
Dr. Benzo has received research funding for his Mindful Breathing Lab from a variety of organizations, including most recently the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Recent grants

Investigator & Role Grant Title Funding Source Duration
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., co-mentor Individualizing Steroid Use in Pneumonia National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (K23HL 168212-1) 06/01/2023 - 05/31/2028
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., co-investigator Pretransplant Health Coaching to Improve Patient-Reported Outcomes in Lung Transplant Candidates National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R61/R33HL 158811-2) 05/01/2023 - 04/30/2027
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., co-principal investigator Pilot Clinical Trial of a Home-Based Program of Rehabilitation with Health Coaching to Improve Outcomes in Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Patients Mayo Clinic - Decentralized Clinical Trials 08/01/2023 - 07/31/2026
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., principal investigator Increasing Adherence to Pulmonary Rehabilitation After COPD-Related Hospitalizations National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R33 HL142933-5) 09/01/2020 - 08/31/2024
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., co-principal investigator An Adaptable Platform to Promote Patient Health Through Adherence to Treatment and Prevention National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R43HL 170802-1) 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., principal investigator Mechanistic Effects of Health Coaching to Reduce COPD Hospitalizations National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (K24 HL138150-5) 05/01/2018 - 04/30/2024
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., principal investigator A Lifestyle Program for Comorbid Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Severe Obesity National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R43HL 162131-1) 09/01/2022 - 03/31/2024
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., principal investigator A Home-Based Intervention to Promote Mindful Breathing Awareness Through Pursed-Lip Breathing Training for COPD Patients National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (R44 AT09665-4) 06/15/2020 - 03/30/2024
Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., principal investigator Home-Based Rehabilitation for COPD National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01HL 140486-5) 03/05/2018 - 01/31/2024