Equipment and Facilities

FACSAria cell sorter at Mayo Clinic's Flow Cytometry Core facility in Arizona.

Major instrumentation

BD LRS Fortessa

  • Equipped with five lasers: 355nm UV, 405nm Violet, 488nm Blue, 561nm Yellow-Green, 640nm Red.
  • Detects up to 18 colors simultaneously, exchange of filters available.
  • HTS Plate reader and autosampler.
  • FACSDiva software.

BD FACSymphony A3

  • Equipped with five lasers: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 637nm.
  • Enables simultaneous detection of up to 30 parameters and 23 colors.
  • FACSDiva software.

Cytek Aurora – Spectral Flow Cytometry

  • Equipped with five lasers: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 560nm and 635nm.
  • 64 detection channels for fluorescence, and three channels for scatter (blue laser FSC, blue laser SSC and violet laser SSC).
  • Capture for dyes emitting in the 365-829 nm range.
  • SpectroFlo software.

BD FACS Aria III Cell Sorter

  • 5-laser set up: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm.
  • 16-Color Detection: 3-Blue, 3-Red, 3-Violet, 2-UV, 5-Yellow Green.
  • 4-way sort available for 1.5mL microfuge and 5mL FACS tubes.
  • 2-way sort available for 15 mL falcon tubes.
  • 1-way sort available for plates (384, 96, 48, 24, 12 and 6-well plates).
  • Enclosed in a Class II Type A2 biosafety cabinet.


The Flow Cytometry Core works with research labs within Mayo Clinic's Arizona campus and the local community to ensure access to needed research equipment. In addition to Mayo Clinic labs, the core works with Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), Arizona State University and the University of Arizona. The core is located in the Samuel C. Johnson Medical Research Building at Mayo Clinic's campus in Scottsdale.