
  1. Zand Irani M, Jones MP, Halland M, Herrick L, Choung RS, Saito Loftus YA, Walker MM, Murray JA, Talley NJ. Prevalence, symptoms and risk factor profile of rumination syndrome and functional dyspepsia: a population-based study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Dec; 54 (11-12):1416-1431 Epub 2021 Oct 09
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  2. Almazar AE, Penfield JD, Saito YA, Talley NJ. Survival Times of Patients With Menetrier's Disease and Risk of Gastric Cancer. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Apr; 19 (4):707-712 Epub 2020 Mar 14
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  3. Choung RS, Saito YA, Schleck CD, Harmsen WS, Zinsmeister AR, Murray JA, Talley NJ. The Natural History of Chronic Unexplained Gastrointestinal Disorders and Gastroesophageal Reflux During 20 Years: A US Population-Based Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Mar; 96 (3):563-576
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  4. Strege PR, Mercado-Perez A, Mazzone A, Saito YA, Bernard CE, Farrugia G, Beyder A. SCN5A mutation G615E results in NaV1.5 voltage-gated sodium channels with normal voltage-dependent function yet loss of mechanosensitivity. Channels (Austin). 2019 Dec; 13 (1):287-298
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  5. Almazar AE, Chang JY, Larson JJ, Atkinson EJ, Locke GR, Talley NJ, Saito YA. Comparison of Lactase Variant MCM6 -13910 C>T Testing and Self-report of Dairy Sensitivity in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2019 Jul; 53(6):e227-e231.
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  6. Saito YA, Almazar AE, Tilkes KE, Choung RS, Van Norstrand MD, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Talley NJ. Randomised clinical trial: pregabalin vs placebo for irritable bowel syndrome. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Feb; 49(4):389-397. Epub 2019 Jan 20.
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  7. Krajicek EJ, Almazar AE, Larson JJ, Atkinson EJ, Talley NJ, Saito YA. Early Infections and the Risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Case-Control Study. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2018 Nov/Dec; 52(10):896-901.
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  8. Dionne J, Ford AC, Yuan Y, Chey WD, Lacy BE, Saito YA, Quigley EMM, Moayyedi P. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Evaluating the Efficacy of a Gluten-Free Diet and a Low FODMAPs Diet in Treating Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol. 2018 Sep; 113 (9):1290-1300 Epub 2018 July 26
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  9. Chang JY, Almazar AE, Richard Locke G 3rd, Larson JJ, Atkinson EJ, Talley NJ, Saito YA. Quantifying Rome symptoms for diagnosis of the irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2018 Sep; 30(9):e13356. Epub 2018 Apr 27.
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  10. Ford AC, Moayyedi P, Chey WD, Harris LA, Lacy BE, Saito YA, Quigley EMM, ACG Task Force on Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. American College of Gastroenterology Monograph on Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jun; 113 (Suppl 2):1-18
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  11. Zinsmeister AR, Herrick LM, Saito Loftus YA, Schleck CD, Talley NJ. Identification and validation of functional gastrointestinal disorder subtypes using latent class analysis: a population-based study. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2018 May; 53 (5):549-558 Epub 2017 Nov 06
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  12. Strege PR, Mazzone A, Bernard CE, Neshatian L, Gibbons SJ, Saito YA, Tester DJ, Calvert ML, Mayer EA, Chang L, Ackerman MJ, Beyder A, Farrugia G. Irritable bowel syndrome patients have SCN5A channelopathies that lead to decreased NaV1.5 current and mechanosensitivity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2018 Apr 1; 314 (4):G494-G503 Epub 2017 Nov 22
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  13. Herrick LM, Camilleri M, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Saito YA, Talley NJ. Effects of Amitriptyline and Escitalopram on Sleep and Mood in Patients With Functional Dyspepsia. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Mar; 16 (3):401-406.e2 Epub 2017 Dec 01
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  14. Almazar AE, Talley NJ, Larson JJ, Atkinson EJ, Murray JA, Saito YA. Celiac disease is uncommon in irritable bowel syndrome in the USA. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Feb; 30 (2):149-154
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  15. Lacy BE, Saito YA, Camilleri M, Bouras E, DiBaise JK, Herrick LM, Szarka LA, Tilkes K, Zinsmeister AR, Talley NJ. Effects of Antidepressants on Gastric Function in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia. Am J Gastroenterol. 2018 Feb; 113 (2):216-224 Epub 2017 Dec 19
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  16. Saito YA, Locke GR, Almazar AE, Bouras EP, Howden CW, Lacy BE, DiBaise JK, Prather CM, Abraham BP, El-Serag HB, Moayyedi P, Herrick LM, Szarka LA, Camilleri M, Hamilton FA, Schleck CD, Tilkes KE, Zinsmeister AR, Talley NJ. Polymorphisms of 5-HTT LPR and GNß3 825C>T and Response to Antidepressant Treatment in Functional Dyspepsia: A Study from The Functional Dyspepsia Treatment Trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jun; 112(6):903-909. Epub 2017 Mar 14.
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  17. Herrick LM, Spalding WM, Saito YA, Moriarty J, Schleck C. A case-control comparison of direct healthcare-provider medical costs of chronic idiopathic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation in a community-based cohort. J Med Econ. 2017 Mar; 20 (3):273-279 Epub 2016 Nov 10
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  18. Raslau D, Herrick LM, Locke GR, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Almazar A, Talley NJ, Saito YA. Irritable bowel syndrome and the perinatal period: lower birth weight increases the risk. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2016 Oct; 28(10):1518-24. Epub 2016 May 18.
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  19. Moayyedi P, Quigley EM, Lacy BE, Lembo AJ, Saito YA, Schiller LR, Soffer EE, Spiegel BM, Ford AC. The Effect of Dietary Intervention on Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2015 Aug 20; 6 (8):e107
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  20. Talley NJ, Locke GR, Saito YA, Almazar AE, Bouras EP, Howden CW, Lacy BE, DiBaise JK, Prather CM, Abraham BP, El-Serag HB, Moayyedi P, Herrick LM, Szarka LA, Camilleri M, Hamilton FA, Schleck CD, Tilkes KE, Zinsmeister AR. Effect of Amitriptyline and Escitalopram on Functional Dyspepsia: A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Study. Gastroenterology. 2015 Aug; 149 (2):340-9.e2 Epub 2015 Apr 25
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  21. Halland M, Saito YA. Irritable bowel syndrome: new and emerging treatments. BMJ. 2015 Jun 18; 350:h1622 Epub 2015 June 18
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  22. Cho SY, Choung RS, Saito YA, Schleck CD, Zinsmeister AR, Locke GR 3rd, Talley NJ. Prevalence and risk factors for dysphagia: a USA community study. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2015 Feb; 27 (2):212-9 Epub 2014 Nov 06
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  23. Ford AC, Quigley EM, Lacy BE, Lembo AJ, Saito YA, Schiller LR, Soffer EE, Spiegel BM, Moayyedi P. Efficacy of prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics in irritable bowel syndrome and chronic idiopathic constipation: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2014 Oct; 109 (10):1547-61; quiz 1546, 1562 Epub 2014 July 29
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  24. Ford AC, Quigley EM, Lacy BE, Lembo AJ, Saito YA, Schiller LR, Soffer EE, Spiegel BM, Moayyedi P. Effect of antidepressants and psychological therapies, including hypnotherapy, in irritable bowel syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep; 109 (9):1350-65; quiz 1366 Epub 2014 June 17
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  25. Flanagan EP, Saito YA, Lennon VA, McKeon A, Fealey RD, Szarka LA, Murray JA, Foxx-Orenstein AE, Fox JC, Pittock SJ. Immunotherapy trial as diagnostic test in evaluating patients with presumed autoimmune gastrointestinal dysmotility. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2014 Sep; 26 (9):1285-97 Epub 2014 July 20
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  26. Moayyedi P, Quigley EM, Lacy BE, Lembo AJ, Saito YA, Schiller LR, Soffer EE, Spiegel BM, Ford AC. The effect of fiber supplementation on irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep; 109 (9):1367-74 Epub 2014 July 29
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  27. Ford AC, Moayyedi P, Lacy BE, Lembo AJ, Saito YA, Schiller LR, Soffer EE, Spiegel BM, Quigley EM, Task Force on the Management of Functional Bowel Disorders. American College of Gastroenterology monograph on the management of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic idiopathic constipation. Am J Gastroenterol. 2014 Aug; 109 Suppl 1:S2-26; quiz S27
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  28. Halland M, Almazar A, Lee R, Atkinson E, Larson J, Talley NJ, Saito YA. A case-control study of childhood trauma in the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2014 Jul; 26(7):990-8. Epub 2014 May 11.
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  29. Beyder A, Mazzone A, Strege PR, Tester DJ, Saito YA, Bernard CE, Enders FT, Ek WE, Schmidt PT, Dlugosz A, Lindberg G, Karling P, Ohlsson B, Gazouli M, Nardone G, Cuomo R, Usai-Satta P, Galeazzi F, Neri M, Portincasa P, Bellini M, Barbara G, Camilleri M, Locke GR, Talley NJ, D'Amato M, Ackerman MJ, Farrugia G. Loss-of-function of the voltage-gated sodium channel NaV1.5 (channelopathies) in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology. 2014 Jun; 146 (7):1659-1668 Epub 2014 Mar 05
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  30. Holliday EG, Attia J, Hancock S, Koloski N, McEvoy M, Peel R, D'Amato M, Agreus L, Nyhlin H, Andreasson A, Almazar AE, Saito YA, Scott RJ, Talley NJ, Holliday EG, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies two novel genomic regions in irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol.. 2014; 109(5):770-772.
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  31. Saito YA, Larson JJ, Atkinson EJ, Ryu E, Almazar AE, Petersen GM, Talley NJ. The role of 5-HTT LPR and GNß3 825C>T polymorphisms and gene-environment interactions in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Dig Dis Sci. 2012 Oct; 57(10):2650-7. Epub 2012 Aug 02.
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  32. Hellstrom PM, Saito YA, Bytzer P, Tack J, Mueller-Lissner S, Chang L. Characteristics of acute pain attacks in patients with irritable bowel syndrome meeting Rome III criteria. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jul; 106(7):1299-307. Epub 2011 Mar 29.
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  33. Choung RS, Ruff KC, Malhotra A, Herrick L, Locke GR 3rd, Harmsen WS, Zinsmeister AR, Talley NJ, Saito YA. Clinical predictors of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth by duodenal aspirate culture. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011 May; 33 (9):1059-67 Epub 2011 Mar 13
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  34. Saito YA. The role of genetics in IBS. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2011 Mar; 40 (1):45-67
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  35. Saito YA, Petersen GM, Larson JJ, Atkinson EJ, Fridley BL, de Andrade M, Locke GR 3rd, Zimmerman JM, Almazar-Elder AE, Talley NJ. Familial aggregation of irritable bowel syndrome: a family case-control study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr; 105 (4):833-41 Epub 2010 Mar 16
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  36. Saito YA, Mitra N, Mayer EA. Genetic approaches to functional gastrointestinal disorders. Gastroenterology. 2010 Apr; 138 (4):1276-85 Epub 2010 Feb 19
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  37. Saito YA, Rey E, Almazar-Elder AE, Harmsen WS, Zinsmeister AR, Locke GR, Talley NJ. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of St John's wort for treating irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010 Jan; 105(1):170-7. Epub 2009 Oct 06.
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  38. Saito YA, Talley NJ. AJG series: molecular biology for clinicians. Am J Gastroenterol. 2009 Oct; 104 (10):2583-7 Epub 2009 June 23
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  39. Saito YA, Strege PR, Tester DJ, Locke GR 3rd, Talley NJ, Bernard CE, Rae JL, Makielski JC, Ackerman MJ, Farrugia G. Sodium channel mutation in irritable bowel syndrome: evidence for an ion channelopathy. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2009 Feb; 296 (2):G211-8 Epub 2008 Dec 04
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  40. Saito YA. Genes and irritable bowel syndrome: is there a link? Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2008 Aug; 10 (4):355-62
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  41. Saito YA, Talley NJ. Genetics of irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Aug; 103 (8):2100-4; quiz 2105 Epub 2008 July 05
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  42. Saito YA, Zimmerman JM, Harmsen WS, De Andrade M, Locke GR 3rd, Petersen GM, Talley NJ. Irritable bowel syndrome aggregates strongly in families: a family-based case-control study. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2008 Jul; 20 (7):790-7
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  43. Camilleri M, Saito YA. Pharmacogenomics in gastrointestinal disorders. Methods Mol Biol. 2008; 448:395-412
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  44. Saito YA, Locke GR 3rd, Zimmerman JM, Holtmann G, Slusser JP, de Andrade M, Petersen GM, Talley NJ. A genetic association study of 5-HTT LPR and GNbeta3 C825T polymorphisms with irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2007 Jun; 19(6):465-70.
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  45. Saito YA, Camilleri M. Clinical application of pharmacogenetics in gastrointestinal diseases. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2006 Oct; 7(14):1857-69.
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  46. Saito YA, Talley NJ, de Andrade M, Petersen GM. Case-control genetic association studies in gastrointestinal disease: review and recommendations. Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Jun; 101(6):1379-89.
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  47. Andresen V, Camilleri M, Kim HJ, Stephens DA, Carlson PJ, Talley NJ, Saito YA, Urrutia R, Zinsmeister AR. Is there an association between GNbeta3-C825T genotype and lower functional gastrointestinal disorders? Gastroenterology. 2006 Jun; 130(7):1985-94.
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  48. Saito YA, Locke GR, Weaver AL, Zinsmeister AR, Talley NJ. Diet and functional gastrointestinal disorders: a population-based case-control study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Dec; 100 (12):2743-8
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  49. Saito YA, Petersen GM, Locke GR 3rd, Locke GR, Talley NJ. The genetics of irritable bowel syndrome. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005 Nov; 3 (11):1057-65
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  50. Saito YA, Fox JC. Management of Functional Abdominal Pain. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. 2004 Aug; 7 (4):279-290
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  51. Saito YA, Prather CM, Van Dyke CT, Fett S, Zinsmeister AR, Locke GR 3rd, Locke GR 3rd. Effects of multidisciplinary education on outcomes in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004 Jul; 2 (7):576-84
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  52. Saito YA, Talley NJ, J Melton L, Fett S, Melton LJ, Zinsmeister AR, Locke GR, Locke GR. The effect of new diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome on community prevalence estimates. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2003 Dec; 15 (6):687-94
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  53. Saito YA, Schoenfeld P, Locke GR. The epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome in North America: a systematic review. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Aug; 97 (8):1910-5
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  54. Kakar S, Burgart LJ, Charlton MR, Saito Y, Saito Y, Halling K, Thibodeau SN. Origin of adenocarcinoma in a transplanted liver determined by microsatellite analysis. Hum Pathol. 2002 Apr; 33 (4):435-6
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  55. Saito YA, Locke GR III, Talley NJ, Zinsmeister AR, Fett SL, Melton LJ 3rd. A comparison of the Rome and Manning criteria for case identification in epidemiological investigations of irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Oct; 95 (10):2816-24
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