Dr. Athreya and lab member discuss formulas, charts written on window Artificial intelligence and digital health for well-being and precision medicine

In the era of digital and omics health, the Athreya lab is developing engineering ecosystems to advance precision medicine.


Mayo Clinic's Health Engineering and Analytics Laboratory (HEAL) builds new, unique, end-to-end computer engineering systems for well-being and precision medicine. To generate data that inspires system development, the HEAL team designs new digital and decentralized clinical studies with meaningful patient-engagement strategies. The developed systems use omics and behavioral, familial history, and societal factors to individualize predictions of short-term and long-term health or treatment outcomes.

The laboratory thrives on close, multidisciplinary collaborations with clinicians, such as psychiatrists and gastroenterologists, as well as nurse scientists, geneticists, laboratory medicine experts and bioethicists. In all studies, the research team investigates barriers that prevent technology and digital health from promoting equitable health care for all at the individual, community and global levels.

While HEAL's engineering and analytic operations are based at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, the lab carries out its studies across the enterprise.


HEAL is affiliated with these Mayo Clinic research areas:

About Dr. Athreya

Arjun P. Athreya, Ph.D., M.S., was an inaugural research fellow of the Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance for Technology-Based Healthcare under the mentorship of Liewei Wang, M.D., Ph.D., Richard Weinshilboum, M.D., and William V. Bobo, M.D., M.P.H. He also was a fellow of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois.

Facets of Dr. Athreya's doctoral research received honors from engineering, health care and life-science communities. These include the Rambus Award for Excellence in Computer Engineering at Illinois, the Presidential Trainee Award, and the Jason Morrow Award from the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.