospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2021 Oct; 174 (10):1395-1403 Epub 2021 Aug 17
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  23. Bennett TD, Moffitt RA, Hajagos JG, Amor B, Anand A, Bissell MM, Bradwell KR, Bremer C, Byrd JB, Denham A, DeWitt PE, Gabriel D, Garibaldi BT, Girvin AT, Guinney J, Hill EL, Hong SS, Jimenez H, Kavuluru R, Kostka K, Lehmann HP, Levitt E, Mallipattu SK, Manna A, McMurry JA, Morris M, Muschelli J, Neumann AJ, Palchuk MB, Pfaff ER, Qian Z, Qureshi N, Russell S, Spratt H, Walden A, Williams AE, Wooldridge JT, Yoo YJ, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Austin CP, Saltz JH, Gersing KR, Haendel MA, Chute CG, National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Consortium. Clinical Characterization and Prediction of Clinical Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among US Adults Using Data From the US National COVID Cohort Collaborative. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Jul 1; 4 (7):e2116901 Epub 2021 July 01
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  24. Eng D, Chute C, Khandwala N, Rajpurkar P, Long J, Shleifer S, Khalaf MH, Sandhu AT, Rodriguez F, Maron DJ, Seyyedi S, Marin D, Golub I, Budoff M, Kitamura F, Takahashi MS, Filice RW, Shah R, Mongan J, Kallianos K, Langlotz CP, Lungren MP, Ng AY, Patel BN. Automated coronary calcium scoring using deep learning with multicenter external validation. NPJ Digit Med. 2021 Jun 1; 4 (1):88 Epub 2021 June 01
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  25. Taylor CO, Manov NF, Crew KD, Weng C, Connolly JJ, Chute CG, Ford DE, Lehmann H, Rahm AK, Kullo IJ, Caraballo PJ, Holm IA, Mathews D. Preferences for Updates on General Research Results: A Survey of Participants in Genomic Research from Two Institutions. J Pers Med. 2021 May 11; 11 (5)
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  26. Haendel MA, Chute CG, Bennett TD, Eichmann DA, Guinney J, Kibbe WA, Payne PRO, Pfaff ER, Robinson PN, Saltz JH, Spratt H, Suver C, Wilbanks J, Wilcox AB, Williams AE, Wu C, Blacketer C, Bradford RL, Cimino JJ, Clark M, Colmenares EW, Francis PA, Gabriel D, Graves A, Hemadri R, Hong SS, Hripscak G, Jiao D, Klann JG, Kostka K, Lee AM, Lehmann HP, Lingrey L, Miller RT, Morris M, Murphy SN, Natarajan K, Palchuk MB, Sheikh U, Solbrig H, Visweswaran S, Walden A, Walters KM, Weber GM, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Amor B, Girvin AT, Manna A, Qureshi N, Kurilla MG, Michael SG, Portilla LM, Rutter JL, Austin CP, Gersing KR, N3C Consortium. The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): Rationale, design, infrastructure, and deployment. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 Mar 1; 28 (3):427-443
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  27. Kohler S, Gargano M, Matentzoglu N, Carmody LC, Lewis-Smith D, Vasilevsky NA, Danis D, Balagura G, Baynam G, Brower AM, Callahan TJ, Chute CG, Est JL, Galer PD, Ganesan S, Griese M, Haimel M, Pazmandi J, Hanauer M, Harris NL, Hartnett MJ, Hastreiter M, Hauck F, He Y, Jeske T, Kearney H, Kindle G, Klein C, Knoflach K, Krause R, Lagorce D, McMurry JA, Miller JA, Munoz-Torres MC, Peters RL, Rapp CK, Rath AM, Rind SA, Rosenberg AZ, Segal MM, Seidel MG, Smedley D, Talmy T, Thomas Y, Wiafe SA, Xian J, Yuksel Z, Helbig I, Mungall CJ, Haendel MA, Robinson PN. The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8; 49 (D1):D1207-D1217
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  28. Dikilitas O, Schaid DJ, Kosel ML, Carroll RJ, Chute CG, Denny JA, Fedotov A, Feng Q, Hakonarson H, Jarvik GP, Lee MTM, Pacheco JA, Rowley R, Sleiman PM, Stein CM, Sturm AC, Wei WQ, Wiesner GL, Williams MS, Zhang Y, Manolio TA, Kullo IJ. Predictive Utility of Polygenic Risk Scores for Coronary Heart Disease in Three Major Racial and Ethnic Groups. Am J Hum Genet. 2020 May 7; 106 (5):707-716
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  29. Stanaway IB, Hall TO, Rosenthal EA, Palmer M, Naranbhai V, Knevel R, Namjou-Khales B, Carroll RJ, Kiryluk K, Gordon AS, Linder J, Howell KM, Mapes BM, Lin FTJ, Joo YY, Hayes MG, Gharavi AG, Pendergrass SA, Ritchie MD, de Andrade M, Croteau-Chonka DC, Raychaudhuri S, Weiss ST, Lebo M, Amr SS, Carrell D, Larson EB, Chute CG, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Roy-Puckelwartz MJ, Sleiman P, Hakonarson H, Li R, Karlson EW, Peterson JF, Kullo IJ, Chisholm R, Denny JC, Jarvik GP, Crosslin DR, eMERGE Network. The eMERGE genotype set of 83,717 subjects imputed to ~40 million variants genome wide and association with the herpes zoster medical record phenotype. Genet Epidemiol. 2019 Feb; 43 (1):63-81 Epub 2018 Oct 08
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  30. Taylor CO, Lemke KW, Richards TM, Roe KD, He T, Arruda-Olson A, Carrell D, Denny JC, Hripcsak G, Kiryluk K, Kullo I, Larson EB, Peissig P, Walton NA, Wei-Qi W, Ye Z, Chute CG, Weiner JP. Comorbidity Characterization Among eMERGE Institutions: A Pilot Evaluation with the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups(R) System. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2019; 2019:145-152 Epub 2019 May 06
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  31. Mosley JD, Benson MD, Smith JG, Melander O, Ngo D, Shaffer CM, Ferguson JF, Herzig MS, McCarty CA, Chute CG, Jarvik GP, Gordon AS, Palmer MR, Crosslin DR, Larson EB, Carrell DS, Kullo IJ, Pacheco JA, Peissig PL, Brilliant MH, Kitchner TE, Linneman JG, Namjou B, Williams MS, Ritchie MD, Borthwick KM, Kiryluk K, Mentch FD, Sleiman PM, Karlson EW, Verma SS, Zhu Y, Vasan RS, Yang Q, Denny JC, Roden DM, Gerszten RE, Wang TJ. Probing the Virtual Proteome to Identify Novel Disease Biomarkers. Circulation. 2018 Nov 27; 138 (22):2469-2481
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  32. Kullo IJ, Olson J, Fan X, Jose M, Safarova M, Radecki Breitkopf C, Winkler E, Kochan DC, Snipes S, Pacyna JE, Carney M, Chute CG, Gupta J, Jose S, Venner E, Murugan M, Jiang Y, Zordok M, Farwati M, Philogene M, Smith E, Shaibi GQ, Caraballo P, Freimuth R, Lindor NM, Sharp R, Thibodeau SN. The Return of Actionable Variants Empirical (RAVE) Study, a Mayo Clinic Genomic Medicine Implementation Study: Design and Initial Results. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Nov; 93 (11):1600-1610
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  33. Aronson S, Babb L, Ames D, Gibbs RA, Venner E, Connelly JJ, Marsolo K, Weng C, Williams MS, Hartzler AL, Liang WH, Ralston JD, Devine EB, Murphy S, Chute CG, Caraballo PJ, Kullo IJ, Freimuth RR, Rasmussen LV, Wehbe FH, Peterson JF, Robinson JR, Wiley K, Overby Taylor C, eMERGE Network EHRI Working Group. Empowering genomic medicine by establishing critical sequencing result data flows: the eMERGE example. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 Oct 1; 25 (10):1375-1381
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  34. Mosley JD, Feng Q, Wells QS, Van Driest SL, Shaffer CM, Edwards TL, Bastarache L, Wei WQ, Davis LK, McCarty CA, Thompson W, Chute CG, Jarvik GP, Gordon AS, Palmer MR, Crosslin DR, Larson EB, Carrell DS, Kullo IJ, Pacheco JA, Peissig PL, Brilliant MH, Linneman JG, Namjou B, Williams MS, Ritchie MD, Borthwick KM, Verma SS, Karnes JH, Weiss ST, Wang TJ, Stein CM, Denny JC, Roden DM. A study paradigm integrating prospective epidemiologic cohorts and electronic health records to identify disease biomarkers. Nat Commun. 2018 Aug 30; 9 (1):3522
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  35. Chute CG. The rendering of human phenotype and rare diseases in ICD-11. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2018 May; 41 (3):563-569 Epub 2018 Mar 29
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  36. Sharma DK, Solbrig HR, Tao C, Weng C, Chute CG, Jiang G. Building a semantic web-based metadata repository for facilitating detailed clinical modeling in cancer genome studies. J Biomed Semantics. 2017 Jun 5; 8 (1):19 Epub 2017 June 05
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  37. Heit JA, Armasu SM, McCauley BM, Kullo IJ, Sicotte H, Pathak J, Chute CG, Gottesman O, Bottinger EP, Denny JC, Roden DM, Li R, Ritchie MD, de Andrade M. Identification of unique venous thromboembolism-susceptibility variants in African-Americans. Thromb Haemost. 2017 Apr 3; 117 (4):758-768 Epub 2017 Feb 16
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  38. Mosley JD, Shoemaker MB, Wells QS, Darbar D, Shaffer CM, Edwards TL, Bastarache L, McCarty CA, Thompson W, Chute CG, Jarvik GP, Crosslin DR, Larson EB, Kullo IJ, Pacheco JA, Peissig PL, Brilliant MH, Linneman JG, Witte JS, Denny JC, Roden DM. Investigating the Genetic Architecture of the PR Interval Using Clinical Phenotypes. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017 Apr; 10 (2)
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  39. Dumitrescu L, Ritchie MD, Denny JC, El Rouby NM, McDonough CW, Bradford Y, Ramirez AH, Bielinski SJ, Basford MA, Chai HS, Peissig P, Carrell D, Pathak J, Rasmussen LV, Wang X, Pacheco JA, Kho AN, Hayes MG, Matsumoto M, Smith ME, Li R, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Kullo IJ, Chute CG, Chisholm RL, Jarvik GP, Larson EB, Carey D, McCarty CA, Williams MS, Roden DM, Bottinger E, Johnson JA, de Andrade M, Crawford DC. Genome-wide study of resistant hypertension identified from electronic health records. PLoS One. 2017; 12 (2):e0171745 Epub 2017 Feb 21
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  40. Mosley JD, van Driest SL, Wells QS, Shaffer CM, Edwards TL, Bastarache L, McCarty CA, Thompson W, Chute CG, Jarvik GP, Crosslin DR, Larson EB, Kullo IJ, Pacheco JA, Peissig PL, Brilliant MH, Linneman JG, Denny JC, Roden DM. Defining a Contemporary Ischemic Heart Disease Genetic Risk Profile Using Historical Data. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2016 Dec; 9 (6):521-530 Epub 2016 Oct 25
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  41. Bush WS, Crosslin DR, Owusu-Obeng A, Wallace J, Almoguera B, Basford MA, Bielinski SJ, Carrell DS, Connolly JJ, Crawford D, Doheny KF, Gallego CJ, Gordon AS, Keating B, Kirby J, Kitchner T, Manzi S, Mejia AR, Pan V, Perry CL, Peterson JF, Prows CA, Ralston J, Scott SA, Scrol A, Smith M, Stallings SC, Veldhuizen T, Wolf W, Volpi S, Wiley K, Li R, Manolio T, Bottinger E, Brilliant MH, Carey D, Chisholm RL, Chute CG, Haines JL, Hakonarson H, Harley JB, Holm IA, Kullo IJ, Jarvik GP, Larson EB, McCarty CA, Williams MS, Denny JC, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Roden DM, Ritchie MD. Genetic variation among 82 pharmacogenes: The PGRNseq data from the eMERGE network. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Aug; 100 (2):160-9 Epub 2016 June 01
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  42. Jiang G, Kiefer RC, Rasmussen LV, Solbrig HR, Mo H, Pacheco JA, Xu J, Montague E, Thompson WK, Denny JC, Chute CG, Pathak J. Developing a data element repository to support EHR-driven phenotype algorithm authoring and execution. J Biomed Inform. 2016 Aug; 62:232-42 Epub 2016 July 05
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  43. Mosley JD, Shaffer CM, Van Driest SL, Weeke PE, Wells QS, Karnes JH, Velez Edwards DR, Wei WQ, Teixeira PL, Bastarache L, Crawford DC, Li R, Manolio TA, Bottinger EP, McCarty CA, Linneman JG, Brilliant MH, Pacheco JA, Thompson W, Chisholm RL, Jarvik GP, Crosslin DR, Carrell DS, Baldwin E, Ralston J, Larson EB, Grafton J, Scrol A, Jouni H, Kullo IJ, Tromp G, Borthwick KM, Kuivaniemi H, Carey DJ, Ritchie MD, Bradford Y, Verma SS, Chute CG, Veluchamy A, Siddiqui MK, Palmer CN, Doney A, MahmoudPour SH, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Morris AD, Denny JC, Roden DM. A genome-wide association study identifies variants in KCNIP4 associated with ACE inhibitor-induced cough. Pharmacogenomics J. 2016 Jun; 16 (3):231-7 Epub 2015 July 14
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  44. Oniki TA, Zhuo N, Beebe CE, Liu H, Coyle JF, Parker CG, Solbrig HR, Marchant K, Kaggal VC, Chute CG, Huff SM. Clinical element models in the SHARPn consortium. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 Mar; 23 (2):248-56 Epub 2015 Nov 13
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  45. Rasmussen LV, Overby CL, Connolly J, Chute CG, Denny JC, Freimuth RR, Hartzler AL, Holm IA, Manzi S, Pathak J, Peissig PL, Smith M, Williams MS, Shirts BH, Stoffel EM, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Rohrer Vitek CR, Wolf WA, Starren J. Practical considerations for implementing genomic information resources: Experiences from eMERGE and CSER: Experiences from eMERGE and CSER Applied Clinical Informatics. 2016; 7: (3)870-82.
  46. Hong N, Pathak J, Chute CG, Jiang G. Developing a modular architecture for creation of rule-based clinical diagnostic criteria. BioData Min. 2016; 9:33 Epub 2016 Oct 21
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  47. Jiang G, Evans J, Endle CM, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Using Semantic Web technologies for the generation of domain-specific templates to support clinical study metadata standards. J Biomed Semantics. 2016; 7:10 Epub 2016 Mar 03
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  48. Zhu Q, Liu H, Chute CG, Ferber M. EHR based Genetic Testing Knowledge Base (iGTKB) Development. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2015 Nov 25; 15(Suppl 4):S3.
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  49. Mo H, Thompson WK, Rasmussen LV, Pacheco JA, Jiang G, Kiefer R, Zhu Q, Xu J, Montague E, Carrell DS, Lingren T, Mentch FD, Ni Y, Wehbe FH, Peissig PL, Tromp G, Larson EB, Chute CG, Pathak J, Denny JC, Speltz P, Kho AN, Jarvik GP, Bejan CA, Williams MS, Borthwick K, Kitchner TE, Roden DM, Harris PA. Desiderata for computable representations of electronic health records-driven phenotype algorithms. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Nov; 22 (6):1220-30 Epub 2015 Sept 05
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  50. Shirts BH, Salama JS, Aronson SJ, Chung WK, Gray SW, Hindorff LA, Jarvik GP, Plon SE, Stoffel EM, Tarczy-Hornoch PZ, Van Allen EM, Weck KE, Chute CG, Freimuth RR, Grundmeier RW, Hartzler AL, Li R, Peissig PL, Peterson JF, Rasmussen LV, Starren JB, Williams MS, Overby CL. CSER and eMERGE: current and potential state of the display of genetic information in the electronic health record. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Nov; 22 (6):1231-42 Epub 2015 July 03
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  51. Legaz-Garcia C, Menarguez-Tortosa M, Fernandez-Breis JT, Chute CG, Tao C. Transformation of standardized clinical models based on OWL technologies: from CEM to OpenEHR archetypes. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 May; 22 (3):536-44 Epub 2015 Feb 10
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  52. Sugar A, Gal RL, Kollman C, Raghinaru D, Dontchev M, Croasdale CR, Feder RS, Holland EJ, Lass JH, Macy JI, Mannis MJ, Smith PW, Soukiasian SH, Beck RW, Writing Committee for the Cornea Donor Study Research Group, Chute C, Baratz KH. Factors associated with corneal graft survival in the cornea donor study. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015 Mar; 133 (3):246-54
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  53. Harrison AM, Thongprayoon C, Kashyap R, Chute CG, Gajic O, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Developing the surveillance algorithm for detection of failure to recognize and treat severe sepsis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Feb; 90 (2):166-75 Epub 2015 Jan 06
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  54. Solbrig HR, Prud'hommeaux E, Sharma DK, Chute CG, Jiang G. Feasibility of modeling HL7 FHIR profiles using RDF shape expressions language CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2015; 1546:208-9.
  55. Herr TM, Bielinski SJ, Bottinger E, Brautbar A, Brilliant M, Chute CG, Cobb BL, Denny JC, Hakonarson H, Hartzler AL, Hripcsak G, Kannry J, Kohane IS, Kullo IJ, Lin S, Manzi S, Marsolo K, Overby CL, Pathak J, Peissig P, Pulley J, Ralston J, Rasmussen L, Roden DM, Tromp G, Uphoff T, Weng C, Wolf W, Williams MS, Starren J. Practical considerations in genomic decision support: The eMERGE experience. J Pathol Inform. 2015; 6:50 Epub 2015 Sept 28
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  56. Hong N, Jiang G, Pathak J, Chute CG. Developing a modular architecture for creation of rule-based clinical diagnostic criteria CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2015; 1428:
  57. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Prud'hommeaux E, Tao C, Weng C, Chute CG. Quality Assurance of Cancer Study Common Data Elements Using A Post-Coordination Approach. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2015; 2015:659-68 Epub 2015 Nov 05
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  58. Herr TM, Bielinski SJ, Bottinger E, Brautbar A, Brilliant M, Chute CG, Denny J, Freimuth RR, Hartzler A, Kannry J, Kohane IS, Kullo IJ, Lin S, Pathak J, Peissig P, Pulley J, Ralston J, Rasmussen L, Roden D, Tromp G, Williams MS, Starren J. A conceptual model for translating omic data into clinical action. J Pathol Inform. 2015; 6:46 Epub 2015 Aug 31
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  59. Wagholikar KB, MacLaughlin KL, Chute CG, Greenes RA, Liu H, Chaudhry R. Granular Quality Reporting for Cervical Cytology Testing. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2015; 2015:178-82 Epub 2015 Mar 25
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  60. Wang C, Zimmermann MT, Chute CG, Jiang G. Adverse Drug Events-based Tumor Stratification for Ovarian Cancer Patients Receiving Platinum Therapy. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2015; 2015:51-5 Epub 2015 Mar 23
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  61. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Kiefer R, Rasmussen LV, Mo H, Speltz P, Thompson WK, Denny JC, Chute CG, Pathak J. A Standards-based Semantic Metadata Repository to Support EHR-driven Phenotype Authoring and Execution. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015; 216:1098
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  62. Hong N, Jiang G, Pathak J, Chute CG. A Pilot Study on Modeling of Diagnostic Criteria Using OWL and SWRL. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015; 216:1093
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  63. Rodrigues JM, Robinson D, Della Mea V, Campbell J, Rector A, Schulz S, Brear H, Ustun B, Spackman K, Chute CG, Millar J, Solbrig H, Brand Persson K. Semantic Alignment between ICD-11 and SNOMED CT. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015; 216:790-4
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  64. Jiang G, Liu H, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Mining severe drug-drug interaction adverse events using Semantic Web technologies: a case study. BioData Min. 2015; 8:12 Epub 2015 Mar 25
    View PubMed
  65. Wang L, Liu H, Chute CG, Zhu Q. Cancer based pharmacogenomics network supported with scientific evidences: from the view of drug repurposing. BioData Min. 2015; 8:9 Epub 2015 Feb 25
    View PubMed
  66. Jiang G, Evans J, Oniki TA, Coyle JF, Bain L, Huff SM, Kush RD, Chute CG. Harmonization of detailed clinical models with clinical study data standards. Methods Inf Med. 2015; 54: (1)65-74.
    View PubMed
  67. Jiang G, Sohn S, Zimmermann MT, Wang C, Liu H, Chute CG. Drug Normalization for Cancer Therapeutic and Druggable Genome Target Discovery. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2015; 2015:72-6 Epub 2015 Mar 25
    View PubMed
  68. Priya S, Jiang G, Dasari S, Zimmermann MT, Wang C, Heflin J, Chute CG. A Semantic Web-based System for Mining Genetic Mutations in Cancer Clinical Trials. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2015; 2015:142-6 Epub 2015 Mar 25
    View PubMed
  69. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Pathak J, Chute CG. Developing a Standards-Based Information Model for Representing Computable Diagnostic Criteria: A Feasibility Study of the NQF Quality Data Model. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015; 216:1097
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  70. Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Stallings SC, Gordon AS, Almoguera B, Basford MA, Bielinski SJ, Brautbar A, Brilliant MH, Carrell DS, Connolly JJ, Crosslin DR, Doheny KF, Gallego CJ, Gottesman O, Kim DS, Leppig KA, Li R, Lin S, Manzi S, Mejia AR, Pacheco JA, Pan V, Pathak J, Perry CL, Peterson JF, Prows CA, Ralston J, Rasmussen LV, Ritchie MD, Sadhasivam S, Scott SA, Smith M, Vega A, Vinks AA, Volpi S, Wolf WA, Bottinger E, Chisholm RL, Chute CG, Haines JL, Harley JB, Keating B, Holm IA, Kullo IJ, Jarvik GP, Larson EB, Manolio T, McCarty CA, Nickerson DA, Scherer SE, Williams MS, Roden DM, Denny JC. Design and anticipated outcomes of the eMERGE-PGx project: a multicenter pilot for preemptive pharmacogenomics in electronic health record systems. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Oct; 96 (4):482-9 Epub 2014 June 24
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  71. Sohn S, Clark C, Halgrim SR, Murphy SP, Chute CG, Liu H. MedXN: an open source medication extraction and normalization tool for clinical text. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Sep-Oct; 21(5):858-65. Epub 2014 Mar 17.
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  72. Pathak J, Sohn S, Clark C, Halgrim SR, Murphy SP, Maradit Kremers H, Chute CG, Yawn BP, Liu H, Rocca WA. MedXN: an open source medication extraction and normalization tool for clinical text. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Sep-Oct; 21 (5):858-65 Epub 2014 Mar 17
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  73. Hripcsak G, Bloomrosen M, FlatelyBrennan P, Chute CG, Cimino J, Detmer DE, Edmunds M, Embi PJ, Goldstein MM, Hammond WE, Keenan GM, Labkoff S, Murphy S, Safran C, Speedie S, Strasberg H, Temple F, Wilcox AB. Health data use, stewardship, and governance: ongoing gaps and challenges: a report from AMIA's 2012 Health Policy Meeting. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Mar-Apr; 21(2):204-11. Epub 2013 Oct 29.
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  74. Jiang G, Liu H, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Mining severe drug-drug interaction adverse events using semantic web technologies: A case study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2014; 8643:628-38.
  75. Chute CG, Hart LA, Alexander AK, Jensen DW. The Southeastern Minnesota Beacon Project for Community-driven Health Information Technology: Origins, Achievements, and Legacy. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2014; 2 (3):1101 Epub 2014 Oct 28
    View PubMed
  76. Zhu Q, Liu H, Chute CG, Ferber M. Genetic testing knowledge base (GTKB) towards individualized genetic test recommendation - An experimental study. Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, IEEE BIBM 2014. 2014:574-7.
  77. Haug PJ, Wu X, Ferraro JP, Savova GK, Huff SM, Chute CG. Developing a section labeler for clinical documents. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2014; 2014:636-44 Epub 2014 Nov 14
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  78. Freimuth RR, Zhu Q, Pathak J, Chute CG. Simplifying complex clinical element models to encourage adoption. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2014; 2014:26-31 Epub 2014 Apr 07
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  79. Wang C, Zimmermann MT, Prodduturi N, Chute CG, Jiang G. Adverse Drug Event-based Stratification of Tumor Mutations: A Case Study of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Aromatase Inhibitors. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2014; 2014:1160-9 Epub 2014 Nov 14
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  80. Mea VD, Vuattolo O, Ustun BT, Rector A, Schulz S, Rodrigues JM, Spackman K, Robinson D, Millar J, Campbell JR, Chute CG, Solbrig HR, Persson KB. A web-based tool for development of a common ontology between ICD11 and SNOMED-CT. Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2014. 2014; 144-8.
  81. Masanz J, Pakhomov SV, Xu H, Wu ST, Chute CG, Liu H. Open Source Clinical NLP - More than Any Single System. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2014; 2014:76-82 Epub 2014 Apr 07
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  82. Pathak J, Simon G, Li D, Biernacka JM, Jenkins GJ, Chute CG, Hall-Flavin DK, Weinshilboum RM. Detecting Associations between Major Depressive Disorder Treatment and Essential Hypertension using Electronic Health Records. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2014; 2014:91-6 Epub 2014 Apr 07
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  83. Jonnalagadda SR, Moosavinasab S, Nath C, Li D, Chute CG, Liu H. An automated approach for ranking journals to help in clinician decision support. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2014; 2014:757-66 Epub 2014 Nov 14
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  84. Overby CL, Rasmussen LV, Hartzler A, Connolly JJ, Peterson JF, Hedberg RE, Freimuth RR, Shirts BH, Denny JC, Larson EB, Chute CG, Jarvik GP, Ralston JD, Shuldiner AR, Starren J, Kullo IJ, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Williams MS. A Template for Authoring and Adapting Genomic Medicine Content in the eMERGE Infobutton Project. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2014; 2014:944-53 Epub 2014 Nov 14
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  85. Li DC, Thermeau T, Chute C, Liu H. Discovering associations among diagnosis groups using topic modeling. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2014; 2014:43-9 Epub 2014 Apr 07
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  86. Freimuth RR, Wix K, Zhu Q, Siska M, Chute CG. Evaluation of RxNorm for Medication Clinical Decision Support. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2014; 2014:554-63 Epub 2014 Nov 14
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  87. Clark K, Sharma D, Qin R, Chute CG, Tao C. A use case study on late stent thrombosis for ontology-based temporal reasoning and analysis. J Biomed Semantics. 2014; 5(1):49. Epub 2014 Dec 11.
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  88. Wang L, Liu H, Chute CG, Zhu Q. Cancer based pharmacogenomics network for drug repurposing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2014; 8643:639-51.
  89. Malinowski JR, Denny JC, Bielinski SJ, Basford MA, Bradford Y, Peissig PL, Carrell D, Crosslin DR, Pathak J, Rasmussen L, Pacheco J, Kho A, Newton KM, Li R, Kullo IJ, Chute CG, Chisholm RL, Jarvik GP, Larson EB, McCarty CA, Masys DR, Roden DM, de Andrade M, Ritchie MD, Crawford DC. Genetic variants associated with serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in European Americans and African Americans from the eMERGE Network. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (12):e111301 Epub 2014 Dec 01
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  90. Wagholikar KB, MacLaughlin KL, Casey PM, Kastner TM, Henry MR, Hankey RA, Peters SG, Greenes RA, Chute CG, Liu H, Chaudhry R. Automated recommendation for cervical cancer screening and surveillance. Cancer Inform. 2014; 13 (Suppl 3):1-6 Epub 2014 Oct 15
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  91. Cronin RM, Field JR, Bradford Y, Shaffer CM, Carroll RJ, Mosley JD, Bastarache L, Edwards TL, Hebbring SJ, Lin S, Hindorff LA, Crane PK, Pendergrass SA, Ritchie MD, Crawford DC, Pathak J, Bielinski SJ, Carrell DS, Crosslin DR, Ledbetter DH, Carey DJ, Tromp G, Williams MS, Larson EB, Jarvik GP, Peissig PL, Brilliant MH, McCarty CA, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, Bottinger E, Chisholm R, Smith ME, Roden DM, Denny JC. Phenome-wide association studies demonstrating pleiotropy of genetic variants within FTO with and without adjustment for body mass index. Front Genet. 2014; 5:250 Epub 2014 Aug 05
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  92. Schulz S, Rodrigues JM, Rector A, Spackman K, Campbell J, Ustun B, Chute CG, Solbrig H, Della Mea V, Millar J, Brand Persson K. What's in a class? Lessons learnt from the ICD - SNOMED CT harmonisation. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014; 205:1038-42.
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  93. Rodrigues JM, Schulz S, Rector A, Spackman K, Millar J, Campbell J, Ustun B, Chute CG, Solbrig H, Della Mea V, Persson KB. ICD-11 and SNOMED CT Common Ontology: circulatory system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014; 205:1043-7
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  94. Zhang Y, Tao C, Jiang G, Nair AA, Su J, Chute CG, Liu H. Network-based analysis reveals distinct association patterns in a semantic MEDLINE-based drug-disease-gene network. J Biomed Semantics. 2014; 5:33 Epub 2014 Aug 06
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  95. Kullo IJ, Shameer K, Jouni H, Lesnick TG, Pathak J, Chute CG, de Andrade M. The ATXN2-SH2B3 locus is associated with peripheral arterial disease: an electronic medical record-based genome-wide association study. Front Genet. 2014; 5:166 Epub 2014 June 25
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  96. Shameer K, Denny JC, Ding K, Jouni H, Crosslin DR, de Andrade M, Chute CG, Peissig P, Pacheco JA, Li R, Bastarache L, Kho AN, Ritchie MD, Masys DR, Chisholm RL, Larson EB, McCarty CA, Roden DM, Jarvik GP, Kullo IJ. A genome- and phenome-wide association study to identify genetic variants influencing platelet count and volume and their pleiotropic effects. Hum Genet. 2014 Jan; 133 (1):95-109 Epub 2013 Sept 12
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  97. Solbrig H, Prud'Hommeaux E, Chute CG, Davies J. A formal model for RDF dataset constraints. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2014; 8388 LNCS:244-60.
  98. Bielinski SJ, Olson JE, Pathak J, Weinshilboum RM, Wang L, Lyke KJ, Ryu E, Targonski PV, Van Norstrand MD, Hathcock MA, Takahashi PY, McCormick JB, Johnson KJ, Maschke KJ, Rohrer Vitek CR, Ellingson MS, Wieben ED, Farrugia G, Morrisette JA, Kruckeberg KJ, Bruflat JK, Peterson LM, Blommel JH, Skierka JM, Ferber MJ, Black JL, Baudhuin LM, Klee EW, Ross JL, Veldhuizen TL, Schultz CG, Caraballo PJ, Freimuth RR, Chute CG, Kullo IJ. Preemptive genotyping for personalized medicine: design of the right drug, right dose, right time-using genomic data to individualize treatment protocol. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014 Jan; 89 (1):25-33
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  99. Zhu Q, Tao C, Shen F, Chute CG. Exploring the pharmacogenomics knowledge base (PharmGKB) for repositioning breast cancer drugs by leveraging Web ontology language (OWL) and cheminformatics approaches. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2014; 172-82
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  100. Overby CL, Pathak J, Gottesman O, Haerian K, Perotte A, Murphy S, Bruce K, Johnson S, Talwalkar J, Shen Y, Ellis S, Kullo I, Chute C, Friedman C, Bottinger E, Hripcsak G, Weng C. A collaborative approach to developing an electronic health record phenotyping algorithm for drug-induced liver injury. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Dec; 20(e2):e243-52. Epub 2013 Jul 09.
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  101. Ludvigsson JF, Pathak J, Murphy S, Durski M, Kirsch PS, Chute CG, Ryu E, Murray JA. Use of computerized algorithm to identify individuals in need of testing for celiac disease. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Dec; 20 (e2):e306-10 Epub 2013 Aug 16
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  102. Denny JC, Bastarache L, Ritchie MD, Carroll RJ, Zink R, Mosley JD, Field JR, Pulley JM, Ramirez AH, Bowton E, Basford MA, Carrell DS, Peissig PL, Kho AN, Pacheco JA, Rasmussen LV, Crosslin DR, Crane PK, Pathak J, Bielinski SJ, Pendergrass SA, Xu H, Hindorff LA, Li R, Manolio TA, Chute CG, Chisholm RL, Larson EB, Jarvik GP, Brilliant MH, McCarty CA, Kullo IJ, Haines JL, Crawford DC, Masys DR, Roden DM. Systematic comparison of phenome-wide association study of electronic medical record data and genome-wide association study data. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Dec; 31(12):1102-10.
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  103. Pathak J, Bailey KR, Beebe CE, Bethard S, Carrell DC, Chen PJ, Dligach D, Endle CM, Hart LA, Haug PJ, Huff SM, Kaggal VC, Li D, Liu H, Marchant K, Masanz J, Miller T, Oniki TA, Palmer M, Peterson KJ, Rea S, Savova GK, Stancl CR, Sohn S, Solbrig HR, Suesse DB, Tao C, Taylor DP, Westberg L, Wu S, Zhuo N, Chute CG. Normalization and standardization of electronic health records for high-throughput phenotyping: the SHARPn consortium. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Dec; 20 (e2):e341-8 Epub 2013 Nov 04
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  104. Ridgeway JL, Beebe TJ, Chute CG, Eton DT, Hart LA, Frost MH, Jensen D, Montori VM, Smith JG, Smith SA, Tan AD, Yost KJ, Ziegenfuss JY, Sloan JA. A brief Patient-Reported Outcomes Quality of Life (PROQOL) instrument to improve patient care. PLoS Med. 2013 Nov; 10 (11):e1001548 Epub 2013 Nov 12
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  105. Chute CG, Ullman-Cullere M, Wood GM, Lin SM, He M, Pathak J. Some experiences and opportunities for big data in translational research. Genet Med. 2013 Oct; 15 (10):802-9 Epub 2013 Sept 05
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  106. Tao C, Song D, Sharma D, Chute CG. Semantator: semantic annotator for converting biomedical text to linked data. J Biomed Inform. 2013 Oct; 46 (5):882-93 Epub 2013 July 15
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  107. Gottesman O, Kuivaniemi H, Tromp G, Faucett WA, Li R, Manolio TA, Sanderson SC, Kannry J, Zinberg R, Basford MA, Brilliant M, Carey DJ, Chisholm RL, Chute CG, Connolly JJ, Crosslin D, Denny JC, Gallego CJ, Haines JL, Hakonarson H, Harley J, Jarvik GP, Kohane I, Kullo IJ, Larson EB, McCarty C, Ritchie MD, Roden DM, Smith ME, Bottinger EP, Williams MS, eMERGE Network. The Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network: past, present, and future. Genet Med. 2013 Oct; 15 (10):761-71 Epub 2013 June 06
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  108. Zhu Q, Freimuth RR, Pathak J, Durski MJ, Chute CG. Disambiguation of PharmGKB drug-disease relations with NDF-RT and SPL. J Biomed Inform. 2013 Aug; 46 (4):690-6 Epub 2013 May 29
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  109. Shuldiner AR, Relling MV, Peterson JF, Hicks JK, Freimuth RR, Sadee W, Pereira NL, Roden DM, Johnson JA, Klein TE, Shuldiner AR, Vesely M, Robinson SW, Ambulos N Jr, Stass SA, Kelemen MD, Brown LA, Pollin TI, Beitelshees AL, Zhao RY, Pakyz RE, Palmer K, Alestock T, O'Neill C, Maloney K, Branham A, Sewell D, Relling MV, Crews K, Hoffman J, Cross S, Haidar C, Baker D, Hicks JK, Bell G, Greeson F, Gaur A, Reiss U, Huettel A, Cheng C, Gajjar A, Pappo A, Howard S, Hudson M, Pui CH, Jeha S, Evans WE, Broeckel U, Altman RB, Gong L, Whirl-Carrillo M, Klein TE, Sadee W, Manickam K, Sweet KM, Embi PJ, Roden D, Peterson J, Denny J, Schildcrout J, Bowton E, Pulley J, Beller M, Mitchell J, Danciu I, Price L, Pereira NL, Weinshilboum R, Wang L, Johnson JA, Nelson D, Clare-Salzler M, Elsey A, Burkley B, Langaee T, Liu F, Nessl D, Dong HJ, Lesko L, Freimuth RR, Chute CG, Pharmacogenomics Research Network Translational Pharmacogenetics Program Group. The Pharmacogenomics Research Network Translational Pharmacogenetics Program: overcoming challenges of real-world implementation. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Aug; 94 (2):207-10 Epub 2013 Mar 19
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  110. Chute CG. Coding patient information, reimbursement for care, and the ICD transition. Virtual Mentor. 2013 Jul; 15(7):596-9. Epub 2013 Jul 01.
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  111. Newton KM, Peissig PL, Kho AN, Bielinski SJ, Berg RL, Choudhary V, Basford M, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, Li R, Pacheco JA, Rasmussen LV, Spangler L, Denny JC. Validation of electronic medical record-based phenotyping algorithms: results and lessons learned from the eMERGE network. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jun; 20(e1):e147-54. Epub 2013 Mar 26.
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  112. Tao C, Jiang G, Oniki TA, Freimuth RR, Zhu Q, Sharma D, Pathak J, Huff SM, Chute CG. A semantic-web oriented representation of the clinical element model for secondary use of electronic health records data. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 May 01; 20(3):554-62. Epub 2012 Dec 25.
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  113. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Using Semantic Web technology to support icd-11 textual definitions authoring. J Biomed Semantics. 2013 Apr 21; 4 (1):11
    View PubMed
  114. Chute CG, Kohane IS. Genomic medicine, health information technology, and patient care. JAMA. 2013 Apr 10; 309 (14):1467-8
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  115. Ritchie MD, Denny JC, Zuvich RL, Crawford DC, Schildcrout JS, Bastarache L, Ramirez AH, Mosley JD, Pulley JM, Basford MA, Bradford Y, Rasmussen LV, Pathak J, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, McCarty CA, Chisholm RL, Kho AN, Carlson CS, Larson EB, Jarvik GP, Sotoodehnia N, Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) QRS Group, Manolio TA, Li R, Masys DR, Haines JL, Roden DM. Genome- and phenome-wide analyses of cardiac conduction identifies markers of arrhythmia risk. Circulation. 2013 Apr 2; 127(13):1377-85. Epub 2013 Mar 05.
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  116. Zhu Q, Freimuth RR, Lian Z, Bauer S, Pathak J, Tao C, Durski MJ, Chute CG. Harmonization and semantic annotation of data dictionaries from the Pharmacogenomics Research Network: a case study. J Biomed Inform. 2013 Apr; 46 (2):286-93 Epub 2012 Nov 29
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  117. Wei WQ, Leibson CL, Ransom JE, Kho AN, Chute CG. The absence of longitudinal data limits the accuracy of high-throughput clinical phenotyping for identifying type 2 diabetes mellitus subjects. Int J Med Inform. 2013 Apr; 82(4):239-47. Epub 2012 Jul 02.
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  118. Tao C, Pathak J, Solbrig HR, Wei WQ, Chute CG. Terminology representation guidelines for biomedical ontologies in the semantic web notations. J Biomed Inform. 2013 Feb; 46 (1):128-38 Epub 2012 Sept 28
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  119. Wu ST, Kaggal VC, Dligach D, Masanz JJ, Chen P, Becker L, Chapman WW, Savova GK, Liu H, Chute CG. A common type system for clinical natural language processing. J Biomed Semantics. 2013 Jan 3; 4 (1):1 Epub 2013 Jan 03
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  120. Zhu Q, Jiang G, Wang L, Chute CG. Standardized drug and pharmacological class network construction. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2013; 1061.
  121. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. A semantic web-based approach for harvesting multilingual textual definitions from wikipedia to support ICD-11 revision. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2013; 1061.
  122. Jiang G, Evans J, Endle CM, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Using semantic web technologies for the generation of domain templates to support clinical study meta-data standards. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2013; 1114.
  123. Li DC, Liu H, Chute CG, Jonnalagadda SR. Towards assigning references using semantic, journal and citation relevance. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, IEEE BIBM 2013. 2013:499-503.
  124. Jonnalagadda SR, Moosavinasab S, Li D, Abel MD, Chute CG, Liu H. Prioritizing journals relevant to a topic for addressing clinicians' information needs. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, IEEE BIBM 2013. 2013:5-6.
  125. Ranallo PA, Adam TJ, Nelson KJ, Krueger RF, LaVenture M, Chute CG. Psychological assessment instruments: a coverage analysis using SNOMED CT, LOINC and QS terminology. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2013; 2013:1333-40 Epub 2013 Nov 16
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  126. Sohn S, Ye Z, Liu H, Chute CG, Kullo IJ. Identifying Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Cases and Controls using Natural Language Processing of Radiology Reports. AMIA Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:249-53. Epub 2013 Mar 18.
    View PubMed
  127. Liu H, Bielinski SJ, Sohn S, Murphy S, Wagholikar KB, Jonnalagadda SR, Ravikumar KE, Wu ST, Kullo IJ, Chute CG. An information extraction framework for cohort identification using electronic health records. AMIA Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:149-53. Epub 2013 Mar 18
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  128. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Chute CG. Mining drug-drug interaction patterns from linked data: A case study for Warfarin, Clopidogrel, and Simvastatin. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, IEEE BIBM 2013. 2013; 23-30.
  129. Tao C, Li D, Shen F, Lian Z, Pathak J, Liu H, Chute CG. Phenotyping on EHR data using OWL and semantic web technologies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2013; 8040 LNCS:31-2.
  130. Li DC, Ning X, Sohn S, Chute CG, Cohen K, Liu H. Incorporating Topic Modeling Features For Clinical Concept Assertion Classification. The Proc of the 5th International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine. 2013.
  131. Jiang G, Wang L, Liu H, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Building a knowledge base of severe adverse drug events based on AERS reporting data using semantic web technologies. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:496-500
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  132. Seedorff M, Peterson KJ, Nelsen LA, Cocos C, McCormick JB, Chute CG, Pathak J. Incorporating expert terminology and disease risk factors into consumer health vocabularies. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2013; 421-32.
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  133. Zhu Q, Freimuth RR, Pathak J, Chute CG. Using clinical element models for pharmacogenomic study data standardization. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:292-6 Epub 2013 Mar 18
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  134. Jiang G, Liu H, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. ADEpedia 2.0: Integration of Normalized Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) Knowledge from the UMLS. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:100-4 Epub 2013 Mar 18
    View PubMed
  135. Li D, Simon G, Chute CG, Pathak J. Using association rule mining for phenotype extraction from electronic health records. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:142-6 Epub 2013 Mar 18
    View PubMed
  136. Kiefer RC, Freimuth RR, Chute CG, Pathak J. Mining Genotype-Phenotype Associations from Public Knowledge Sources via Semantic Web Querying. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:118-22 Epub 2013 Mar 18
    View PubMed
  137. Jiang G, Wang C, Zhu Q, Chute CG. A Framework of Knowledge Integration and Discovery for Supporting Pharmacogenomics Target Predication of Adverse Drug Events: A Case Study of Drug-Induced Long QT Syndrome. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:88-92 Epub 2013 Mar 18
    View PubMed
  138. Zhu Q, Freimuth RR, Pathak J, Chute CG. PharmGKB Drug Data Normalization with NDF-RT. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:180 Epub 2013 Mar 18
    View PubMed
  139. Sohn S, Clark C, Halgrim SR, Murphy SP, Jonnalagadda SR, Wagholikar KB, Wu ST, Chute CG, Liu H. Analysis of cross-institutional medication description patterns in clinical narratives. Biomed Inform Insights. 2013; 6 (Suppl 1):7-16 Epub 2013 June 24
    View PubMed
  140. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Chute CG. Mining anti-coagulant drug-drug interactions from electronic health records using linked data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2013; 7970 LNBI:128-40.
  141. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Chute CG. Using linked data for mining drug-drug interactions in electronic health records. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:682-6
    View PubMed
  142. Rodrigues JM, Schulz S, Rector A, Spackman K, Ustun B, Chute CG, Della Mea V, Millar J, Persson KB. Sharing ontology between ICD 11 and SNOMED CT will enable seamless re-use and semantic interoperability. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:343-6.
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  143. Martinez-Costa C, Bosca D, Legaz-Garcia MC, Tao C, Fernandez Breis JT, Schulz S, Chute CG. Isosemantic rendering of clinical information using formal ontologies and RDF. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:1085.
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  144. Zhu Q, Jiang G, Wang L, Chute CG. Standardized drug and pharmacological class network construction. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:1125
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  145. Zhu Q, Jiang G, Chute CG. Profiling structured product labeling with NDF-RT and RxNorm. J Biomed Semantics. 2012 Dec 20; 3 (1):16
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  146. Tao C, He Y, Yang H, Poland GA, Chute CG. Ontology-based time information representation of vaccine adverse events in VAERS for temporal analysis. J Biomed Semantics. 2012 Dec 20; 3 (1):13
    View PubMed
  147. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Bielinski SJ, Chute CG. Applying semantic web technologies for phenome-wide scan using an electronic health record linked Biobank. J Biomed Semantics. 2012 Dec 17; 3 (1):10
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  148. Zhu Q, Tao C, Ding Y, Chute CG. Time-related patient data retrieval for the case studies from the pharmacogenomics research network. J Med Syst. 2012 Nov; 36 Suppl 1:S37-42 Epub 2012 Oct 18
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  149. Saitwal H, Qing D, Jones S, Bernstam EV, Chute CG, Johnson TR. Cross-terminology mapping challenges: a demonstration using medication terminological systems. J Biomed Inform. 2012 Aug; 45(4):613-25. Epub 2012 Jun 28.
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  150. Rea S, Pathak J, Savova G, Oniki TA, Westberg L, Beebe CE, Tao C, Parker CG, Haug PJ, Huff SM, Chute CG. Building a robust, scalable and standards-driven infrastructure for secondary use of EHR data: the SHARPn project. J Biomed Inform. 2012 Aug; 45(4):763-71. Epub 2012 Feb 04.
    View PubMed
  151. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Quality evaluation of value sets from cancer study common data elements using the UMLS semantic groups. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Jun; 19 (e1):e129-36 Epub 2012 Apr 17
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  152. Wu ST, Liu H, Li D, Tao C, Musen MA, Chute CG, Shah NH. Unified Medical Language System term occurrences in clinical notes: a large-scale corpus analysis. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Jun; 19 (e1):e149-56 Epub 2012 Apr 04
    View PubMed
  153. Savova GK, Olson JE, Murphy SP, Cafourek VL, Couch FJ, Goetz MP, Ingle JN, Suman VJ, Chute CG, Weinshilboum RM. Automated discovery of drug treatment patterns for endocrine therapy of breast cancer within an electronic medical record. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Jun; 19 (e1):e83-9 Epub 2011 Dec 01
    View PubMed
  154. Ding K, Shameer K, Jouni H, Masys DR, Jarvik GP, Kho AN, Ritchie MD, McCarty CA, Chute CG, Manolio TA, Kullo IJ. Genetic Loci implicated in erythroid differentiation and cell cycle regulation are associated with red blood cell traits. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 May; 87 (5):461-74
    View PubMed
  155. Chute CG, Huff SM, Ferguson JA, Walker JM, Halamka JD. There are important reasons for delaying implementation of the new ICD-10 coding system. Health Aff (Millwood). 2012 Apr; 31 (4):836-42 Epub 2012 Mar 21
    View PubMed
  156. Musen MA, Noy NF, Shah NH, Whetzel PL, Chute CG, Story MA, Smith B, NCBO team. The National Center for Biomedical Ontology. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Mar-Apr; 19(2):190-5. Epub 2011 Nov 10.
    View PubMed
  157. Wei WQ, Leibson CL, Ransom JE, Kho AN, Caraballo PJ, Chai HS, Yawn BP, Pacheco JA, Chute CG. Impact of data fragmentation across healthcare centers on the accuracy of a high-throughput clinical phenotyping algorithm for specifying subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Mar-Apr; 19(2):219-24. Epub 2012 Jan 16.
    View PubMed
  158. Kho AN, Hayes MG, Rasmussen-Torvik L, Pacheco JA, Thompson WK, Armstrong LL, Denny JC, Peissig PL, Miller AW, Wei WQ, Bielinski SJ, Chute CG, Leibson CL, Jarvik GP, Crosslin DR, Carlson CS, Newton KM, Wolf WA, Chisholm RL, Lowe WL. Use of diverse electronic medical record systems to identify genetic risk for type 2 diabetes within a genome-wide association study. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Mar-Apr; 19(2):212-8. Epub 2011 Nov 19.
    View PubMed
  159. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Building standardized Semantic Web RESTful services to support ICD-11 revision. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2012; 952.
  160. Jiang G, Evans J, Oniki T, Coyle J, Bain L, Huff S, Kush R, Chute CG. Harmonization of detailed clinical models with clinical study data standards. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings. 2012:23-30.
  161. Li D, Endle CM, Murthy S, Stancl C, Suesse D, Sottara D, Huff SM, Chute CG, Pathak J. Modeling and executing electronic health records driven phenotyping algorithms using the NQF Quality Data Model and JBoss(R) Drools Engine. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2012; 2012:532-41 Epub 2012 Nov 03
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  162. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Bielinski SJ, Chute CG. Mining the human phenome using semantic web technologies: a case study for Type 2 Diabetes. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2012; 2012:699-708 Epub 2012 Nov 03
    View PubMed
  163. Pathak J, Kiefer R, Freimuth R, Chute C. Validation and discovery of genotype-phenotype associations in chronic diseases using linked data. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2012; 180:549-53
    View PubMed
  164. Sohn S, Murphy SP, Jonnalagadda SR, Wagholikar K, Wu ST, Chute CG, Liu H, Halgrim S. Systematic analysis of cross-institutional medication description patterns in clinical notes. Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 2nd Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging and Systems Biology, HISB 2012. 2012:118.
  165. Liu H, Wu ST, Li D, Jonnalagadda S, Sohn S, Wagholikar K, Haug PJ, Huff SM, Chute CG. Towards a semantic lexicon for clinical natural language processing. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2012; 2012:568-76 Epub 2012 Nov 03
    View PubMed
  166. Tao C, Noy NF, Solbrig HR, Shah NH, Musen MA, Chute CG. Proposed SKOS extensions for bioportal terminology services. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2012; 7185 LNCS:342-9.
  167. Sohn S, Wu S, Chute CG. Dependency Parser-based Negation Detection in Clinical Narratives. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2012; 2012:1-8 Epub 2012 Mar 19
    View PubMed
  168. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Chute CG. Using semantic web technologies for cohort identification from electronic health records for clinical research. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2012; 2012:10-9 Epub 2012 Mar 19
    View PubMed
  169. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Chute CG. Applying Linked Data principles to represent patient's electronic health records at Mayo Clinic: A case report. IHI'12 - Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium. 2012:455-64.
  170. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Using semantic web technology to support ICD-11 textual definitions authoring. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2012; 38-44.
  171. Pathak J, Kiefer RC, Chute CG. The Linked Clinical Data project: Applying Semantic Web technologies for clinical and translational research using electronic medical records. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2012; 94-5.
  172. Song D, Chute CG, Tao C. Semantator: annotating clinical narratives with semantic web ontologies. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2012; 2012:20-9. Epub 2012 Mar 19.
    View PubMed
  173. Pathak J, Weiss LC, Durski MJ, Zhu Q, Freimuth RR, Chute CG. Integrating VA's NDF-RT drug terminology with PharmGKB: preliminary results. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2012; 400-9
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  174. Sohn S, Kocher JP, Chute CG, Savova GK. Drug side effect extraction from clinical narratives of psychiatry and psychology patients. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011 Dec; 18 Suppl 1:i144-9 Epub 2011 Sept 21
    View PubMed
  175. Tao C, Noy NF, Solbrig HR, Shah NH, Musen MA, Chute CG. Proposed SKOS Extensions for BioPortal Terminology Services Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2011 Dec; 7185.
  176. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Quality evaluation of cancer study Common Data Elements using the UMLS Semantic Network. J Biomed Inform. 2011 Dec; 44 Suppl 1:S78-S85 Epub 2011 Aug 05
    View PubMed
  177. Denny JC, Crawford DC, Ritchie MD, Bielinski SJ, Basford MA, Bradford Y, Chai HS, Bastarache L, Zuvich R, Peissig P, Carrell D, Ramirez AH, Pathak J, Wilke RA, Rasmussen L, Wang X, Pacheco JA, Kho AN, Hayes MG, Weston N, Matsumoto M, Kopp PA, Newton KM, Jarvik GP, Li R, Manolio TA, Kullo IJ, Chute CG, Chisholm RL, Larson EB, McCarty CA, Masys DR, Roden DM, de Andrade M. Variants near FOXE1 are associated with hypothyroidism and other thyroid conditions: using electronic medical records for genome- and phenome-wide studies. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Oct 7; 89(4):529-42.
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  178. Kullo IJ, Ding K, Shameer K, McCarty CA, Jarvik GP, Denny JC, Ritchie MD, Ye Z, Crosslin DR, Chisholm RL, Manolio TA, Chute CG. Complement receptor 1 gene variants are associated with erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Jul 15; 89 (1):131-8 Epub 2011 June 23
    View PubMed
  179. Bielinski SJ, Chai HS, Pathak J, Talwalkar JA, Limburg PJ, Gullerud RE, Sicotte H, Klee EW, Ross JL, Kocher JP, Kullo IJ, Heit JA, Petersen GM, de Andrade M, Chute CG. Mayo Genome Consortia: a genotype-phenotype resource for genome-wide association studies with an application to the analysis of circulating bilirubin levels. Mayo Clin Proc. 2011 Jul; 86 (7):606-14 Epub 2011 June 06
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  180. Pathak J, Wang J, Kashyap S, Basford M, Li R, Masys DR, Chute CG. Mapping clinical phenotype data elements to standardized metadata repositories and controlled terminologies: the eMERGE Network experience. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011 Jul-Aug; 18 (4):376-86 Epub 2011 May 19
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  181. Kho AN, Pacheco JA, Peissig PL, Rasmussen L, Newton KM, Weston N, Crane PK, Pathak J, Chute CG, Bielinski SJ, Kullo IJ, Li R, Manolio TA, Chisholm RL, Denny JC. Electronic medical records for genetic research: results of the eMERGE consortium. Sci Transl Med. 2011 Apr 20; 3(79):79re1.
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  182. Pakhomov SV, Pedersen T, McInnes B, Melton GB, Ruggieri A, Chute CG. Towards a framework for developing semantic relatedness reference standards. J Biomed Inform. 2011 Apr; 44(2):251-65. Epub 2010 Oct 31.
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  183. Whetzel PL, Noy N, Shah N, Alexander P, Dorf M, Fergerson R, Storey MA, Smith B, Chute C, Musen M. BioPortal: Ontologies and integrated data resources at the click of a mouse. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2011; 833:292-3.
  184. Jiang G, Duke JD, Pathak J, Chute CG. An ontological representation of adverse drug events. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2011; 833:329-31.
  185. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chalmers RJG, Spackman K, Rector AL, Chute CG. A case study of ICD-11 anatomy value set extraction from SNOMED CT. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2011; 833:133-8.
  186. Tao C, Jiang G, Wei W, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Towards Semantic-Web Based Representation and Harmonization of Standard Meta-data Models for Clinical Studies. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2011; 2011:59-63. Epub 2011 Mar 07.
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  187. Pathak J, Pan H, Wang J, Kashyap S, Schad PA, Hamilton CM, Masys DR, Chute CG. Evaluating Phenotypic Data Elements for Genetics and Epidemiological Research: Experiences from the eMERGE and PhenX Network Projects. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2011; 2011:41-5 Epub 2011 Mar 07
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  188. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. ADEpedia: a scalable and standardized knowledge base of Adverse Drug Events using semantic web technology. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011; 2011:607-16 Epub 2011 Oct 22
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  189. Tao C, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. CNTRO 2.0: A Harmonized Semantic Web Ontology for Temporal Relation Inferencing in Clinical Narratives. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2011; 2011:64-8. Epub 2011 Mar 07.
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  190. Wu ST, Kaggal VC, Savova GK, Liu H, Dligach D, Zheng J, Chapman WW, Chute CG. Generality and reuse in a common type system for clinical natural language processing. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings. 2011:27-34.
  191. Tao C, Parker CG, Oniki TA, Pathak J, Huff SM, Chute CG. An OWL meta-ontology for representing the Clinical Element Model. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011; 2011:1372-81. Epub 2011 Oct 22.
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  192. Clark KK, Sharma DK, Chute CG, Tao C. Application of a temporal reasoning framework tool in analysis of medical device adverse events. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011; 2011:1366-71. Epub 2011 Oct 22.
    View PubMed
  193. Chute CG, Pathak J, Savova GK, Bailey KR, Schor MI, Hart LA, Beebe CE, Huff SM. The SHARPn project on secondary use of Electronic Medical Record data: progress, plans, and possibilities. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011; 2011:248-56 Epub 2011 Oct 22
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  194. Conway M, Berg RL, Carrell D, Denny JC, Kho AN, Kullo IJ, Linneman JG, Pacheco JA, Peissig P, Rasmussen L, Weston N, Chute CG, Pathak J. Analyzing the heterogeneity and complexity of Electronic Health Record oriented phenotyping algorithms. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011; 2011:274-83 Epub 2011 Oct 22
    View PubMed
  195. Pathak J, Murphy SP, Willaert BN, Kremers HM, Yawn BP, Rocca WA, Chute CG. Using RxNorm and NDF-RT to classify medication data extracted from electronic health records: experiences from the Rochester Epidemiology Project. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011; 2011:1089-98 Epub 2011 Oct 22
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  196. Liu K, Chapman WW, Savova G, Chute CG, Sioutos N, Crowley RS. Effectiveness of lexico-syntactic pattern matching for ontology enrichment with clinical documents. Methods Inf Med. 2011; 50(5):397-407. Epub 2010 Nov 08.
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  197. Schildcrout JS, Basford MA, Pulley JM, Masys DR, Roden DM, Wang D, Chute CG, Kullo IJ, Carrell D, Peissig P, Kho A, Denny JC. An analytical approach to characterize morbidity profile dissimilarity between distinct cohorts using electronic medical records. J Biomed Inform. 2010 Dec; 43(6):914-23. Epub 2010 Aug 03.
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  198. Wei WQ, Tao C, Jiang G, Chute CG. A high throughput semantic concept frequency based approach for patient identification: a case study using type 2 diabetes mellitus clinical notes. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2010 Nov 13; 2010:857-61.
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  199. Tao C, Wei WQ, Solbrig HR, Savova G, Chute CG. CNTRO: A Semantic Web Ontology for Temporal Relation Inferencing in Clinical Narratives. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2010 Nov 13; 2010:787-91.
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  200. Pathak J, Peters L, Chute CG, Bodenreider O. Comparing and evaluating terminology services application programming interfaces: RxNav, UMLSKS and LexBIG. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2010 Nov-Dec; 17 (6):714-9
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  201. Kullo IJ, Ding K, Jouni H, Smith CY, Chute CG. A genome-wide association study of red blood cell traits using the electronic medical record. PLoS One. 2010 Sep 28; 5 (9) Epub 2010 Sept 28
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  202. Kullo IJ, Fan J, Pathak J, Savova GK, Ali Z, Chute CG. Leveraging informatics for genetic studies: use of the electronic medical record to enable a genome-wide association study of peripheral arterial disease. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2010 Sep-Oct; 17 (5):568-74
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  203. Savova GK, Masanz JJ, Ogren PV, Zheng J, Sohn S, Kipper-Schuler KC, Chute CG. Mayo clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES): architecture, component evaluation and applications. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2010 Sep-Oct; 17 (5):507-13
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  204. Jiang G, Solbrig H, Chute CG. Mash-up of LexWiki and Web-Protege for Distributed Authoring of Large-Scale Biomedical Terminologies. Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2010) - Bio-Ontologies 2010: Semantic Applications in Life Sciences.. July 9-10, 2010; 132-35.
  205. Pathak J, Chute CG. Analyzing categorical information in two publicly available drug terminologies: RxNorm and NDF-RT. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2010 Jul-Aug; 17 (4):432-9
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  206. Chute CG, Beck SA, Fisk TB, Mohr DN. The Enterprise Data Trust at Mayo Clinic: a semantically integrated warehouse of biomedical data. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2010 Mar-Apr; 17 (2):131-5
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  207. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Mash-up of lexwiki and web-protg for distributed authoring of large-scale biomedical terminologies. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2010; 754.
  208. Tao C, Solbrig HR, Sharma DK, Wei WQ, Savova GK, Chute CG. Time-Oriented Question Answering from Clinical Narratives Using Semantic-Web Techniques. Lect Notes Comput Sci. 2010; 6497:241-56.
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  209. Chute CG. Distributed biomedical terminology development: from experiments to open process. Yearb Med Inform. 2010; 58-63.
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  210. Savova GK, Fan J, Ye Z, Murphy SP, Zheng J, Chute CG, Kullo IJ. Discovering peripheral arterial disease cases from radiology notes using natural language processing. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2010; 2010:722-6. Epub 2010 Nov 13.
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  211. Jiang G, Solbrig HR, Iberson-Hurst D, Kush RD, Chute CG. A Collaborative Framework for Representation and Harmonization of Clinical Study Data Elements Using Semantic MediaWiki. AMIA Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2010; 2010:11-5. Epub 2010 Mar 01.
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  212. Tao C, Pathak J, Solbrig HR, Wei WQ, Chute CG. LexRDF Model: An RDF-based Unified Model for Heterogeneous Biomedical Ontologies. CEUR Workshop Proc. 2009 Oct 26; 521:3
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  213. Katipamula R, Degnim AC, Hoskin T, Boughey JC, Loprinzi C, Grant CS, Brandt KR, Pruthi S, Chute CG, Olson JE, Couch FJ, Ingle JN, Goetz MP. Trends in mastectomy rates at the Mayo Clinic Rochester: effect of surgical year and preoperative magnetic resonance imaging. J Clin Oncol. 2009 Sep 1; 27 (25):4082-8 Epub 2009 July 27
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  214. Pathak J, Johnson TM, Chute CG. Survey of modular ontology techniques and their applications in the biomedical domain. Integr Comput Aided Eng. 2009 Aug; 16 (3):225-242
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  215. Noy NF, Shah NH, Whetzel PL, Dai B, Dorf M, Griffith N, Jonquet C, Rubin DL, Storey MA, Chute CG, Musen MA. BioPortal: ontologies and integrated data resources at the click of a mouse. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 Jul 1; 37(Web Server issue):W170-3. Epub 2009 May 29.
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  216. Bernstam EV, Hersh WR, Johnson SB, Chute CG, Nguyen H, Sim I, Nahm M, Weiner MG, Miller P, DiLaura RP, Overcash M, Lehmann HP, Eichmann D, Athey BD, Scheuermann RH, Anderson N, Starren J, Harris PA, Smith JW, Barbour E, Silverstein JC, Krusch DA, Nagarajan R, Becich MJ, CTSA Biomedical Informatics Key Function Committee. Synergies and distinctions between computational disciplines in biomedical research: perspective from the Clinical andTranslational Science Award programs. Acad Med. 2009 Jul; 84(7):964-70.
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  217. Jiang G, Pathak J, Chute CG. Formalizing ICD coding rules using Formal Concept Analysis. J Biomed Inform. 2009 Jun; 42(3):504-17. Epub 2009 Feb 21.
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  218. Pathak J, Solbrig HR, Buntrock JD, Johnson TM, Chute CG. LexGrid: a framework for representing, storing, and querying biomedical terminologies from simple to sublime. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2009 May-Jun; 16 (3):305-15 Epub 2009 Mar 04
    View PubMed
  219. Pathak J, Chute CG. Debugging Mappings between Biomedical Ontologies: Preliminary Results from the NCBO BioPortal Mapping Repository. International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO) Proceedings. 2009:95.
  220. Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Concepts, Modeling and Confusion International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO) Proceedings. 2009:123.
  221. Jiang G, Chute CG. Auditing the semantic completeness of SNOMED CT using formal concept analysis. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2009 Jan-Feb; 16 (1):89-102 Epub 2008 Oct 24
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  222. Savova GK, Coden AR, Sominsky IL, Johnson R, Ogren PV, de Groen PC, Chute CG. Word sense disambiguation across two domains: biomedical literature and clinical notes. J Biomed Inform. 2008 Dec; 41(6):1088-100. Epub 2008 Mar 4
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  223. Jiang G, Peterson KJ, Johnson TM, Celik C, Jakob R, Chute CG. Representing the ClaML-based ICD10 in LexGrid terminology model. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 06; 992.
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  224. Herasevich V, Afessa B, Chute CG, Gajic O. Designing and testing computer based screening engine for severe sepsis/septic shock. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6; 966 Epub 2008 Nov 06
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  225. Freimuth RR, Schauer MW, Lodha P, Govindrao P, Nagarajan R, Chute CG. caBIG compatibility review system: software to support the evaluation of applications using defined interoperability criteria. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6; 197-201 Epub 2008 Nov 06
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  226. Pathak J, Jiang G, Dwarkanath SO, Buntrock JD, Chute CG. LexValueSets: an approach for context-driven value sets extraction. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 06; 556-60.
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  227. Kim H, Harris MR, Savova GK, Chute CG. The first step toward data reuse: disambiguating concept representation of the locally developed ICU nursing flowsheets. Comput Inform Nurs. 2008 Sep-Oct; 26(5):282-9.
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  228. Pakhomov SV, Jacobsen SJ, Chute CG, Roger VL. Agreement between patient-reported symptoms and their documentation in the medical record. Am J Manag Care. 2008 Aug; 14(8):530-9.
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  229. Jiang G, Chute CG. Comparing the Effects of Two Semantic Terminology Models on Classification of Clinical Notes: A Study of Heart Murmur Findings. Proceedings of KR-MED, Phoenix AZ. 2008 May 31-Jun 2:59-65.
  230. Jiang G, Chute CG. Comparing the effects of two semantic terminology models on classification of clinical notes: A study of heart murmur findings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2008; 410:59-65.
  231. Savova G, Kipper-Schuler K, Buntrock J, Chute C. UIMA-based clinical information extraction system. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) Annual Conf Proc. 2008:39-42.
  232. Savova GK, Ogren PV, Duffy PH, Buntrock JD, Chute CG. Mayo clinic NLP system for patient smoking status identification. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2008 Jan-Feb; 15 (1):25-8 Epub 2007 Oct 18
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  233. Jiang G, Harris MR, Savova GK, Chute CG. Formalizing the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007 Oct 11; 994.
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  234. Herasevich V, Yilmaz M, Khan H, Chute CG, Gajic O. Rule base system for identification of patients with specific critical care syndromes: The "sniffer" for acute lung injury. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007 Oct 11; 972
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  235. Kim H, Harris MR, Savova GK, Speedie SM, Chute CG. Toward near real-time acuity estimation: a feasibility study. Nurs Res. 2007 Jul-Aug; 56(4):288-94.
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  236. Pedersen T, Pakhomov SV, Patwardhan S, Chute CG. Measures of semantic similarity and relatedness in the biomedical domain. J Biomed Inform. 2007 Jun; 40(3):288-99. Epub 2006 Jun 10.
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  237. Pakhomov S, Weston SA, Jacobsen SJ, Chute CG, Meverden R, Roger VL. Electronic medical records for clinical research: application to the identification of heart failure. Am J Manag Care. 2007 Jun; 13 (6 Part 1):281-8
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  238. Pakhomov SV, Buntrock JD, Chute CG. Automating the assignment of diagnosis codes to patient encounters using example-based and machine learning techniques. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2006 Sep-Oct; 13 (5):516-25 Epub 2006 June 23
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  239. Pakhomov SV, Coden A, Chute CG. Developing a corpus of clinical notes manually annotated for part-of-speech. Int J Med Inform. 2006 Jun; 75 (6):418-29 Epub 2005 Sept 19
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  240. Rubin DL, Lewis SE, Mungall CJ, Misra S, Westerfield M, Ashburner M, Sim I, Chute CG, Solbrig H, Storey MA, Smith B, Day-Richter J, Noy NF, Musen MA. National Center for Biomedical Ontology: advancing biomedicine through structured organization of scientific knowledge. OMICS. 2006 Summer; 10(2):185-98.
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  241. Pakhomov SVS, Buntrock JD, Chute CG. Improving the efficiency of manual classification of clinical diagnoses with example-based and machine learning techniques. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association. 2006; 13:516-525.
  242. Kim H, Harris MR, Savova G, Chute CG. Content coverage of SNOMED-CT toward the ICU nursing flowsheets and the acuity indicators. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006; 122:722-6.
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  243. Ogren PV, Savova G, Buntrock JD, Chute CG. Building and evaluating annotated corpora for medical NLP systems. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006; 1050
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  244. Pakhomov S, Chute CG. A hybrid approach to determining modification of clinical diagnoses. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006; 609-13
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  245. Joshi M, Pakhomov S, Pedersen T, Chute CG. A comparative study of supervised learning as applied to acronym expansion in clinical reports. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006; 399-403.
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  246. Coden AR, Pakhomov SV, Ando RK, Duffy PH, Chute CG. Domain-specific language models and lexicons for tagging. J Biomed Inform. 2005 Dec; 38(6):422-30.
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  247. Pakhomov SV, Buntrock J, Chute CG. Prospective recruitment of patients with congestive heart failure using an ad-hoc binary classifier. J Biomed Inform. 2005 Apr; 38 (2):145-53
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  248. Savova G, Harris M, Pakhomov S, Chute CG. Frame semantics and the domain of functioning, disability and health. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2005; 1106.
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  249. Pakhomov S, Pedersen T, Chute CG. Abbreviation and acronym disambiguation in clinical discourse. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2005; 2005:589-93
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  250. Supekar K, Chute CG, Solbrig H. Representing lexical components of medical terminologies in OWL. AMIA . Annual Symposium Proceedings/AMIA Symposium. 2005; 719-23.
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  251. Thomson McInnes BA, Pakhomov SV, Pedersen T, Chute CG. Incorporating bigram statistics to spelling correction tools. Medinfo. 2004; 2004(CD):1882.
  252. Savova GK, Becker D, Harris M, Chute CG. Combining rule-based methods and latent semantic analysis for ontology structure construction. Medinfo. 2004; 2004(CD):1848.
  253. Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Terminology access methods leveraging LDAP resources. Medinfo. 2004; 11(Pt 1):545-9.
  254. Ruggieri AP, Pakhomov SV, Chute CG. A corpus driven approach applying the "frame semantic" method for modeling functional status terminology. Medinfo. 2004; 11(Pt 1):434-8.
  255. Pakhomov SV, Buntrock JD, Chute CG. Using compound codes for automatic classification of clinical diagnoses. Medinfo. 2004; 11(Pt 1):411-5.
  256. Tu SW, Musen MA, Shankar R, Campbell J, Hrabak K, McClay J, Huff SM, McClure R, Parker C, Rocha R, Abarbanel R, Beard N, Glasgow J, Mansfield G, Ram P, Ye Q, Mays E, Weida T, Chute CG, McDonald K, Mohr D, Nyman MA, Scheitel S, Solbrig H, Zill DA, Goldstein MK. Modeling guidelines for integration into clinical workflow. Medinfo. 2004; 2004:174-8.
  257. Freimuth RR, Wiepert M, Chute CG, Wieben ED, Weinshilboum RM. Human cytosolic sulfotransferase database mining: identification of seven novel genes and pseudogenes. Pharmacogenomics J. 2004; 4 (1):54-65
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  258. Pakhomov SV, Buntrock JD, Chute CG. Using compound codes for automatic classification of clinical diagnoses. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2004; 107 (Pt 1):411-5
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  259. Harris MR, Savova GK, Johnson TM, Chute CG. A term extraction tool for expanding content in the domain of functioning, disability, and health: proof of concept. J Biomed Inform. 2003 Aug-Oct; 36 (4-5):250-9
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  260. Harris MR, Ruggieri AP, Chute CG. From clinical records to regulatory reporting: formal terminologies as foundation. Health Care Financ Rev. 2003 Spring; 24(3):103-20.
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  261. Solbrig HR, Armbrust DC, Chute CG. The Open Terminology Services (OTS) project. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003; 1011
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  262. Chute CG, Carter JS, Tuttle MS, Haber M, Brown SH. Integrating pharmacokinetics knowledge into a drug ontology: as an extension to support pharmacogenomics. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003; 170-4
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  263. Savova GK, Harris M, Johnson T, Pakhomov SV, Chute CG. A data-driven approach for extracting "the most specific term" for ontology development. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003; 579-83
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  264. Harris M, Kim H, Rhudy L, Savova G, Chute C. Testing the generalizability of the ISO model for nursing diagnoses. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003; 274-8
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  265. Chute CG, Koo D. Public health, data standards, and vocabulary: crucial infrastructure for reliable public health surveillance. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2002 May; 8 (3):11-7
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  266. Harris MR, Frost M, Clement-Brown KA, Novotny PJ, Chute CG. Quality of life of cancer patients as reported in a tumor registry follow-up. Clin Ther. 2002; 24(Suppl B):43-4.
  267. Pakhomov SV, Ruggieri A, Chute CG. Maximum entropy modeling for mining patient medication status from free text. Proc AMIA Symp. 2002; 587-91.
    View PubMed
  268. Chute CG. The horizontal and vertical nature of patient phenotype retrieval: new directions for clinical text processing. Proc AMIA Symp. 2002; 165-9
    View PubMed
  269. Buntrock JD, Chute CG. An evaluation of unmediated versus mediated retrieval services. Proc AMIA Symp. 2002; 81-5
    View PubMed
  270. Chute CG. Drugs, codes, standards, and other incompatible things in the dark. MD Comput. 2001 Jan-Feb; 18(1):45-6.
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  271. Gwaltney K, Chute C, Hageman D, Kibbe W, McCormick K, Reeves D, Wright L. An assessment of cancer clinical trials vocabulary and IT infrastructure in the US. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2001(Suppl S):224-8.
  272. Elkin PL, Brown SH, Chute CG. Guideline for health informatics: controlled health vocabularies--vocabulary structure and high-level indicators. Medinfo. 2001; 10(Pt 1):191-5.
  273. Ball MJ, Silva JS, Peterson H, Chute CG. The patient record in cancer care. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001; 84:1526.
  274. Yasnoff WA, Chute CG, Scherrer JR, Pittet D. Charting the future of public health informatics. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001; 84:1519.
  275. Chute CG. Nomenclatures, classifications and case-mix: From patient description to abstraction. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001; 86:1-7.
  276. Elkin PL, Brown SH, Chute CG. Guideline for health informatics: controlled health vocabularies--vocabulary structure and high-level indicators. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001; 84(Pt 1):191-5.
    View PubMed
  277. Ruggieri AP, Elkin PL, Solbrig H, Chute CG. Expression of a domain ontology model in unified modeling language for the World Health Organization International classification of impairment, disability, and handicap, version 2. Proc AMIA Symp. 2001; 573-7
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  278. Harris MR, Graves JR, Solbrig HR, Elkin PL, Chute CG. Embedded structures and representation of nursing knowledge. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2000 Nov-Dec; 7(6):539-49.
    View PubMed
  279. Chute CG. Public health, clinical data, and common cause: information standards as mediating foci. MD Comput. 2000 Sep-Oct; 17(5):15-6.
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  280. Chute CG. Clinical classification and terminology: some history and current observations. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2000 May-Jun; 7 (3):298-303
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  281. Chute CG. . . . and data for all: the NCI initiative on clinical infrastructure standards. MD Comput. 2000 Mar-Apr; 17(2):19-21.
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  282. Elkin PL, Chute CG. Guideline for the Achievement of Comparable Data When Evaluating Controlled Health Vocabularies. Proceedings of the INFOcus Symposium. 2000.
  283. Elkin PL, Ruggieri A, Bergstrom L, Bauer BA, Lee M, Ogren PV, Chute CG. A randomized controlled trial of concept based indexing of Web page content. Proceedings / AMIA . Annual Symposium. 2000:220-4.
  284. Harris MR, Graves JR, Herrick LM, Elkin PL, Chute CG. The content coverage and organizational structure of terminologies: the example of postoperative pain. Proc AMIA Symp. 2000; 335-9.
    View PubMed
  285. Ruggieri AP, Elkin P, Chute CG. Representation by standard terminologies of health status concepts contained in two health status assessment instruments used in rheumatic disease management. Proceedings / AMIA . Annual Symposium. 2000:734-8.
  286. Solbrig HR, Elkin PL, Ogren PV, Chute CG. A formal approach to integrating synonyms with a reference terminology. Proc AMIA Symp. 2000; 814-8
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  287. Wagner JL, Alberts SR, Sloan JA, Cha S, Killian J, O'Connell MJ, Van Grevenhof P, Lindman J, Chute CG. Incremental costs of enrolling cancer patients in clinical trials: a population-based study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1999 May 19; 91(10):847-53.
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  288. Chute CG. ISO TC 215: what the health world needs now. MD Comput. 1999 May-Jun; 16(3):21-2.
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  289. Chute CG. Standards move to center stage. MD Comput. 1999 Jan-Feb; 16(1):29-32.
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  290. McKnight LK, Elkin PL, Ogren PV, Chute CG. Barriers to the clinical implementation of compositionality. Proc AMIA Symp. 1999; 320-4
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  291. Elkin PL, Bailey KR, Ogren PV, Bauer BA, Chute CG. A randomized double-blind controlled trial of automated term dissection. Proc AMIA Symp. 1999; 62-6
    View PubMed
  292. Dunne D, Chute CG. Detailed content and terminological properties of DSM-IV. Proc AMIA Symp. 1999; 57-61
    View PubMed
  293. McDonald FS, Chute CG, Ogren PV, Wahner-Roedler D, Elkin PL. A large-scale evaluation of terminology integration characteristics. Proc AMIA Symp. 1999; 864-7
    View PubMed
  294. Chute CG, Elkin PL, Sherertz DD, Tuttle MS. Desiderata for a clinical terminology server. Proc AMIA Symp. 1999; 42-6
    View PubMed
  295. Elkin PL, Harris MR, Ogren PV, Buntrock JD, Brown SH, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. Semantic augmentation of description logic based terminologies. Proceedings, IMIA Working Group 6 Conference. 1999.
  296. Chute CG, Solbrig HR, Elkin PL. Terminology services as software components: an architecture and preliminary efforts. Proceedings, IMIA Working Group 6 Conference. 1999.
  297. Chute CG, Cohn SP, Campbell JR. A framework for comprehensive health terminology systems in the United States: development guidelines, criteria for selection, and public policy implications. ANSI Healthcare Informatics Standards Board Vocabulary Working Group and the Computer-Based Patient Records Institute Working Group on Codes and Structures. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 1998 Nov-Dec; 5 (6):503-10
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  298. Campbell KE, Cohn SP, Chute CG, Shortliffe EH, Rennels G. Scalable methodologies for distributed development of logic-based convergent medical terminology. Methods Inf Med. 1998 Nov; 37(4-5):426-39.
    View PubMed
  299. Tuttle MS, Olson NE, Keck KD, Cole WG, Erlbaum MS, Sherertz DD, Chute CG, Elkin PL, Atkin GE, Kaihoi BH, Safran C, Rind D, Law V. Metaphrase: an aid to the clinical conceptualization and formalization of patient problems in healthcare enterprises. Methods Inf Med. 1998 Nov; 37(4-5):373-83.
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  300. Xia Z, Jacobsen SJ, Bergstralh EJ, Chute CG, Katusic SK, Lieber MM. Secular changes in radical prostatectomy utilization rates in Olmsted County, Minnesota 1980 to 1995. J Urol. 1998 Mar; 159 (3):904-8
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  301. Gibbons PS, Baker SA, Carpenter PC, Chute CG, Claus PL, Emerson P, Gleser MA, Mohr DN, Randell CL. Adding value to care delivery: approaches to episodes of care. HIMSS '98 Imagine the future: proceedings of the 1998 Annual HIMSS Conference, Feb 22-26, 1998, Orlando, Florida. 1998 Feb 22-26; 2: 174-84.
  302. Elkin PL, Tuttle MS, Keck K, Atkin GE, Chute CG. A Java-based Tool for entry of a Medical problem List, Which Accesses a Remote Large Scale Enterprise Vocabulary Server. JAMIA Symp Suppl;. 1998; 0: 1120.
  303. Tuttle MS, Chute CG, Safran C, Abelson DJ. Formalizing clinical problem lists. Proceedings of Healthcare Information Systems Society. 1998; 2:109-15.
  304. Liu Q, Buntrock JD, Crowson DL, Tuttle MS, Elkin PL, Chute CG. A java-based interface for the medical research project classification using metaphrase JAMIA Symposium. 1998; Supplement:1037.
  305. Elkin PL, Tuttle M, Keck K, Campbell K, Atkin G, Chute CG. The role of compositionality in standardized problem list generation. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998; 52 Pt 1:660-4.
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  306. Elkin PL, Bailey KR, Chute CG. A randomized controlled trial of automated term composition. Proc AMIA Symp. 1998; 765-9
    View PubMed
  307. Chute CG. The Copernican era of healthcare terminology: a re-centering of health information systems. Proc AMIA Symp. 1998; 68-73
    View PubMed
  308. Chute CG, Elkin PL, Fenton SH, Atkin GE. A clinical terminology in the post modern era: pragmatic problem list development. Proc AMIA Symp. 1998; 795-9
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  309. Campbell JR, Carpenter P, Sneiderman C, Cohn S, Chute CG, Warren J. Phase II evaluation of clinical coding schemes: completeness, taxonomy, mapping, definitions, and clarity. CPRI Work Group on Codes and Structures. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 1997 May-Jun; 4(3):238-51.
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  310. Cohn SP, Chute CG. Clinical terminologies and computer-based patient records. J AHIMA. 1997 Feb; 68(2):41-3.
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  311. Chute CG, Elkin PL. A clinically derived terminology: qualification to reduction. Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp. 1997; 570-4
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  312. Elkin PL, Mohr DN, Tuttle MS, Cole WG, Atkin GE, Keck K, Fisk TB, Kaihoi BH, Lee KE, Higgins MC, Suermondt HJ, Olson N, Claus PL, Carpenter PC, Chute CG. Standardized problem list generation, utilizing the Mayo canonical vocabulary embedded within the Unified Medical Language System. Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp. 1997; 500-4
    View PubMed
  313. Claus PL, Carpenter PC, Chute CG, Mohr DN, Gibbons PS. Clinical care management and workflow by episodes. Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp. 1997; 91-5
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  314. Chute CG, Cohn SP, Campbell KE, Oliver DE, Campbell JR. The content coverage of clinical classifications. For The Computer-Based Patient Record Institute's Work Group on Codes & Structures. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 1996 May-Jun; 3 (3):224-33
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  315. Chute CG. Modeling the Medical Record at the Intersection of Information and Terminology L Campbell, CP Waegemann (Eds.). Conference Summary: Medical Records and Modeling. ANSI HISPP and CEN TC 251 Working Group 1. Rockville, MD: AHCPR, Publication no. 96-NO12,. 1996; 0: 0.
  316. Campbell KE, Cohn SP, Chute CG, Rennels G, Shortliffe EH. Galapagos: computer-based support for evolution of a convergent medical terminology. Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp. 1996; 269-73.
  317. Jacobsen SJ, Katusic SK, Bergstralh EJ, Oesterling JE, Ohrt D, Klee GG, Chute CG, Lieber MM. Incidence of prostate cancer diagnosis in the eras before and after serum prostate-specific antigen testing. JAMA. 1995 Nov 8; 274 (18):1445-9
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  318. Roberts RO, Rhodes T, Panser LA, Girman CJ, Chute CG, Guess HA, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM, Jacobsen SJ. Association between family history of benign prostatic hyperplasia and urinary symptoms: results of a population-based study. Am J Epidemiol. 1995 Nov 1; 142 (9):965-73
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  319. Panser LA, Rhodes T, Girman CJ, Guess HA, Chute CG, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM, Jacobsen SJ. Sexual function of men ages 40 to 79 years: the Olmsted County Study of Urinary Symptoms and Health Status Among Men. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1995 Oct; 43 (10):1107-11
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  320. Girman CJ, Jacobsen SJ, Guess HA, Oesterling JE, Chute CG, Panser LA, Lieber MM. Natural history of prostatism: relationship among symptoms, prostate volume and peak urinary flow rate. J Urol. 1995 May; 153(5):1510-5.
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  321. Safran C, Chute CG. Exploration and exploitation of clinical databases. Int J Biomed Comput. 1995 Apr; 39(1):151-6.
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  322. Guess HA, Jacobsen SJ, Girman CJ, Oesterling JE, Chute CG, Panser LA, Lieber MM. The role of community-based longitudinal studies in evaluating treatment effects. Example: benign prostatic hyperplasia. Med Care. 1995 Apr; 33(4 Suppl):AS26-35.
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  323. Chute CG, Yang Y. An overview of statistical methods for the classification and retrieval of patient events. Methods Inf Med. 1995 Mar; 34: (1-2)104-10.
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  324. Jacobsen SJ, Girman CJ, Guess HA, Panser LA, Chute CG, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM. Do prostate size and urinary flow rates predict health care-seeking behavior for urinary symptoms in men? Urology. 1995 Jan; 45 (1):64-9
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  325. Chute CG. Moving toward international standards in primary care informatics. Conference Summary Report Moving Toward International Standards in Primary Care Clinical Vocabulary Silver Springs MD AHCPR Pub -0069 (Keynote address, Moving Toward International Standards in Primary Care Informatics: Clinical Vocabulary, New Orleans, November 1-2, ). 1995; Informatics: (No. 96)9-12.
  326. Yang Y, Chute CG. Sampling strategies in a statistical approach to clinical classification. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1995; 32-6
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  327. Chute CG, Crowson DL, Buntrock JD. Medical information retrieval and WWW browsers at Mayo. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1995; 903-7
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  328. Giovannucci E, Rimm EB, Chute CG, Kawachi I, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. Obesity and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Am J Epidemiol. 1994 Dec 1; 140(11):989-1002.
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  329. Panser LA, Chute CG, Guess HA, Larsonkeller JJ, Girman CJ, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM, Jacobsen SJ. The natural history of prostatism: the effects of non-response bias. Int J Epidemiol. 1994 Dec; 23 (6):1198-205
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  330. Panser LA, Chute CG, Girman CJ, Guess HA, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM, Jacobsen SJ. Effect of several recruitment strategies on response rates at baseline in a prospective cohort investigation. The Olmsted County Study of Urinary Symptoms and Health Status among Men. Ann Epidemiol. 1994 Jul; 4 (4):321-6
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  331. Yang YM, Chute CG. An example-based mapping method for text categorization and retrieval. ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 1994 Jul; 12:252-277.
  332. Warner MA, Martin JT, Schroeder DR, Offord KP, Chute CG. Lower-extremity motor neuropathy associated with surgery performed on patients in a lithotomy position. Anesthesiology. 1994 Jul; 81 (1):6-12
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  333. Roberts RO, Jacobsen SJ, Rhodes T, Guess HA, Girman CJ, Panser LA, Chute CG, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM. Cigarette smoking and prostatism: a biphasic association? Urology. 1994 Jun; 43 (6):797-801
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  334. Roberts RO, Rhodes T, Panser LA, Girman CJ, Chute CG, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM, Jacobsen SJ. Natural history of prostatism: worry and embarrassment from urinary symptoms and health care-seeking behavior. Urology. 1994 May; 43 (5):621-8
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  335. Corder EH, Chute CG, Guess HA, Beard CM, O'Fallon WM, Lieber MM. Prostate cancer in Rochester, Minnesota (USA), from 1935 to 1989: increases in incidence related to more complete ascertainment. Cancer Causes Control. 1994 May; 5(3):207-14.
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  336. Chute CG, Cesnik B, van Bemmel JH. Medical data and knowledge management by integrated medical workstations: summary and recommendations. Int J Biomed Comput. 1994 Jan; 34 (1-4):175-83
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  337. Oesterling JE, Girman CJ, Panser LA, Chute CG, Barrett DM, Guess HA, Lieber MM. Correlation between urinary flow rate, voided volume, and patient age in a community-based population. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1994; 386:125-139.
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  338. Yang Y, Chute CG. An application of Expert Network to clinical classification and MEDLINE indexing. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1994; 157-61
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  339. Chute CG, Yang Y, Buntrock J. An evaluation of computer assisted clinical classification algorithms. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1994; 162-6
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  340. Jacobsen SJ, Girman CJ, Guess HA, Panser LA, Chute CG, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM. Natural history of prostatism: factors associated with discordance between frequency and bother of urinary symptoms. Urology. 1993 Dec; 42 (6):663-71
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  341. Guess HA, Chute CG, Garraway WM, Girman CJ, Panser LA, Lee RJ, Jacobsen SJ, McKelvie GB, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM. Similar levels of urological symptoms have similar impact on Scottish and American men--although Scots report less symptoms. J Urol. 1993 Nov; 150(5 Pt 2):1701-5.
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  342. Warner MA, Shields SE, Chute CG. Major morbidity and mortality within 1 month of ambulatory surgery and anesthesia. JAMA. 1993 Sep 22-29; 270 (12):1437-41
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  343. Girman CJ, Panser LA, Chute CG, Oesterling JE, Barrett DM, Chen CC, Arrighi HM, Guess HA, Lieber MM. Natural history of prostatism: urinary flow rates in a community-based study. J Urol. 1993 Sep; 150(3):887-92.
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  344. Oesterling JE, Jacobsen SJ, Chute CG, Guess HA, Girman CJ, Panser LA, Lieber MM. Serum prostate-specific antigen in a community-based population of healthy men. Establishment of age-specific reference ranges. JAMA. 1993 Aug 18; 270 (7):860-4
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  345. Chute CG, Panser LA, Girman CJ, Oesterling JE, Guess HA, Jacobsen SJ, Lieber MM. The prevalence of prostatism: a population-based survey of urinary symptoms. J Urol. 1993 Jul; 150 (1):85-9
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  346. Jacobsen SJ, Guess HA, Panser L, Girman CJ, Chute CG, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM. A population-based study of health care-seeking behavior for treatment of urinary symptoms. The Olmsted County Study of Urinary Symptoms and Health Status Among Men. Arch Fam Med. 1993 Jul; 2 (7):729-35
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  347. Dennis DT, Smith RP, Welch JJ, Chute CG, Anderson B, Herndon JL, von Reyn CF. Endemic giardiasis in New Hampshire: a case-control study of environmental risks. J Infect Dis. 1993 Jun; 167(6):1391-5.
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  348. Amadio PC, Bartleson JD, Carpenter PC, Chute CG, Gibbons PS. Redesigning patient care. Journal of the Society for Health Sciences. 1993; 4:65-83.
  349. Yang Y, Chute CG. An application of least squares fit mapping to text information retrieval. Proc 16th Ann Int ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval ( 281-9. 1993; Special SIGIR Forum: 0.
  350. Carpenter PC, Chute CG. The Universal Patient Identifier: a discussion and proposal. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1993; 49-53.
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  351. Yang Y, Chute CG. Words or concepts: the features of indexing units and their optimal use in information retrieval. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1993; 685-9
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  352. Chute CG. Clinical data retrieval and analysis. I've seen a case like that before. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1992 Dec 17; 670:133-40
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  353. Epstein RS, Deverka PA, Chute CG, Panser L, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM, Schwartz S, Patrick D. Validation of a new quality of life questionnaire for benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992 Dec; 45(12):1431-45.
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  354. Chute CG. The classification of medical events using Latent Semantic Analysis. BH Kwasnik, R Fidel (eds). Advances in Classification Research--Vol II Proceedings of the 2nd ASIS SIG/CR Workshop on Classification Research Medford Learned Information Inc. 1992; NJ:45-51.
  355. Chute CG, Atkin GE, Ihrke DM. An empirical evaluation of concept capture by clinical classifications. Proceedings of MEDINFO 92. 1992; II:1469-74.
  356. Evans DA, Chute CG, Handerson SK, Yang Y, Monarch IA, Hersh WR. Latent Semantics as a basis for managing variation in medical terminologies Proceedings of MEDINFO 92. 1992; II:1462-68.
  357. Yang Y, Chute CG. A numerical solution for text information retrieval and its application in patient data classification. Technical Report Series, Report #50, Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. 1992.
  358. Yang Y, Chute CG. A linear least squares fit mapping method for information retrieval from natural language texts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 92). 1992; II: 447-53.
  359. Beeler GW Jr, Gibbons PS, Chute CG. Development of a clinical data architecture. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1992; 244-8
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  360. Chute CG, Yang Y. An evaluation of concept based latent semantic indexing for clinical information retrieval. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1992; 639-43
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  361. Yang Y, Chute CG. An application of least squares fit mapping to clinical classification. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1992; 460-4
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  362. Yang YM, Chute CG. Hierarchical distribution analysis for computer-assisted classifications of patient records. Med Decis Making. 1991 Oct-Dec; 11(4 Suppl):S94-8.
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  363. Chute CG, Chuang TY, Bergstralh EJ, Su WP. The subsequent risk of internal cancer with Bowen's disease. A population-based study. JAMA. 1991 Aug 14; 266: (6)816-9.
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  364. Stephenson WP, Chute CG, Guess HA, Schwartz S, Lieber M. Incidence and outcome of surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia among residents of Rochester, Minnesota: 1980-87. (A population-based study). Urology. 1991 Jul; 38(Suppl):32-42.
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  365. Chute CG, Stephenson WP, Guess HA, Lieber M, Lieber M. Benign prostatic hyperplasia: a population-based study. Eur Urol. 1991; 20 Suppl 1:11-7
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  366. Epstein RS, Deverka PA, Chute CG, Lieber MM, Oesterling JE, Panser LA, Schwartz S, Guess HA, Patrick D. Urinary symptoms and quality of life questions indicative of obstructive benign prostatic hyperplasia: Results of a pilot study. Urology 38 (. 1991; Suppl 1): 20-6.
  367. Chute CG, Willett WC, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Rosner B, Speizer FE. A prospective study of reproductive history and exogenous estrogens on the risk of colorectal cancer in women. Epidemiology. 1991; 2(3):201-7.
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  368. Chute CG, Willett WC, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Baron JA, Rosner B, Speizer FE. A prospective study of body mass, height, and smoking on the risk of colorectal cancer in women. Cancer Causes and Controls. 1991; 2(2):117-24.
  369. Tuttle MS, Sherertz DD, Erlbaum MS, Sperzel WD, Fuller LF, Olson NE, Nelson SJ, Cimino JJ, Chute CG. Adding your terms and relationships to the UMLS Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1991; 1991:219-23.
  370. Chute CG. Classification and retrieval of patient records using natural language: An experimental application of latent semantic analysis Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 1991; 13(3):1162-3.
  371. Yang Y, Chute CG. A schematic analysis of the Unified Medical Language System. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1991; 204-8.
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  372. Van Grevenhof P, Chute CG, Ballard DJ. A common and clonable environment to support research using patient data. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1991; 358-62
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  373. Chute CG, Yang Y, Evans DA. Latent Semantic Indexing of medical diagnoses using UMLS semantic structures. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1991; 185-9
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  374. Rimm EB, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Chute CG, Litin LB, Willett WC. Validity of self-reported waist and hip circumferences in men and women. Epidemiology. 1990 Nov; 1(6):466-73.
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  375. Hunter DJ, Morris JS, Chute CG, Kushner E, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Speizer FE, Willett WC. Predictors of selenium concentration in human toenails. Am J Epidemiol. 1990 Jul; 132(1):114-22.
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  376. Chuang TY, Popescu A, Su WPD, Chute CG. A population-based incidence study in Rochester, Minnesota. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1990 Mar; 22:413-417.
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  377. Chuang TY, Popescu NA, Su WP, Chute CG. Squamous cell carcinoma. A population-based incidence study in Rochester, Minn. Arch Dermatol. 1990 Feb; 126(2):185-8.
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  378. Chute CG, Yang Y, Tuttle MS, Sherertz DD, Olson NE, Erlbaum MS. A preliminary evaluation of the UMLS Metathesaurus for patient record classification Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC). 1990:161-5.
  379. Hankinson SE, London SJ, Chute CG, Barbieri RL, Jones L, Kaplan LA, Sacks FM, Stampfer MJ. Effect of transport conditions on the stability of biochemical markers in blood. Clin Chem. 1989 Dec; 35(12):2313-6.
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  380. Talley NJ, Chute CG, Larson DE, Epstein R, Lydick EG, Melton LJ 3rd. Risk for colorectal adenocarcinoma in pernicious anemia. A population-based cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 1989 Nov 1; 111 (9):738-42
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  381. Kiel DP, Baron JA, Plymate SR, Chute CG. Sex hormones and lipoproteins in men. Am J Med. 1989 Jul; 87(1):35-9.
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  382. Chute CG, Côté RA. Computerized natural medical language pro-cessing for knowledge representation: Overview of Working Group Conference, Geneva, September 1988. B. Barber, D. Cao, D. Qin, G. Wagner (eds.) Proceeding on the Sixth Conference on Medical Informatics (MEDINFO '89) North-Holland, Amsterdam. 1989:878-81.
  383. Beeler GW, Chute CG. A brief history and future directions of medical informatics at Mayo Clinic. B. Barber, Cao, D. Qin, G. Wagner (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Medical Informatics (MEDINFO'89) Supplement North-Holland,. 1989; Amsterdam.
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  388. Chute CG, Smith R, Baron J. Risk factors for endemic giardiasis. Am J Publ Hlth. 1987; 77:585-7.
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