
  1. Chao S, Weber W, Iserson KV, Goett R, Baker EF, McGuire SS, Bissmeyer P Jr, Derse AR, Kumar N, Brenner JM. Correction to "Best practice guidelines for evaluating patients in custody in the emergency department". J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2024 Jun; 5 (3):e13191 Epub 2024 May 26
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  2. Chao S, Weber W, Iserson KV, Goett R, Baker EF, McGuire SS, Bissmeyer P Jr, Derse AR, Kumar N, Brenner JM. Best practice guidelines for evaluating patients in custody in the emergency department. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2024 Apr; 5 (2):e13143 Epub 2024 Mar 22
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  3. McGuire SS, Keim A, Blakeney CA, Brand SI, Klassen AB, Luke A, Maher SA, Wood JM, Sztajnkrycer MD. Immediate Medical Care Rendered by US Law Enforcement Officers after Officer-Involved Shootings - An Open-Access Public Domain Video Analysis. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2023 Apr; 38 (2):168-173 Epub 2023 Mar 06
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  4. McGuire SS, Finley JL, Gazley BF, Mullan AF, Clements CM. The Team Is Not Okay: Violence in Emergency Departments Across Disciplines in a Health System. West J Emerg Med. 2023 Feb 1; 24 (2):169-177 Epub 2023 Feb 01
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  5. McGuire SS, Mullan AF, Clements CM. Workplace Violence in the Emergency Department: Case Study on Staff and Law Enforcement Disagreement on Reportable Crimes. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jun 2; 19 (11) Epub 2022 June 02
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  6. McGuire SS, Thaden JJ, Goyal DG, Kummer T. Cardiac Tamponade Caused by Gastrointestinal Obstruction-A Rare Complication in Esophagectomy Patients. CASE (Phila). 2022 Jun; 6 (4):173-177 Epub 2022 Feb 28
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  7. Stellpflug SJ, Weber W, Dietrich A, Springer B, Polansky R, Sachs C, Hsu A, McGuire S, Gwinn C, Strack G, Riviello R. Approach considerations for the management of strangulation in the emergency department. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2022 Apr; 3 (2):e12711 Epub 2022 Apr 16
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  8. McGuire SS, Gazley B, Majerus AC, Mullan AF, Clements CM. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workplace violence at an academic emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Mar; 53:285.e1-285.e5 Epub 2021 Sept 23
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  9. McGuire SS, Luke A, Klassen AB, Rentz L, Sztajnkrycer M. What Medics Want: Analysis of Feedback and Patient Follow-up Requests from Prehospital Providers at an Academic Emergency Department Annals of Emerg Med. Oct 2021; 78(4S):S5.
  10. McGuire SS, Luke A, Klassen AB, Myers LA, Mullan AF, Sztajnkrycer MD. It's Time to Talk to Prehospital Providers: Feedback Disparities among Ground-Based Emergency Medical Services Providers and its Impact on Job Satisfaction. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2021 Aug; 36 (4):486-494 Epub 2021 July 01
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  11. McGuire SS, Klassen AB, Mullan AF, Sztajnkrycer MD. A Survey of Tranexamic Acid Use by US Tactical Emergency Medical Support Providers. J Spec Oper Med. 2021 Summer; 21 (2):72-76
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  12. McGuire SS, Mullan AF, Clements CM. Unheard Victims: Multidisciplinary Incidence and Reporting of Violence in an Emergency Department. West J Emerg Med. 2021 May 07; 22(3):702-709.
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  13. McGuire SS, Klassen AB, Heywood J, Sztajnkrycer MD. Prevalence of COVID-19 IgG Antibodies in a Cohort of Municipal First Responders. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2021 Apr; 36 (2):131-134 Epub 2021 Jan 05
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  14. McGuire SS, Jones D, Paris P. The smallest red flag: A case of non-urologic urinary retention. EM Resident. 2020; 47(5):20-21.
  15. McGuire S, Woods E. Donkey Bite in an 11 year old female Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020.
  16. McGuire SS, Homme J. Eczema coxsackium in a dark-skinned patient. Vis J Emerg Med.. 2020; 20.
  17. Winder JS, Dudeck BS, Schock SS, Lyn-Sue JR, Haluck RS, Rogers AM. Radiographic improvement of hepatic steatosis after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Obes Surg.. 2017; 27(2):376-380.