Image of Sundeep Khosla, M.D., in his Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Lab at Mayo Clinic. Discovering how to slow bone loss

Our lab investigates how fundamental aging mechanisms in bone lead to increased skeletal fragility, with a goal of developing target drugs for osteoporosis and reducing fracture risk related to diabetes.


The Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic develops new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for osteoporosis, a growing public health problem around the world.

Our lab, led by physician-scientist Sundeep Khosla, M.D., uses cell and mouse models, intensive mechanistic human studies in the Clinical Research and Trials Unit (CRTU), and population studies to better understand the pathophysiology of age-related bone loss and fractures. Working with Dr. Khosla is David G. Monroe, Ph.D., a basic cell and molecular biologist at Mayo Clinic. The complementary expertise of Drs. Khosla and Monroe allows our lab to examine scientific problems at physiological and cellular levels using human and mouse models.

Our research projects focus on bone loss related to aging, estrogen, RORbeta and type 2 diabetes.

The Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Lab is located within the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging, providing our research team with access to both extensive research collaborations and equipment.

Our research is funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Khosla also receives research support from Mayo Clinic, the Kogod Center on Aging, and the Dr. Francis Chucker and Nathan Landow Research Professorship.

About Dr. Khosla

Dr. Khosla, an endocrinologist, is a clinical investigator and translational scientist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He is also a professor of medicine and physiology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Dr. Khosla's research focuses on efforts to improve how people with osteoporosis are diagnosed and treated and to identify new molecular targets for drugs to reverse osteoporosis and reduce fracture risk.