King Hussein Nursing Research Scholars Program

The King Hussein Nursing Research Scholars (KHNRS) program supports postdoctoral nursing research training. The goal of the program is to build a cadre of Mayo Clinic nurse scientists who are skilled in conducting clinical research and disseminating findings. This program was established through a generous contribution to the Department of Nursing from King Hussein of Jordan in recognition of the nursing care he received at Mayo Clinic.

Program offerings

The KHNRS program provides research training support including:

  • Mentorship from Mayo Clinic nurse scientists and multidisciplinary scientists.
    • Monthly meetings with a mentorship team.
    • Quarterly meetings with the associate dean for nursing research to review goals, progress and achievement of metrics.
  • Salary support equal to a 0.2 to 0.5 full-time equivalent for research training for one or two consecutive years, subject to availability of funds.
  • Modest travel funds may be available to support attendance or presentations at scientific meetings.

A maximum of two years of support is available. The second year is contingent on the availability of funds and successful achievement of first-year metrics. The trainee will work with the associate dean for nursing research and the mentoring team to develop clear and measurable monthly goals and yearly metrics to meet the trainee's scientific development.


Trainees are expected to demonstrate success in the program through the following:

  • Submitting two peer-reviewed, data-based manuscripts for publication each year, where the trainee is listed as first author for one manuscript.
  • Presenting at a minimum of one competitive national or international conference, either virtually or in person.
  • In the second year of the program, actively pursuing an extramural individual training or career development grant, or extramural grant funding to support an independent research program.


To be eligible for the KHNRS program, candidates must have:

  • Registered nurse (R.N.) licensure in the U.S. and a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree. Preference will be given to candidates with doctoral degrees in nursing.
  • A minimum of one consecutive year of employment at Mayo Clinic.
  • An identified area of research focus.
  • Written commitment from two mentors.
    • Both mentors must be doctoral-level scientists in nursing, medicine or related fields.
    • At least one mentor is required to be a Mayo Clinic employee, preferably a nurse scientist.

Applicants must have a commitment to their own scientific development, have a strong desire to conduct funded clinical research and be self-motivated.


For more information or to apply, contact:

Monica L. Garcia