Two neurosurgeons monitor brain surgery using an internal camera. Getting inside the brain

Dr. Van Gompel's lab is committed to developing and testing neurosurgical techniques and devices to treat conditions such as brain tumors and epilepsy.


Research in Mayo Clinic's Device Development and Experimental Therapeutics Lab of Jaime J. Van Gompel, M.D., focuses on the advancement of neurosurgery techniques and technologies. The lab works on mechanical aspects of devices to improve current operative procedures and innovates ways to treat diseases requiring neurosurgery.

Dr. Van Gompel applies outcome analysis, advanced imaging and techniques for benign skull base tumors. These include pituitary adenomas, vestibular schwannomas and meningiomas, as well as malignant skull base tumors, such as esthesioneuroblastoma and chordoma. Other efforts concentrate on using brain stimulation for treating epilepsy.


Dr. Van Gompel's Device Development and Experimental Therapeutics Lab is affiliated with these Mayo Clinic research areas: