Specimen Processing Service Line

Specimen processing services provide researchers with access to world-class biorepositories — including highly curated and annotated Mayo Clinic Biobank specimens. Cores offer state-of-the-art biospecimens accessioning and processing, histology-related pathology services, and flow cytometry.

Biospecimens Accessioning and Processing Core

The Biospecimens Accessioning and Processing Core offers services for basic, translational and epidemiological research specimens, including:

  • Accessioning
  • Processing
  • Nucleic acid extraction
  • Tracking
  • Storage
  • Shipping

Read more about the Biospecimens Accessioning and Processing Core.

Pathology Research Core

The Pathology Research Core provides investigators with advanced histology-related services, including:

  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Tissue microarray construction
  • Digital imaging
  • Laser capture microdissection

Read more about the Pathology Research Core.

Flow Cytometry Core

Located on Mayo Clinic's campus in Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona, the Flow Cytometry Core offers access to:

  • Laser instrumentation capable of exciting dyes that require a 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 560nm or 633nm laser
  • A cell sorter capable of sorting human and other samples into tubes, slides or 96-well plates

Typical applications include apoptosis, cell cycle, immunophenotyping and protein expression. Facilities training, 24-hour access for trained users, experimental design guidance and setup assistance are available.

Read more about the Flow Cytometry Core.