Lipid Droplet Biology and Fatty Liver

Fatty liver disease, also called hepatic steatosis, has become the most common disease of the liver in the United States. Over 40% of Americans have a fatty liver that can lead to liver fibrosis, inflammation (hepatitis), cirrhosis and cancer. Moreover, because the liver is a central detoxification organ, it is especially susceptible to damage from alcohol. Most heavy drinkers exhibit fatty liver, called ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis, and 40% to 50% of these people can develop life-threatening disease. The central organelle within the hepatocyte that stores excess fat is the lipid droplet (LD). Scores of different proteins control the formation and use of LDs. A deficit in LD breakdown is believed to play a central role in fatty liver disease.

The Membrane Trafficking in Disease Lab's goals are to define:

  • How the hepatocyte targets different catabolic proteins to the LD surface to mediate LD breakdown.
  • The mechanisms by which autophago-lysosomes engulf LDs in a process termed "lipophagy" to mediate catabolism.
  • The mechanisms by which LDs-autophago-lysosomes-mitochondria interact to expedite lipid catabolism.
  • How alcohol alters LD composition, function and breakdown.
  • How alcohol alters the association of LD-bound proteins that can contribute to fat catabolism and autophagy.

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