Protocol Development and Study Design

The Imaging and Analysis Core can assist with developing protocols and standard operating procedures for image acquisition and image analysis.

Image acquisition protocols include:

  • Minimum imaging requirements.
  • Imaging acquisition parameters and subject positioning.
  • Image submission requirements.

The core's standard operating procedures are step-by-step instructions for routine image analysis operations that are customized for each project.

We also offer research study design services for image acquisition and image analysis. For internal and external studies, we help with the collection, storage and analysis of anonymized imaging data used in translational PKD research and provide customized reporting for different imaging biomarkers.

Internal studies workflow

The laboratory requesting image analysis services is responsible for collecting, de-identifying and formatting the radiology images. Our team then processes the images using automated algorithms.

The outputs of these algorithms undergo a quality-review process usually performed by the requesting laboratory. Finally, we calculate the parameters of interest and send them to the requesting laboratory as a report.

For first-time users, we provide training, standard operating procedure materials, and software to perform the image retrieval, formatting and quality-control assessment.

External studies workflow

External studies can include one or multiple participant sites. Each site is responsible for image de-identification.

The images then undergo a quality-control process before they are sent for image analysis. We then generate the project-specific automated segmentations and perform the quality assessment and quantification of imaging biomarkers. Finally, we send a report with the calculated biomarkers to the external research organization.

Data collection

The Imaging and Analysis Core has an information system infrastructure that enables the transfer, storage, organization and management of PKD-related images. This open, easily accessible database allows participating investigators to correlate imaging data and results with a variety of genetic, pharmaceutical and clinical parameters.


Email us for more information about protocol development and study design services offered through the Imaging and Analysis Core.