Focus Areas

Research in the Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapeutics Program is focused on a wide range of clinically applicable topics, with the goal of improving patient care by developing novel approaches for immunosuppression, vaccination, modulation, reconstitution and monitoring. Faculty members lead innovative research programs focused on applying immunological approaches to a multitude of diseases and conditions.

Area of focus Researcher or laboratory
Aging and the immune system
Allergy Allergic Diseases: Hirohito Kita
Cancer genetics and immunity Larry R. Pease, Ph.D.
Cancer immunology
Cardiomyopathies Leslie T. Cooper, M.D.
Celiac disease Joseph A. Murray, M.D.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Robert Vassallo, M.D.
Diabetes Artificial Pancreas: Yogish C. Kudva
Diagnostic immunology
  • Amir A. Sadighi Akha, M.D., D.Phil.
  • David L. Murray, M.D., Ph.D.
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Andrew D. Badley
Inflammation and fibrosis Khashayarsha Khazaie, Ph.D.
Inflammatory bowel disease Immuno-Epigenetics: William A. Faubion Jr.
Lung fibrosis Ulrich Specks, M.D.
Lung remodeling Robert Vassallo, M.D.
Lung transplant Mark E. Wylam, M.D.
Melanoma Melanoma Research: Svetomir N. Markovic
Transplant Artificial Pancreas: Yogish C. Kudva
Vaccines Vaccine Research Group: Gregory A. Poland, Richard B. Kennedy, Inna G. Ovsyannikova