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  2. Trentadue TP, Thoreson AR, Lopez C, Breighner RE, An KN, Holmes DR 3rd, Moran SL, Kakar S, Murthy NS, Leng S, Zhao KD. Detection of scapholunate interosseous ligament injury using dynamic computed tomography-derived arthrokinematics: A prospective clinical trial. Med Eng Phys. 2024 Jun; 128:104172 Epub 2024 Apr 27
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  3. Lin S, Reisdorf R, Lu CK, Wang Z, An KN, Moran SL, Amadio PC, Zhao C. Cell-based tissue engineered flexor tendon allograft: A canine in vivo study. J Orthop Res. 2024 Apr 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  6. Liu Q, Qi J, Zhu W, Thoreson AR, An KN, Steinmann SP, Zhao C. The Effect of Pulling Angle on Rotator Cuff Mechanical Properties in a Canine In Vitro Model. Bioengineering (Basel). 2023 May 17; 10 (5)
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  8. Dong C, Gingery A, Amadio PC, An KN, Moran SL, Zhao C. Apoptotic Body-Rich Media from Tenocytes Enhance Proliferation and Migration of Tenocytes and Bone Marrow Stromal Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 29; 23 (19) Epub 2022 Sept 29
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  9. Giambini H, An KN. Ultrasound Elastography for Hand Soft Tissue Assessment. Hand Clin. 2022 Feb; 38 (1):119-128
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  10. Zou D, Hu X, An KN, Dai K, Yu X, Gong W, Tsai TY. Distal Humeral Trochlear Geometry Associated With the Spatial Variation of the Dynamic Elbow Flexion Axis. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2022; 10:850198 Epub 2022 June 24
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  11. Uehara K, Zhao C, Gingery A, Thoreson AR, An KN, Amadio PC. The effect of fibrin formulation on cell migration in an in vitro tendon repair model. J Orthop Sci. 2021 Sep; 26 (5):902-907 Epub 2020 Aug 16
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  12. Werthel JD, Schoch BS, Hooke A, Sperling JW, An KN, Valenti P, Elhassan B. Biomechanical effectiveness of tendon transfers to restore active internal rotation in shoulder with deficient subscapularis with and without reverse shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 May; 30 (5):1196-1206 Epub 2020 Sept 09
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  13. Toyoshima Y, Zhou B, Kubo K, An KN, Moran SL, Zhang X, Amadio PC, Zhao C. A non-invasive technique for evaluating carpal tunnel pressure with ultrasound vibro-elastography for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: A pilot clinical study. J Biomech. 2021 Feb 12; 116:110228 Epub 2021 Jan 07
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  14. Thoreson AR, Rappaport PO, Yang TH, Reisdorf RL, Zhao C, An KN, Amadio PC. Calculation of flexor pollicis longus moment arm for wrist motion in a cadaver model validates the tenodesis effect for therapy. J Hand Ther. 2020 Oct - Dec; 33 (4):470-476 Epub 2019 Feb 18
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  15. Itoigawa Y, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Itoi E, An KN. Anchor placement to glenoid rim during Bankart repair recreates contact area of anterior capsulolabral complex on glenoid better than onto articular surface. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2020 Oct; 30 (7):1257-1262 Epub 2020 May 16
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  16. Liang T, Jiang HY, Li HT, Che YJ, Yang HL, An KN, Luo ZP. Early degeneration of the meniscus revealed by microbiomechanical alteration in a rabbit anterior cruciate ligament transection model. J Orthop Translat. 2020 Mar; 21:146-152 Epub 2019 Aug 08
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  17. Itoigawa Y, Hooke AW, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Zhao KD, Itoi E, An KN. Bankart repair alone in combined Bankart and superior labral anterior-posterior lesions preserves range of motion without compromising joint stability. JSES Int. 2020 Mar; 4 (1):63-67 Epub 2020 Jan 21
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  18. Berton A, Salvatore G, Giambini H, Ciuffreda M, Longo UG, Denaro V, Thoreson A, An KN. A 3D finite element model of prophylactic vertebroplasty in the metastatic spine: Vertebral stability and stress distribution on adjacent vertebrae. J Spinal Cord Med. 2020 Jan; 43 (1):39-45 Epub 2018 Feb 15
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  19. Moon JG, Shukla DR, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Stem Length and Neck Resection on Fixation Strength of Press-Fit Radial Head Prosthesis: An In Vitro Model. J Hand Surg Am. 2019 Dec; 44 (12):1098.e1-1098.e8 Epub 2019 May 14
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  20. Lu CC, Zhang T, Amadio PC, An KN, Moran SL, Gingery A, Zhao C. Lateral slit delivery of bone marrow stromal cells enhances regeneration in the decellularized allograft flexor tendon. J Orthop Translat. 2019 Oct; 19:58-67 Epub 2019 June 06
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  21. Lu CC, Zhang T, Reisdorf RL, Amadio PC, An KN, Moran SL, Gingery A, Zhao C. Biological analysis of flexor tendon repair-failure stump tissue: A potential recycling of tissue for tendon regeneration. Bone Joint Res. 2019 Jun; 8 (6):232-245 Epub 2019 July 05
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  22. Itoigawa Y, Hooke AW, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Zhao KD, Itoi E, An KN. The effect of subscapularis muscle contraction on coaptation of anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament-labrum complex after Bankart repair. J Biomech. 2019 Mar 6; 85:134-140 Epub 2019 Jan 22
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  23. Liu Q, Yu Y, Reisdorf RL, Qi J, Lu CK, Berglund LJ, Amadio PC, Moran SL, Steinmann SP, An KN, Gingery A, Zhao C. Engineered tendon-fibrocartilage-bone composite and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell sheet augmentation promotes rotator cuff healing in a non-weight-bearing canine model. Biomaterials. 2019 Feb; 192:189-198 Epub 2018 Oct 29
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  24. Shukla DR, Vanhees MKD, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Validation of a Simple Overlay Device to Assess Radial Head Implant Length. J Hand Surg Am. 2018 Dec; 43 (12):1135.e1-1135.e8 Epub 2018 June 08
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  25. Xu H, Shi L, Chen S, Zhang X, An KN, Luo ZP. Viscoelasticity measurement of ex vivo bovine cartilage using Lamb wave method. Phys Med Biol. 2018 Nov 28; 63 (23):235019
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  26. Bachman DR, Park S, Thaveepunsan S, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Joint Contact Changes With Undersized Prosthetic Radial Heads. J Orthop Trauma. 2018 Nov; 32 (11):e440-e444
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  27. Vanhees M, Shukla DR, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Anthropometric Study of the Radiocapitellar Joint. J Hand Surg Am. 2018 Sep; 43 (9):867.e1-867.e6 Epub 2018 Mar 24
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  28. Giambini H, Hatta T, Rezaei A, An KN. Extensibility of the supraspinatus muscle can be predicted by combining shear wave elastography and magnetic resonance imaging-measured quantitative metrics of stiffness and volumetric fat infiltration: A cadaveric study. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2018 Aug; 57:144-149 Epub 2018 July 03
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  29. Itoigawa Y, Maruyama Y, Kawasaki T, Wada T, Yoshida K, An KN, Kaneko K. Shear Wave Elastography Can Predict Passive Stiffness of Supraspinatus Musculotendinous Unit During Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair for Presurgical Planning. Arthroscopy. 2018 Aug; 34 (8):2276-2284
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  30. Bachman DR, Park SE, Thaveepunsan S, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Joint Contact Changes with Under-Sized Prosthetic Radial Heads. J Orthop Trauma. 2018 Jul 30 Epub 2018 July 30
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  31. Brandenburg JE, Eby SF, Song P, Bamlet WR, Sieck GC, An KN. Quantifying Effect of Onabotulinum Toxin A on Passive Muscle Stiffness in Children with Cerebral Palsy Using Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2018 Jul; 97 (7):500-506
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  32. Cheng YS, Zhou B, Kubo K, An KN, Moran SL, Amadio PC, Zhang X, Zhao C. Comparison of two ways of altering carpal tunnel pressure with ultrasound surface wave elastography. J Biomech. 2018 Jun 6; 74:197-201 Epub 2018 Apr 12
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  33. Jo S, Hooke AW, An KN, Trousdale RT, Sierra RJ. Contribution of the Ligamentum Teres to Hip Stability in the Presence of an Intact Capsule: A Cadaveric Study. Arthroscopy. 2018 May; 34 (5):1480-1487 Epub 2018 Feb 01
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  34. Wei Z, Reisdorf RL, Thoreson AR, Jay GD, Moran SL, An KN, Amadio PC, Zhao C. Comparison of Autograft and Allograft with Surface Modification for Flexor Tendon Reconstruction: A Canine in Vivo Model. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 Apr 4; 100 (7):e42
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  35. Shukla DR, Sahu DC, Fitzsimmons JS, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. The effect of a radial neck notch on press-fit stem stability: a biomechanical study on 7 cadavers. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Mar; 27 (3):523-529 Epub 2017 Nov 29
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  36. Salvatore G, Berton A, Giambini H, Ciuffreda M, Florio P, Longo UG, Denaro V, Thoreson A, An KN. Biomechanical effects of metastasis in the osteoporotic lumbar spine: A Finite Element Analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Feb 5; 19 (1):38 Epub 2018 Feb 05
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  37. Wanderman NR, Mallet C, Giambini H, Bao N, Zhao C, An KN, Freedman BA, Nassr A. An Ovariectomy-Induced Rabbit Osteoporotic Model: A New Perspective. Asian Spine J. 2018 Feb; 12 (1):12-17 Epub 2018 Feb 07
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  38. Morrey ME, Sanchez-Sotelo J, Lewallen EA, An KN, Grill DE, Steinmann SP, Yao JJ, Salib CG, Trousdale WH, Reina N, Kremers HM, Lewallen DG, van Wijnen AJ, Abdel MP. Intra-articular injection of a substance P inhibitor affects gene expression in a joint contracture model. J Cell Biochem. 2018 Feb; 119 (2):1326-1336 Epub 2017 Nov 20
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  39. Cheng YS, Reisdorf R, Vrieze A, Moran SL, Amadio PC, An KN, Zhao C. Kinetic analysis of canine gait on the effect of failure tendon repair and tendon graft. J Biomech. 2018 Jan 3; 66:63-69 Epub 2017 Nov 21
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  40. Kubo K, Cheng YS, Zhou B, An KN, Moran SL, Amadio PC, Zhang X, Zhao C. The quantitative evaluation of the relationship between the forces applied to the palm and carpal tunnel pressure. J Biomech. 2018 Jan 3; 66:170-174 Epub 2017 Nov 04
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  41. Giambini H, Hatta T, Gorny KR, Widholm P, Karlsson A, Leinhard OD, Adkins MC, Zhao C, An KN. Intramuscular fat infiltration evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging predicts the extensibility of the supraspinatus muscle. Muscle Nerve. 2018 Jan; 57 (1):129-135 Epub 2017 May 15
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  42. Kubo K, Zhou B, Cheng YS, Yang TH, Qiang B, An KN, Moran SL, Amadio PC, Zhang X, Zhao C. Ultrasound elastography for carpal tunnel pressure measurement: A cadaveric validation study. J Orthop Res. 2018 Jan; 36 (1):477-483 Epub 2017 Aug 14
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  43. Jorgensen JK, Thoreson AR, Stuart MB, Loyd A, Smith AM, Twardowski C, Gaz DV, Hollman JH, Krause DA, An KN, Stuart MJ. Interpreting oblique impact data from an accelerometer-instrumented ice hockey helmet Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology.2017;231:(4):307-316.
  44. Wang L, Thoreson AR, Trousdale RT, Morrey BF, Dai K, An KN. Radiographic cup anteversion measurement corrected from pelvic tilt. Med Eng Phys. 2017 Nov; 49:103-108 Epub 2017 Sept 06
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  45. Xu H, Chen S, An KN, Luo ZP. Near field effect on elasticity measurement for cartilage-bone structure using Lamb wave method. Biomed Eng Online. 2017 Oct 30; 16 (1):123
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  46. Cloud BA, Zhao KD, Ellingson AM, Nassr A, Windebank AJ, An KN. Increased Seat Dump Angle in a Manual Wheelchair Is Associated With Changes in Thoracolumbar Lordosis and Scapular Kinematics During Propulsion. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Oct; 98 (10):2021-2027.e2 Epub 2017 Mar 18
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  47. Hatta T, Giambini H, Itoigawa Y, Hooke AW, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Itoi E, An KN. Quantifying extensibility of rotator cuff muscle with tendon rupture using shear wave elastography: A cadaveric study. J Biomech. 2017 Aug 16; 61:131-136 Epub 2017 July 21
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  48. Matsuura Y, Rokkaku T, Suzuki T, Thoreson AR, An KN, Kuniyoshi K. Evaluation of Bone Atrophy After Treatment of Forearm Fracture Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis: A Comparative Study of Locking Plates and Conventional Plates. J Hand Surg Am. 2017 Aug; 42 (8):659.e1-659.e9 Epub 2017 May 26
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  49. Ben-Abraham EI, Chen J, Felmlee JP, Rossman P, Manduca A, An KN, Ehman RL. Feasibility of MR elastography of the intervertebral disc. Magn Reson Imaging. 2017 Jun; 39:132-137 Epub 2015 Dec 30
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  50. Eby SF, Zhao H, Song P, Vareberg BJ, Kinnick RR, Greenleaf JF, An KN, Brown AW, Chen S. Quantifying spasticity in individual muscles using shear wave elastography. Radiol Case Rep. 2017 Jun; 12 (2):348-352 Epub 2017 Feb 09
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  51. Muraki T, Yamamoto N, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Cofield RH, An KN. The effect of scapular position on subacromial contact behavior: a cadaver study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 May; 26 (5):861-869 Epub 2017 Jan 11
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  52. Wu JH, Thoreson AR, Gingery A, An KN, Moran SL, Amadio PC, Zhao C. The revitalisation of flexor tendon allografts with bone marrow stromal cells and mechanical stimulation: An ex vivo model revitalising flexor tendon allografts. Bone Joint Res. 2017 Mar; 6 (3):179-185
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  53. Sahu D, Fitzsimmons JS, Thoreson AR, An KN, O'Driscoll SW. Radiocapitellar contact characteristics during prosthetic radial head subluxation. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Jan; 26 (1):170-177 Epub 2016 Oct 07
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  54. Filius A, Thoreson AR, Ozasa Y, An KN, Zhao C, Amadio PC. Delineation of the mechanisms of tendon gliding resistance within the carpal tunnel. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2017 Jan; 41:48-53 Epub 2016 Dec 05
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  55. Ben-Abraham EI, Chen J, Felmlee JP, Rossman P, Manduca A, An KN, Ehman RL. Feasibility of MR elastography of the intervertebral disc Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2017; 39:132-7.
  56. Brandenburg JE, Eby SF, Song P, Kingsley-Berg S, Bamlet W, Sieck GC, An KN. Quantifying passive muscle stiffness in children with and without cerebral palsy using ultrasound shear wave elastography. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2016 Dec; 58 (12):1288-1294 Epub 2016 July 04
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  57. Eby S, Zhao H, Song P, Vareberg BJ, Kinnick R, Greenleaf JF, An KN, Chen S, Brown AW. Quantitative Evaluation of Passive Muscle Stiffness in Chronic Stroke. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016 Dec; 95 (12):899-910
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  58. Ernstbrunner L, Werthel JD, Hatta T, Thoreson AR, Resch H, An KN, Moroder P. Biomechanical analysis of the effect of congruence, depth and radius on the stability ratio of a simplistic 'ball-and-socket' joint model. Bone Joint Res. 2016 Oct; 5 (10):453-460
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  59. Hatta T, Giambini H, Hooke AW, Zhao C, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Yamamoto N, Itoi E, An KN. Comparison of Passive Stiffness Changes in the Supraspinatus Muscle After Double-Row and Knotless Transosseous-Equivalent Rotator Cuff Repair Techniques: A Cadaveric Study. Arthroscopy. 2016 Oct; 32 (10):1973-1981 Epub 2016 May 04
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  60. Itoigawa Y, Hooke AW, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Zhao KD, Yamamoto N, Itoi E, An KN. Repairing the Capsule to the Transferred Coracoid Preserves External Rotation in the Modified Latarjet Procedure. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016 Sep 07; 98 (17):1484-9
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  61. DeRouin A, Pacella N, Zhao C, An KN, Ong KG. A wireless sensor for real-time monitoring of tensile force on sutured wound sites Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 2016 Aug; 63: (8)1665-71.
  62. Zhao KD, Ben-Abraham EI, Magnuson DJ, Camp JJ, Berglund LJ, An KN, Bronfort G, Gay RE. Effect of off-axis fluoroscopy imaging on two-dimensional kinematics in the lumbar spine: a dynamic in vitro validation study Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-transactions Of The Asme. 2016 May; 138: (5)054502.
  63. Giambini H, Qin X, Dragomir-Daescu D, An KN, Nassr A. Specimen-specific vertebral fracture modeling: a feasibility study using the extended finite element method. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2016 Apr; 54 (4):583-93 Epub 2015 Aug 04
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  64. Omi R, Gingery A, Steinmann SP, Amadio PC, An KN, Zhao C. Rotator cuff repair augmentation in a rat model that combines a multilayer xenograft tendon scaffold with bone marrow stromal cells. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Mar; 25 (3):469-77 Epub 2015 Sept 19
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  65. Matsuura Y, Thoreson AR, Zhao C, Amadio PC, An KN. Development of a hyperelastic material model of subsynovial connective tissue using finite element modeling. J Biomech. 2016 Jan 4; 49 (1):119-122 Epub 2015 Oct 23
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  66. Yang TH, Lu SC, Lin WJ, Zhao K, Zhao C, An KN, Jou IM, Lee PY, Kuo LC, Su FC. Assessing Finger Joint Biomechanics by Applying Equal Force to Flexor Tendons In Vitro Using a Novel Simultaneous Approach. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (8):e0160301 Epub 2016 Aug 11
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  67. Hatta T, Giambini H, Zhao C, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Itoi E, An KN. Biomechanical Effect of Margin Convergence Techniques: Quantitative Assessment of Supraspinatus Muscle Stiffness. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (9):e0162110 Epub 2016 Sept 01
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  68. Mo J, Xu H, Qiang B, Giambini H, Kinnick R, An KN, Chen S, Luo Z. Bias of shear wave elasticity measurements in thin layer samples and a simple correction strategy. Springerplus. 2016; 5 (1):1341 Epub 2016 Aug 12
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  69. Rappaport PO, Thoreson AR, Yang T, Reisdorf RL, An K, Amadio PC. Effect of wrist and inter-phalangeal thumb movement on zone II flexor pollicis longus tendon tension in a human cadaver model Journal of Hand Therapy. 2016; 29: (3)361-2.
  70. Breighner R, Holmes DR 3rd, Leng S, An KN, McCollough C, Zhao K. Relative accuracy of spin-image-based registration of partial capitate bones in 4DCT of the wrist. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng Imaging Vis. 2016; 4 (6):360-367 Epub 2014 Aug 12
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  71. Hatta T, Giambini H, Sukegawa K, Yamanaka Y, Sperling JW, Steinmann SP, Itoi E, An KN. Quantified Mechanical Properties of the Deltoid Muscle Using the Shear Wave Elastography: Potential Implications for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (5):e0155102 Epub 2016 May 06
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  72. Chen Q, Wang HJ, Gay RE, Thompson JM, Manduca A, An KN, Ehman RE, Basford JR. Quantification of Myofascial Taut Bands. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016 Jan; 97 (1):67-73 Epub 2015 Oct 14
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  73. Ellingson AM, Shaw MN, Giambini H, An KN. Comparative role of disc degeneration and ligament failure on functional mechanics of the lumbar spine. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2016; 19 (9):1009-18 Epub 2015 Sept 24
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  74. Zhao C, Ozasa Y, Shimura H, Reisdorf RL, Thoreson AR, Jay G, Moran SL, An KN, Amadio PC. Effects of lubricant and autologous bone marrow stromal cell augmentation on immobilized flexor tendon repairs. J Orthop Res. 2016 Jan; 34 (1):154-60 Epub 2015 July 31
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  75. Matsuura Y, Kuniyoshi K, Suzuki T, Ogawa Y, Sukegawa K, Rokkaku T, Thoreson AR, An KN, Takahashi K. Accuracy of specimen-specific nonlinear finite element analysis for evaluation of radial diaphysis strength in cadaver material. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2015 Dec 10; 18(16):1811-7.
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  76. Hatta T, Giambini H, Uehara K, Okamoto S, Chen S, Sperling JW, Itoi E, An KN. Quantitative assessment of rotator cuff muscle elasticity: Reliability and feasibility of shear wave elastography. J Biomech. 2015 Nov 5; 48 (14):3853-8 Epub 2015 Oct 09
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  77. Uehara K, Zhao C, Gingery A, Thoreson AR, An KN, Amadio PC. Effect of Fibrin Formulation on Initial Strength of Tendon Repair and Migration of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Vitro. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Nov 4; 97 (21):1792-8
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  78. Giambini H, Dragomir-Daescu D, Huddleston PM, Camp JJ, An KN, Nassr A. The Effect of Quantitative Computed Tomography Acquisition Protocols on Bone Mineral Density Estimation. J Biomech Eng. 2015 Nov; 137 (11):114502
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  79. Ji X, Chen Q, Thoreson AR, Qu J, An KN, Amadio PC, Steinmann SP, Zhao C. Rotator cuff repair with a tendon-fibrocartilage-bone composite bridging patch. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2015 Nov; 30 (9):976-80 Epub 2015 July 04
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  80. Thoreson AR, Hiwatari R, An KN, Amadio PC, Zhao C. The Effect of 1-Ethyl-3-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl) Carbodiimide Suture Coating on Tendon Repair Strength and Cell Viability in a Canine Model. J Hand Surg Am. 2015 Oct; 40 (10):1986-91 Epub 2015 Aug 22
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  81. Yang TH, Thoreson AR, An KN, Zhao C, Conover CA, Amadio PC. PAPP-A affects tendon structure and mechanical properties. J Struct Biol. 2015 Oct; 192: (1)59-66.
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  82. Rappaport PO, Thoreson AR, Yang TH, Reisdorf RL, Rappaport SM, An KN, Amadio PC. Effect of wrist and interphalangeal thumb movement on zone T2 flexor pollicis longus tendon tension in a human cadaver model. J Hand Ther. 2015 Oct-Dec; 28: (4)347-54; quiz 355.
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  83. Wu JZ, Sinsel EW, Zhao KD, An KN, Buczek FL. Analysis of the constraint joint loading in the thumb during pipetting. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme. 2015 Aug; 137(8):084501.
  84. Qu J, Thoreson AR, An KN, Amadio PC, Zhao C. What is the best candidate allograft for ACL reconstruction? An in vitro mechanical and histologic study in a canine model. J Biomech. 2015 Jul 16; 48 (10):1811-6 Epub 2015 May 06
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  85. Willemot L, Thoreson A, Ryan Breighner Breighner, Hooke A, Verborgt O, An KN. Mid-range shoulder instability modeled as a cam-follower mechanism. J Biomech. 2015 Jul 16; 48 (10):2227-31 Epub 2015 Mar 31
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  86. Zhao K, Breighner R, Holmes D III, Leng S, McCollough C, An KN. A technique for quantifying wrist motion using four-dimensional computed tomography: approach and validation. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme. 2015 Jul; 137(7):074501.
  87. Ji X, Reisdorf RL, Thoreson AR, Berglund LR, Moran SL, Jay GD, An KN, Amadio PC, Zhao C. Surface Modification with Chemically Modified Synovial Fluid for Flexor Tendon Reconstruction in a Canine Model in Vivo. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Jun 17; 97 (12):972-8
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  88. Sun YL, Wei Z, Zhao C, Jay GD, Schmid TM, Amadio PC, An KN. Lubricin in human achilles tendon: The evidence of intratendinous sliding motion and shear force in achilles tendon. J Orthop Res. 2015 Jun; 33(6):932-7.
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  89. Wu J, Thoreson AR, Reisdorf RL, An KN, Moran SL, Amadio PC, Zhao C. Biomechanical evaluation of flexor tendon graft with different repair techniques and graft surface modification. J Orthop Res. 2015 May; 33 (5):731-7 Epub 2015 Mar 02
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  90. Qin TW, Sun YL, Thoreson AR, Steinmann SP, Amadio PC, An KN, Zhao C. Effect of mechanical stimulation on bone marrow stromal cell-seeded tendon slice constructs: a potential engineered tendon patch for rotator cuff repair. Biomaterials. 2015 May; 51:43-50 Epub 2015 Feb 17
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  91. Hooke AW, Pettersson K, Sagerfors M, An KN, Rizzo M. An anatomic and kinematic analysis of a new total wrist arthroplasty design. J Wrist Surg. 2015 May; 4 (2):121-7
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  92. Yang TH, Thoreson AR, Gingery A, Larson DR, Passe SM, An KN, Zhao C, Amadio PC. Collagen gel contraction as a measure of fibroblast function in an animal model of subsynovial connective tissue fibrosis. J Orthop Res. 2015 May; 33 (5):668-74 Epub 2015 Mar 18
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  93. Loyd AM, Berglund L, Twardowski CP, Stuart MB, Smith AM, Gaz DV, Krause DA, An KN, Stuart MJ. The most cut-resistant neck guard for preventing lacerations to the neck. Clin J Sport Med. 2015 May; 25 (3):254-9
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  94. Brandenburg JE, Eby SF, Song P, Zhao H, Landry BW, Kingsley-Berg S, Bamlet WR, Chen S, Sieck GC, An KN. Feasibility and reliability of quantifying passive muscle stiffness in young children by using shear wave ultrasound elastography. J Ultrasound Med. 2015 Apr; 34 (4):663-70
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  95. Willemot LB, Eby SF, Thoreson AR, Debeer P, Victor J, An KN, Verborgt O. Iliac bone grafting of the intact glenoid improves shoulder stability with optimal graft positioning. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015 Apr; 24 (4):533-40 Epub 2014 Nov 12
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  96. Qu J, van Alphen NA, Thoreson AR, Chen Q, An KN, Amadio PC, Schmid TM, Zhao C. Effects of trypsinization and mineralization on intrasynovial tendon allograft healing to bone. J Orthop Res. 2015 Apr; 33 (4):468-74 Epub 2015 Jan 21
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  97. Filius A, Thoreson AR, Wang Y, Passe SM, Zhao C, An KN, Amadio PC. The effect of tendon excursion velocity on longitudinal median nerve displacement: differences between carpal tunnel syndrome patients and controls. J Orthop Res. 2015 Apr; 33 (4):483-7 Epub 2015 Feb 17
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