Metastatic melanoma

Dr. Markovic's lab studies how melanoma tumors and the immune system interact.


The Melanoma Research Laboratory of Svetomir N. Markovic, M.D., Ph.D., at Mayo Clinic focuses on developing novel treatments for metastatic melanoma, for which treatment options are currently limited.

These novel treatment modalities for metastatic melanoma include immunotherapy, chemotherapy and nanomedicines, used both individually and in combination.

Because melanoma is an immunogenic tumor, our lab is particularly interested in understanding the interaction of a patient's immune system and the tumor.

By understanding how melanoma tumors suppress the immune system in order to gain a growth advantage, our research team hopes to gather new insight that will help investigators more intelligently design new drugs or combine existing drugs for better treatment options.

The Melanoma Research Lab is affiliated with the Melanoma Research Program and the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center — Research.

About Dr. Markovic

A distinguished physician-scientist, Dr. Markovic has received numerous awards and recognitions during his career. In addition to being principal investigator of the Melanoma Research Lab, Dr. Markovic is an oncologist and a hematologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where he specializes in treating patients with advanced and metastatic melanoma, with a particular interest in immunologic therapy. Dr. Markovic is also a professor of medicine and a professor of oncology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.