ACL injury

Displaying 13 studies

  • Ultrasound as Surrogate Diagnostic Tool for ACL Injury Rochester, MN

    Aim 1 of this project will be entirely cadaveric and, thus, classified as not-human-subjects research by the Mayo Clinic IRB. Eight fresh-frozen cadaveric lower extremities (no history of knee trauma; < 50 years of age) will be acquired from a vendor that has provided >50 specimens with similar criteria in the past three years.5 Specimens will be thawed 24 hours prior to testing. 3D musculoskeletal (MSK) US images of the ACL in the intact knee will be acquired with an Aixplorer Mach 30 (SuperSonic Imagine, Bothell, WA). Literature described imaging techniques from both the anterior and posterior aspect ...

  • Neuromuscular Intervention Targeted to Mechanisms of ACL Load in Athletes Rochester, MN; Minneapolis, MN

    The overall goal of this project is to reduce risk of second anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in vulnerable populations (active athletes between 14 = 24 years old) through the identification of relative injury risk groups based on subject-specific movement patterns prior to second injury, as well as through the determination of effect for differential rehabilitation protocols following initial ACL reconstruction and prior to return to sport. As nearly one-third of athletes who have a primary ACL injury and return to sport will experience a secondary injury, results from the proposed work will allow us to prospectively identify high risk ...

  • A Study Comparing the Results of Using Irradiated versus Non-Irradiated Grafts for ACL (Knee Ligament) Reconstruction Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical results from knee  reconstruction surgery with an irradiated versus a non-irradiated ligament graft.

  • STABILITY 2: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction +/- Lateral Tenodesis With Patellar vs Quad Tendon Rochester, MN

    The overall primary objective of this 21-site international randomized trial is to determine if graft type (QT, BPTB or HT) with or without a lateral extra-articular tenodesis (LET) will affect the rate of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) clinical failure 2 years after surgery.

  • A Study to Evaluate Low-Intensity Blood Flow Restriction Training to Improve Post-Operative Outcomes for ACL Reconstruction Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference between the Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) and SHAM-BFR groups in change in muscle diameter (hypertrophy) from 2 weeks pre-operative to 8-10 days post-operative.

  • Ultrasound as Surrogate Diagnostic Tool for ACL Injury Rochester, MN

    Aim 1 of this project will be entirely cadaveric and, thus, classified as not-human-subjects research by the Mayo Clinic IRB. Eight fresh-frozen cadaveric lower extremities (no history of knee trauma; < 50 years of age) will be acquired from a vendor that has provided >50 specimens with similar criteria in the past three years.5 Specimens will be thawed 24 hours prior to testing. 3D musculoskeletal (MSK) US images of the ACL in the intact knee will be acquired with an Aixplorer Mach 30 (SuperSonic Imagine, Bothell, WA). Literature described imaging techniques from both the anterior and posterior aspect ...

  • A Study of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Rehabilitation Rochester, MN; Minneapolis, MN

    The purpose of this study is to establish arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI) as a neural mechanism by examining the bilateral neuromotor drive of thigh musculature from AMI progression after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The study will also determine the inhibitory effect of aberrant proprioceptive afferents on quadriceps and hamstring motor output. Furthermore, this study will determine the efficacy of neurofeedback to induce central changes that provide peripheral benefits to muscle activation.

  • Feasibility Trial Using Imaging and Biochemical Technologies to Measure Knee Cartilage Composition in Acute ACL Injury Rochester, MN

    This study will evaluate the bio-mechanical and biochemical abnormalities in acute ACL-injured knees over time. Data will be collected through advanced quantitative MR imaging, functional testing, and bio-specimen collection. Researchers will collect this data from the time of baseline visit, which is within 28 days of injury, through the temporal sequence of post-operative or post-injury recovery and return to activity.

    The hypotheses for this study are (1) that T1ρ and T2 will be significantly elevated in the lateral side of ACL-injured knees immediately after injury (indicating damage caused by initial injury), and will not fully recover at 6-month, 1-year ...

  • A Study to Better Understand the Mechanisms that Can Cause Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) following Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rupture and ACL Reconstruction (ACLR) Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to better understand the mechanisms that can cause knee osteoarthritis (OA) following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture and ACL reconstruction (ACLR). Those who suffer an ACL injury have a dramatically increased risk of developing early onset knee OA compared to those who do not injure their ACL. While research has established a causal link between ACL injury and OA, the mechanism behind it is still unclear.

  • Comparing Perioperative Education Modalities for ACL Reconstruction on Patient Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, and Surgical Outcomes Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of multimodal perioperative educational resources including a typical preoperative consultation with the surgeon, this same consultation in conjunction with a concise, informative video, worksheet, and quiz, and this same consultation in conjunction with a one time in-person educational session with worksheet and quiz.


  • A Study to Evaluate Sex Disparities in Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition Rochester, MN

    Incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ruptures disproportionately affect female athletes at a rate 4-6 times greater than male counterparts. In addition, females have a reinjury rate 16 times that of healthy female controls and 4 times that of male ACL reconstruction (ACLR) counterparts. After ACL injury and throughout rehabilitation, a ubiquitous impairment that limits athlete progression to return to sport (RTS) is atrophy of the musculature surrounding the knee, termed arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI).The focus of the study is to develop an objective, reproducible, and reliable measure of neuromotor activation (directly correlated with AMI) and neuromuscular elicited muscle stiffness ...

  • A Study of Diagnostic Accuracy of The Mi-eye2™ Compared to Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Knee Arthroscopy Patients Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    The objective of this study is to investigate the clinical utility of the mi-eye 2™ device. This will be done by measuring the frequency with which the MRI and mi-eye 2™, respectively, change the Investigator’s primary diagnosis, confidence in diagnosis and management plan, in a routine clinical setting.

  • Collection of Surgical Waste Synovium Tissue and Waste Synovial Fluid from Elective Joint Aspirations Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to see if the inflammation in early stage arthritis can be cessated by changing synoviocyte-macrophage interactions in a way that macrophages do not get activated.


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