Data Analytics Service Line

Mayo Clinic's data analytics services help researchers gather, analyze, interpret and disseminate all types of research data. Areas of expertise include data and free text data; data from genetic analysis, clinical trials, outcomes research, cost and utilization analyses, and population-based research; and interview-based and self-administered survey data.

Bioinformatics Core

The Bioinformatics Core leverages "omics" data (data based in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics) and employs natural language processing of free text data to deliver cutting-edge bioinformatics analysis and interpretation. The core's services help researchers focused on translational science and personalized medicine improve patient care by developing more-refined diagnoses and treatments.

Read more about the Bioinformatics Core.

Biostatistics Core

The Biostatistics Core supports researchers through all stages of the research process, including:

  • Study design and feasibility
  • Grant and protocol development
  • Data acquisition and collection
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Presentation of data through peer-reviewed publication

The core's services are useful in many types of research projects, such as genetic analysis, clinical trials, outcomes research, cost and utilization analyses, population-based research, and more.

Read more about the Biostatistics Core.

Survey Research Center

From initial consultations to choose the most efficient research method for the questions posed, through to implementation and interpretation, the Survey Research Center provides assistance with all aspects of survey research, design and data collection. Survey methodologies include both interview-administered surveys via telephone and self-administered surveys using web-based formats, paper and pencil, and scannable forms.

Read more about the Survey Research Center.