
  1. Raveling T, Vonk JM, Hill NS, Gay PC, Casanova C, Clini E, Kohnlein T, Marquez-Martin E, Schneeberger T, Murphy PB, Struik FM, Kerstjens HAM, Duiverman ML, Wijkstra PJ. Home noninvasive ventilation in severe COPD: in whom does it work and how? ERJ Open Res. 2024 Jan; 10 (1) Epub 2024 Feb 12
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  2. Jagielski JT, Bibi N, Gay PC, Junna MR, Carvalho DZ, Williams JA, Morgenthaler TI. Evaluating an under-mattress sleep monitor compared to a peripheral arterial tonometry home sleep apnea test device in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Breath. 2023 Aug; 27 (4):1433-1441 Epub 2022 Nov 28
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  3. Khan A, Frazer-Green L, Amin R, Wolfe L, Faulkner G, Casey K, Sharma G, Selim B, Zielinski D, Aboussouan LS, McKim D, Gay P. Respiratory Management of Patients With Neuromuscular Weakness: An American College of Chest Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline and Expert Panel Report. Chest. 2023 Aug; 164 (2):394-413 Epub 2023 Mar 13
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  4. Hillman DR, Carlucci M, Charchaflieh JG, Cloward TV, Gali B, Gay PC, Lyons MM, McNeill MM, Singh M, Yilmaz M, Auckley DH. Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine Position Paper on Patient Sleep During Hospitalization. Anesth Analg. 2023 Apr 1; 136 (4):814-824 Epub 2023 Feb 06
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  5. Covassin N, Lu D, St Louis EK, Chahal AA, Schulte PJ, Mansukhani MP, Xie J, Lipford MC, Li N, Ramar K, Caples SM, Gay PC, Olson EJ, Silber MH, Li J, Somers VK. Sex-specific associations between daytime sleepiness, chronic diseases and mortality in obstructive sleep apnea. Front Neurosci. 2023; 17:1210206. Epub 2023 Jun 23.
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  6. Gali B, Silber MH, Hanson AC, Portner E, Gay P. Perioperative outcomes of patients with restless legs syndrome: a single-center retrospective review. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022 Jul 1; 18 (7):1841-1846
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  7. Morgenthaler TI, Linginfelter EA, Gay PC, Anderson SE, Herold D, Brown V, Nienow JM. Rapid response to medical device recalls: an organized patient-centered team effort. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022 Feb 1; 18 (2):663-667
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  8. Gay PC, Owens RL, ONMAP Technical Expert Panel. Executive Summary: Optimal NIV Medicare Access Promotion: A Technical Expert Panel Report From the American College of Chest Physicians, the American Association for Respiratory Care, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the American Thoracic Society. Chest. 2021 Nov; 160 (5):1808-1821 Epub 2021 July 30
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  9. Devine MF, Gay PC, Dubey D. Ondine's Curse and Trismus in Association With Kelch-like Protein-11 Autoimmunity. JAMA Neurol. 2021 Aug 1; 78 (8):1016-1017
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  10. Wong AI, Cheung PC, Zhang J, Cotsonis G, Kutner M, Gay PC, Collop NA. Randomized Controlled Trial of a Novel Communication Device Assessed During Noninvasive Ventilation Therapy. Chest. 2021 Apr; 159 (4):1531-1539 Epub 2020 Oct 01
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  11. Wong AI, Cheung PC, Happ MB, Gay PC, Collop NA. Consequences and Solutions for the Impact of Communication Impairment on Noninvasive Ventilation Therapy for Acute Respiratory Failure: A Focused Review. Crit Care Explor. 2020 Jun; 2 (6):e0121 Epub 2020 June 15
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  12. Kaplish N, D'Andrea L, Auger RR, Gay P, Jacobowitz O, Johnson K, Lance C, Licis A, Patil S, Summers M, Vohra KP, Abbasi-Feinberg F. Addressing gaps between payer policies and AASM clinical practice guidelines using scorecards. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 May 15; 16 (5):811-815 Epub 2020 Feb 28
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  13. Shaughnessy GF, Gay PC, Olson EJ, Morgenthaler TI. Noninvasive volume-assured pressure support for chronic respiratory failure: a review. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2019 Nov; 25 (6):570-577
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  14. Javaheri S, Gay PC. To Die, to Sleep - to Sleep, Perchance to Dream...Without Hypertension: Dreams of the Visionary Christian Guilleminault Revisited. J Clin Sleep Med 2019 Sep 15; 15 (9):1189-1190
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  15. Javaheri S, Gay PC. To Die, to Sleep - to Sleep, Perchance to Dream...Without Hypertension: Dreams of the Visionary Christian Guilleminault Revisited. J Clin Sleep Med. 2019 Aug 20 [Epub ahead of print]
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  16. Mansukhani MP, Kolla BP, Naessens JM, Gay PC, Morgenthaler TI. Effects of Adaptive Servoventilation Therapy for Central Sleep Apnea on Health Care Utilization and Mortality: A Population-Based Study. J Clin Sleep Med. 2019 Jan 15; 15 (1):119-128
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  17. Patel SI, Gay P, Morgenthaler TI, Olson EJ, Shamoun FE, Kashyap R, Herold D, McNamara S, Selim B. Practical Implementation of a Single-Night Split-Titration Protocol With BPAP-ST and AVAPS in Patients With Neuromuscular Disease. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Dec 15; 14 (12):2031-2035
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  18. Mansukhani MP, Kolla B, Naessens JM, Gay PC, Morgenthaler TI. Effects of Adaptive Servoventilation Therapy of Central Sleep Apnea Syndromes on Healthcare Utilization and Mortality: A Population-Based Study Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Journal of Clinical Sleep. 2018. Epub 2001 Jan 12.
  19. Gay PC. Overnight Pulse Oximetry Unwoven. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Apr 15; 14 (4):497-498
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  20. Ayas NT, Laratta CR, Coleman JM, Doufas AG, Eikermann M, Gay PC, Gottlieb DJ, Gurubhagavatula I, Hillman DR, Kaw R, Malhotra A, Mokhlesi B, Morgenthaler TI, Parthasarathy S, Ramachandran SK, Strohl KP, Strollo PJ, Twery MJ, Zee PC, Chung. Knowledge Gaps in the Perioperative Management of Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018.
  21. Morris TA, Gay PC, MacIntyre NR, Hess DR, Hanneman SK, Lamberti JP, Doherty DE, Chang L, Seckel MA. Respiratory Compromise as a New Paradigm for the Care of Vulnerable Hospitalized Patients. Respir Care. 2017 Apr; 62 (4):497-512
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  22. Sahetya S, Allgood S, Gay PC, Lechtzin N. Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation. Clin Chest Med. 2016 Dec; 37 (4):753-763 Epub 2016 Oct 14
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  23. Chung F, Memtsoudis SG, Ramachandran SK, Nagappa M, Opperer M, Cozowicz C, Patrawala S, Lam D, Kumar A, Joshi GP, Fleetham J, Ayas N, Collop N, Doufas AG, Eikermann M, Englesakis M, Gali B, Gay P, Hernandez AV, Kaw R, Kezirian EJ, Malhotra A, Mokhlesi B, Parthasarathy S, Stierer T, Wappler F, Hillman DR, Auckley D. Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine Guidelines on Preoperative Screening and Assessment of Adult Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Anesth Analg. 2016 Aug; 123 (2):452-73
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  24. Sevilla Berrios RA, Gay PC. Advances and New Approaches to Managing Sleep-Disordered Breathing Related to Chronic Pulmonary Disease. Sleep Med Clin. 2016 Jun; 11: (2)257-64.
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  25. Cordovani L, Chung F, Germain G, Turner K, Turgeon AF, Hall R, Gay PC, Bryson GL, Choi PT, Canadian Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials Group. Perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a survey of Canadian anesthesiologists. Can J Anaesth. 2016 Jan; 63: (1)16-23.
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  26. Kaw R, Gay PC. Perioperative management of obstructive sleep apnea Current Sleep Medicine Reports. 2015; 1 (4):251-6
  27. Esquinas AM, Egbert Pravinkumar S, Scala R, Gay P, Soroksky A, Girault C, Han F, Hui DS, Papadakos PJ, Ambrosino N, International NIV Network. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in high-risk pulmonary infections: a clinical review. Eur Respir Rev. 2014 Dec; 23 (134):427-38
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  28. Jinnur P, Morgenthaler TI, Gay PC, St Louis EK. PAPnip: an "Alarming" source of leak during ASV therapy. J Clin Sleep Med. 2014 Jul 15; 10 (7):819-21 Epub 2014 July 15
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  29. Park JG, Morgenthaler TM, Gay PC. Novel and emerging nonpositive airway pressure therapies for sleep apnea. Chest. 2013 Dec; 144: (6)1946-1952.
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  30. Kaw R, Mokhlesi B, Chung F, Gay P, Bolden N, Hillman D. Society of anesthesia and sleep medicine: proceedings of 2012 annual meeting. Sleep Breath. 2013 Dec; 17(4):1333-9. Epub 2013 May 15.
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  31. Schwab RJ, Badr SM, Epstein LJ, Gay PC, Gozal D, Kohler M, Lévy P, Malhotra A, Phillips BA, Rosen IM, Strohl KP, Strollo PJ, Weaver EM, Weaver TE. An official American Thoracic Society statement: continuous positive airway pressure adherence tracking systems. The optimal monitoring strategies and outcome measures in adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013 September.
  32. O'Gorman SM, Gay PC, Morgenthaler TI. Does autotitrating positive airway pressure therapy improve postoperative outcome in patients at risk for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome? A randomized controlled clinical trial. Chest. 2013 Jul; 144: (1)72-78.
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  33. Peters SG, Holets SR, Gay PC. High-flow nasal cannula therapy in do-not-intubate patients with hypoxemic respiratory distress. Respir Care. 2013 Apr; 58: (4)597-600.
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  34. Brown LK, Gay PC. Should board certification in sleep be required to prescribe CPAP therapy on the basis of home sleep testing? Yes/No. Chest. 2013; 144(6):1752-8.
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  35. Gay PC. Positive airway pressure therapy for perioperative patients. Sleep Med. Clin. 2013; 8(1):121-8.
  36. Powell ED, Gay PC, Ojile JM, Litinski M, Malhotra A. A pilot study assessing adherence to auto-bilevel following a poor initial encounter with CPAP. J Clin Sleep Med. 2012 Feb 15; 8(1):43-7.
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  37. Kaw R, Chung F, Pasupuleti V, Mehta J, Gay PC, Hernandez AV. Meta-analysis of the association between obstructive sleep apnoea and postoperative outcome. Br J Anaesth. 2012; 109(6):897-906.
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  38. Kojicic M, Li G, Ahmed A, Thakur L, Trillo-Alvarez C, Cartin-Ceba R, Gay PC, Gajic O. Long-term survival in patients with tracheostomy and prolonged mechanical ventilation in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Respir Care. 2011 Nov; 56 (11):1765-70 Epub 2011 May 20
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  39. Gay PC. What future studies are needed for obstructive sleep apnea patients undergoing surgery? Open Anesthesiology Journal. 2011; 5(Special Issue 1):12-3.
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  41. Gay PC, Selecky PA. Are sleep studies appropriately done in the home? Respir Care. 2010 Jan; 55 (1):66-75
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  42. Sessler CN, Gay PC. Are corticosteroids useful in late-stage acute respiratory distress syndrome? Respir Care. 2010 Jan; 55(1):43-55.
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  43. Gali B, Whalen FX, Schroeder DR, Gay PC, Plevak DJ. Identification of patients at risk for postoperative respiratory complications using a preoperative obstructive sleep apnea screening tool and postanesthesia care assessment. Anesthesiology. 2009 Apr; 110 (4):869-77
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  45. Gay PC. Complex sleep apnea: it really is a disease. J Clin Sleep Med. 2008 Oct 15; 4 (5):403-5
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  46. Kuzniar TJ, Pusalavidyasagar S, Gay PC, Morgenthaler TI. Natural course of complex sleep apnea--a retrospective study. Sleep Breath. 2008 May; 12(2):135-9.
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  47. Ballard RD, Gay PC, Strollo PJ. Interventions to improve compliance in sleep apnea patients previously non-compliant with continuous positive airway pressure. J Clin Sleep Med. 2007 Dec 15; 3(7):706-12.
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  48. Belsher JL, Gay P, Brinton M, DellaValla J, Ridenour R, Lanciotti R, Perelygin A, Zaki S, Paddock C, Querec T, Zhu T, Pulendran B, Eidex RB, Hayes E. Fatal multiorgan failure due to yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease. Vaccine. 2007 Dec 5; 25 (50):8480-5 Epub 2007 Sept 18
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  49. Allam JS, Olson EJ, Gay PC, Morgenthaler TI. Efficacy of adaptive servoventilation in treatment of complex and central sleep apnea syndromes. Chest. 2007 Dec; 132 (6):1839-46
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  50. Gali B, Whalen FX Jr, Gay PC, Olson EJ, Schroeder DR, Plevak DJ, Morgenthaler TI. Management plan to reduce risks in perioperative care of patients with presumed obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. J Clin Sleep Med. 2007 Oct 15; 3 (6):582-8
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  51. Lewarski JS, Gay PC. Current issues in home mechanical ventilation. Chest. 2007 Aug; 132(2):671-6.
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  53. Pusalavidyasagar SS, Olson EJ, Gay PC, Morgenthaler TI. Treatment of complex sleep apnea syndrome: a retrospective comparative review. Sleep Med. 2006 Sep; 7(6):474-9. Epub 2006 Aug 23.
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  61. Flemons WW, Littner MR, Rowley JA, Gay P, Anderson WM, Hudgel DW, McEvoy RD, Loube DI. Home diagnosis of sleep apnea: A systematic review of the literature - An evidence review cosponsored by the American academy of sleep medicine, the American College of Chest Physicians, and the American Thoracic Society. Chest. 2003 Oct; 124(4):1543-79.
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